
商务英语听力 4

商务英语听力 4






  《商务英语听力(4)》共12个单元。前1 1个单元围绕主题进行听力训练,每个单元设计热身活动、基础技能训练、主题听力训练、课后拓展及诊断式测验5个环节;第12单元为总复习测试单元,旨在对学生听力技能进行综合考查。本册作为听力综合实践篇,话题主要集中在商务文化知识领域,选材契合商务活动真实场景,篇章更有深度。练习设计注重对学生思维能力和跨文化交际能力的培养,引导学生融合语言技能和商务技能,题目更具有挑战性。
暂缺《商务英语听力 4》作者简介
Unit 1 Recruitment
Part Ⅰ Warming-up
Part Ⅱ Skill Building
Part Ⅲ Focus on Listening
Task 1 How Companies Recruit?
Task 2 Employment Opportunities for Graduates
Task 3 The 7 C's
Part Ⅳ Research After Class
Evaluation Test
Unit 2 Staff Training and Development
Part Ⅰ Warming-up
Part Ⅱ Skill Building
Part Ⅲ Focus on Listening
Task 1 Job Orientation
Task 2 Partnership and Team Building
Task 3 Time to Move On?
Part Ⅳ Research After Class
Unit 3 Customer Satisfaction
Part Ⅰ Warming-up
Part Ⅱ Skill Building
Part Ⅲ Focus on Listening
Task 1 How to Satisfy a Customer
Task 2 Customer Satisfaction Is Public Relations
Task 3 Satisfaction Service Delivery
Part Ⅳ Research After Class
Evaluation Test
Unit 4 E-business and Privacy Protection
Part Ⅰ Warming-up
Part Ⅱ Skill Building
Part Ⅲ Focus on Listening
Task 1 The Development of E-business
Task 2 Data Protection and Online Privacy
Task 3 The Difference Between Amazon and Alibaba's Business Models
Part Ⅳ Research After Class
Evaluation Test
Unit 5 Research and Development
Part Ⅰ Warming-up
Part Ⅱ Skill Building
Part Ⅲ Focus on Listening
Task 1 What Is Research and Development ( R&D) in Business Field?
Unit 6 Outsourcing and Offshoring
Unit 7 Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A)
Unit 8 Intellectual Property Rights
Unit 9 Corporate Culture and Ethics
Unit 10 Cross-cultural Differences
Unit 11 Global Economic Prospects
Unit 12 Review
