







  《大学英语阅读教程》从书共分为四册,《大学英语阅读教程 1》( English Reading for College 1)题型难度与大学英语四级考试难度相当。本书语料所选素材均是近三年来近期新的英文材料,题材包括健康、科技、教育、法律、食品安全、农业、心理学、生活、职场以及求职面试技巧和智能化办公等生活工作的指导性文章。话题既生动活泼,又极具知识性和趣味性。题型设计接近遵从大学英语四六级考试的题型要求,实用性极强。Section A 为选词填空题,Section B 为段意匹配题,文章长度为800-1000词左右,Section C为两篇350-450词的短文,为深度阅读选择题。三个部分题型设计由易到难,循序渐进。
Unit 1
Section A
How Many Hours Should a Good Student Study per Week?
Section B
How Well Is English Spoken Worldwide?
Section C
Scientists Appeal to Reduce Carbon Emission on the Arctic(北极)
Hero Worship
Unit 2
Section A
The Value of Science
Section B
Breakfast Around the World
Section C
A Spe Way to Trace Criminals
A Generation Gap (代沟)
Unit 3
Section A
Overwhelming Development of Knowledge
Section B
Napping May Improve Learning and Memory
Section C
Measures on Economic Welfare
Digital Technology and Mental Processes
Unit 4
Section A
Not Enough Exercise Leads to Sickness
Section B
Families in the U. S. Are Changing
Section C
Poor Situation of Railway Lines in England
Unit 5
Section A
How Old Is Too Old to Go Trick-or-treating?
Section B
Phone Apps May Soon Predict Teen Depression
Section C
A Lesson from Part-time Jobs
Concerns about New Offerings of Technology
Unit 6
Section A
Differences Between Brits and Americans on Dating
Section B
Questions to Ask before You Marry
Section C
A Successful Solution to Reduce Traffic Accidents
Repeated New Year Resolutions
Unit 7
Section A
Gender and Clothing
Section B
Americans Who Gave Up Passports Tell Why
Section C
New Meaning of the Terms Well and Wellness
Debates on Death Penalty (死刑)
Unit 8
Section A
Meeting Culture in Different Countries
Section B
South Korean Women Object to Beauty Pressure
Section C
The Nature of the Scientific Attitude
Unsolved Mysteries
Unit 9
Section A
Americans Approve of Gene Editing(基因编辑) Only for Health
Section B
People Showing Concern about Disappearing Plant Life
Section C
Americans Should Pay More Attention to Other Cultures
Graduation Speeches
Unit 10
Section A
Eating Together
Section B
The History of Laser(激光)
Section C
Limited Knowledge of Physical Sciences
Characteristics of Modern Relationships
Unit 11
Section A
US City Bans Texting while Walking
Section B
Views on Tattoos
Section C
The Formula for Happiness
Sixty-five Is Not a Cliff's Edge
Unit 12
Section A
Forests May Be a Solution to Hunger
Section B
Should You Have the Right-to-die?
Section C
Holiday Traditions
Unhealthy Sleepers
Unit 13
Section A
What Makes Chickens Happy?
Section B
Old Style Parenting Starts Debate
Section C
Effective Reading
Punctuality Is Not Always Desired
Unit 14
Section A
Many Good Insects Are Disappearing
Section C
The Unhappy Way
Section C
How to Succeed in International Trade?
Children Need Room to Grow
Unit 15
Section A
Conflicting Values Between the Young and the Elders
Section B
Paper--More than Meets the Eye
Section C
More Teens Volunteer to Public Service
Rats Will Soon Be Man's New Best Friends
