
GRE作文题库北美范文精讲 精选Issue和Argument共95篇范文 备考宝典(第2版)

GRE作文题库北美范文精讲 精选Issue和Argument共95篇范文 备考宝典(第2版)






  张雷冬,北京新东方学校国外考试部教学与研究专家,清华大学建筑学院工学硕士。 2001年加入新东方,主讲GRE逻辑与分析性写作,以思路清晰、逻辑严密见长。长期一线教学的丰富经验使其对中国学生在备考GRE写作过程中的主要问题和需求有着深入的了解,同时也以一套独特而有效的GRE写作分析和应对策略形成了自己较为完善的教学方法,深受广大学员的喜爱。

第一章 GRE写作方法指导
PART Ⅰ Issue写作思路及要点 1
PART Ⅱ Argument写作思路及要点 24
第二章 Issue例文分析
PART I?科技类(Science & Technology, ST)例题 39
【ST1】Should scientists ensure their research benefits most people? 39
【ST2】Will human minds always be superior to machines? 42
【ST3】Governmental funding on research which has unclear consequences 45
【ST4】The primary goal of technological advancement 48
【ST5】Innovative technologies and process of real learning 50
PART Ⅱ 教育类(Education, E)例题 53
【E1】The necessity of a national curriculum 53
【E2】“Interests vs. practicality” when choosing a field of study 56
【E3】Should society identify and train children with special talents? 58
【E4】Should students always question what they are taught? 61
【E5】Should educators teach concepts before facts? 63
【E6】Praising positive actions vs. ignoring negative ones 66
【E7】Is knowledge from various fields required to become truly educated? 69
【E8】Should parents be involved in their local schools? 71
【E9】Should colleges specify all required courses? 74
PART Ⅲ?社会类(Social, S)例题 77
【S1】Are scandals useful? 77
【S2】Is questioning authority beneficial for wellbeing of a society? 80
【S3】Should laws be flexible enough? 82
【S4】Heroes and the character of a society 85
【S5】Do luxuries prevent us from becoming strong and independent? 87
【S6】Selfdefinition and social groups 90
【S7】Media scrutiny and individual reputation 92
【S8】Do worthy ends justify any means? 95
【S9】Human responsibility to save endangered species 97
【S10】Are being committed to an idea and being critical of it mutually exclusive? 100
【S11】Can people’s hearts or minds be legislated? 102
【S12】Image vs. the truth behind it 105
【S13】What determines people’s behavior? 108
【S14】Should modern development be given precedence over preservation? 110
【S15】Instilling young people the sense of cooperation to prepare them for leadership 113
【S16】 The responsibility of a corporation: promoting the wellbeing of the society vs.
profitability 115
PART IV?政治类(Political, P)例题 118
【P1】Governmental financial support for major cities to preserve cultural traditions 118
【P2】Pursuing reasonable consensus vs. ideals for politicians 121
【P3】Withholding information vs. letting public fully informed 123
【P4】Funding arts vs. fulfilling basic needs 126
【P5】Public official and ethical standards 129
【P6】Effective leaders: yielding to public opinion vs. commitment to particular principles  132
【P7】The surest indicator of a nation’s greatness 134
PART V?认知类(intelligence, I)例题 137
【I1】The necessity of discourse among people for progress 137
【I2】Who is capable of determining an individual’s greatness? 140
【I3】Do we learn more from people who have similar views as our own? 143
【I4】Is understandable to most people a necessity for art to have merit? 145
【I5】Are many important discoveries and creations accidental? 148
【I6】The main benefit of historical study 151
【I7】Should we mistrust all socalled facts? 153
【I8】Imagination vs. experience 156
【I9】Do scientific discoveries make the world more comprehensible or more mysterious? 159
【I10】Can the work in any given field only be judged by inside experts? 161
【I11】Can studying the past help us make decision today? 164
【I12】Outside expertise and the advancements in a field of study 166
第三章 Argument例文分析
PART I Assumption写作要求的例题 169
【A1】Argument 4 Choosing real estate firm 169
【A2】Argument 31 Are new electric generation plants necessary? 173
【A3】Argument 42 Boycotting CCC’s copper products 176
【A4】Argument 51 Who caused the extinction of mammals on the Kaliko Islands? 180
【A5】Argument 52 Whirlwind’s new strategy and video game sales 183
【A6】Argument 60 Organized sports for Parkville’s children 186
【A7】Argument 71 How to improve Hopewell’s economy 190
【A8】Argument 80 The reading habits of Waymarsh citizens 193
【A9】Argument 83 Choosing site for Health Naturally’s new store 196
【A10】Argument 102 Programming format shift of KNOW radio station 199
【A11】Argument 122 Saving water at the Sunnyside Towers 202
【A12】Argument 137 Lifestyles of Forsythe citizens 205
【A13】Argument 140 Should Grove College keep its allfemale tradition? 207
PART II Evidence写作要求的例题 210
【E1】Argument 12 Student evaluation system at Omega University 210
【E2】Argument 13 Speed limits in Prunty County 213
【E3】Argument 29 Funding education in Blue City and Parson City 216
【E4】Argument 35 Transopolis’ urban renewal plan 219
【E5】Argument 36 Shall Sartorian resume its alpaca overcoats production? 222
【E6】Argument 38 Diet rich in dairy products and osteoporosis 225
【E7】Argument 40 Replenishing the sand on Tria’s beach 227
【E8】Argument 41 West Egg’s landfill 230
【E9】Argument 45 Shall we choose Clearview to retire? 233
【E10】Argument 47 Cure insomnia by lavenderscented pillows 236
【E11】Argument 68 The effects of corporate downsizing 239
【E12】Argument 76 Amphibian decline in Xanadu National Park 242
【E13】Argument 84 The elimination of gazelles in Western Preserve 244
【E14】Argument 119 The benefits of the Easy Read SpeedReading Course 247
【E15】Argument 127 Driver’s education at Centerville High School 249
【E16】Argument 163 The effect of highintensity lighting in the city of Amburg 252
PART Ⅲ Question写作要求的例题 255
【Q1】Argument 3 Banning skateboarding in Central Plaza 255
【Q2】Argument 69 The need for regulation on milk price in Batavia 258
【Q3】Argument 70 Prospect of Old Dairy stock 261
【Q4】Argument 73 Political cover stories and sales of Newsbeat magazine 264
【Q5】Argument 74 Potential hazard of Promofood’s cans of tuna 266
【Q6】Argument 99 Worker safety at Butler Manufacturing 269
【Q7】Argument 105 New strategies for Movies Galore 271
【Q8】Argument 133 Homework assignments and academic performance 274
【Q9】Argument 144 Marketing strategy of Bargain Brand Cereals 276
【Q10】Argument 151 Moped accidents on Balmer Island 278
【Q11】Argument 156 A jazz club for Monroe 281
【Q12】Argument 160 Membership in the Committee for a Better Oak City 284
【Q13】Argument 162 Appian vs. Good Intentions in paving access roads 286
【Q14】Argument 165 Seafood trend in Bay City 289
PART IV Alternative explanation写作要求的例题 292
【AE1】Argument 2 The function of cortisol 292
【AE2】Argument 15 Should Happy Pancake House replace butter by margarine? 295
【AE3】Argument 85 Does the relaxed pace of life promote better health in Leeville? 298    

