







  《大学英语阅读教程 1》题型难度与大学英语四级考试难度相当。本书语料所选素材均是近三年来近期新的英文材料,题材包括健康、科技、教育、法律、食品安全、农业、心理学、生活、职场以及求职面试技巧和智能化办公等生活工作的指导性文章。话题既生动活泼,又极具知识性和趣味性。题型设计接近遵从大学英语四六级考试的题型要求,实用性极强。Section A 为选词填空题,Section B 为段意匹配题,文章长度为800-1000词左右,Section C为两篇350-450词的短文,为深度阅读选择题。三个部分题型设计由易到难,循序渐进。
Unit 1
Section A
The Elderly in American Culture
Section B
What Does Ageing Bring?
Section C
Situations of Poor Farmers and Poor Countries
Internet in Education
Unit 2
Section A
How to Reduce Meat Consumption?
Section B
Prepare Yourself for a Better TOEFL Score
Section C
The Solution to Global Warming
Protecting Your Privacy
Unit 3
Section A
How to Grow Old?
Section B
One Method for Controlling Emotions and Stress
Section C
Advantages of Advertising
Functions of the Office
Unit 4
Section A
Justice Was Done
Section B
Making Student Jobs More Meaningful
Section C
Guidelines for Cross-border Job Hunting
Unequal Distribution of Income in the U.S.
Unit 5
Section A
Most American Adults Liked Math and Science Classes
Section B
Promoting Gender Equality with Teaching Strategies
Section C
Is the World's Environment Healthy?
Intellect and Intelligence
Unit 6
Section A
Why Does Aging Happen?
Section B
U.S. College Students Missing Meals to Drink More Alcohol
Section C
We're Always on the Way to Scientific Truth
A Comparison of Preschool Education Between America and Japan
Unit 7
Section A
Noisy Environment Does a Lot of Harm on Health
Section B
Economist Says Key to Success--Finishing College in Four Years
Section C
Office Politics Are Proper in the Workplace
Skills of Negotiation
Unit 8
Section A
Degradation(退化) of Human Organs
Section B
Can Computer Programs Help Students and Teachers?
Section C
Language Training Is Becoming More Important in International Trading
The Key to Find a Job
Unit 9
Section A
Animation (动画片) Drawings
Section B
Mindfulness and Teaching
Section C
The American Revolution
Factors That Affect Wealth Production of a Country
Unit 10
Section A
The Effects of Different Colors
Section B
Transcription Can Improve English Listening Skills
Section C
The Damage of Radiation(辐射)
Albert Einstein
Unit 11
Section A
Can You Tell Real Laughter Apart from Fake Laughter?
Section B
Air Pollution Reduces Intelligence
Section C
The Marketing Concept
Discussion about Economic Growth
Unit 12
Section A
Your Eye Colour Might Affect Your Mood
Section B
A Change of Heart
Section C
Most-favored Nation
Unit 13
Section A
The Concept of 10,000 Steps a Day
Section B
Bad Marriage, Bad Health
Section C
Human-resource Management in America
Lying about College Degrees
Unit 14
Section A
Four Tips to Live Happily
Section B
For Children, the Digital World Is Good and Bad
Section C
The Causes of Poverty and It's Solutions
Keeping Away from Sunburn
Unit 15
Section A
One Method to Select a Candidate
Section B
Camping Is Good for Your Brain
Section C
Policies on Agriculture
Hunting for a Job on the Internet
