
硕士英语综合教程(上 第2版)

硕士英语综合教程(上 第2版)






  《硕士英语综合教程(上册 第2版)》以课文和练习为核心,共有10个单元,每单元课文分为A、B、C三篇,其中A篇包括课文、词汇和练习,用于教师课堂教学;B篇包括课文与练习,用于研究生自主学习;C篇为扩展阅读,用于提高研究生的英语阅读量。《硕士英语综合教程(上册 第2版)》旨在提高研究生的英语综合运用能力,主要供非英语专业硕士研究生使用,同时也适用于具有中高级英语水平的读者。
暂缺《硕士英语综合教程(上 第2版)》作者简介
Unit 1 Innovation Strategy
Text A You Need Innovation Strategy (1)
Text B You Need Innovation Strategy (2)
Text C Why Some Innovation Tournaments Succeed and Others Fail
Unit 2 Low-Carbon Economy
Text A Creating a Low-Carbon Economy
Text B Living a Low-Carbon Lifestyle
Text C Financing the Transition to a Low-Carbon Economy
Unit 3 Culture Shock057
Text A The Rotary Youth Exchange Experience: Culture Shock
Text B Understanding Interpersonal Relationships in the Chinese Context
Text C Changing Places: A Study of Chinese Students in the UK
Unit 4 Artificial Intelligence
Text A The Future of Artificial Intelligence
Text B Revenge of the Nerds
Text C Demystifying the Black Box That Is AI
Unit 5 Success and Happiness
Text A The Assessor of Success (Adapted)
TextB Why Were Happy
Text C The Pursuit of Happiness
Unit 6 Urban Life
Text A How the City Hurts Your Brain, and What You Can Do about It
Text B The New Age Cavemen and the City
Text C Growing Cities: How to Expand in a Sustainable and Integrated Way?
Unit 7 New Applications of Waste Materials
Text A Not Just for Tree Huggers
Text B Going Green
Text C Reducing, Reusing, and Recycling
Unit 8 Car Culture
Text A Cars——Paradise Found and Paradise Lost
Text B The Birth of the American Auto Industry
Text C Americas Love Affair with Cars
Unit 9 World Cultural Heritage
Text A Heaps of History
Text B Terracotta Army
Text C Cities Investing in Heritage and Everyday Culture in Greece and Cyprus: Turning Citizens in Active Participants Rather than Passive Viewers
Unit 10 Famous Persons
TextA Louis Pasteur
Text B Autobiography of John E Nash
Text C A Life in Science: Stephen Hawking
