
新时代的中国人 梦想照亮生活:盲人穆孟杰和他的特教学校(英)

新时代的中国人 梦想照亮生活:盲人穆孟杰和他的特教学校(英)






  丛书围绕中国特色社会主义新时代主题,以鲜活、丰富的素材,讲述中国人奋发图强报效祖国,实现人生价值和追逐“中国梦”的故事,对外展现中国人的精神风貌和文化价值观,让世界多维度了解中国人,理解中国的发展变化,为向世界更好展示中国提供一个窗口、一个视角。尤其是在当下,中国面临来自外部的压力时,对外出版中国人自强不息的奋斗故事更加具有特别的意义。丛书*辑包括9个分册,包括《天梯之上:乡村老师李桂林和陆建芬夫妇》《梦想照亮生活:盲人穆孟杰和他的特教学校》《阳光大姐:家政服务的故事》《国家书房:金兴安和*家农家书屋》《星系我心:著名航天工程技术专家孙家栋》《袁隆平的世界》《种子钟扬:一个新时代奋斗者的人生答卷》《心有大我至诚报国:黄大年》《传奇学人林毅夫》,各分册以英文出版。眼睛看不见,心可以看见。本书讲述盲人穆孟杰从流浪学艺,到创办特教学校的感人经过,反映了中国残疾人事业的发展,展现了中国残疾人努力创造美好未来的远大理想和高尚追求。本书通过残疾人励志故事,展示中国残疾人事业发展成就。This book recounts the life experience of Mu Mengjie, a blind man who ventured out into the world at the age of 13 to make a living through performing storytelling on the streets. Later in life, he returned home and established a special education school for the visually impaired. The school welcomed anyone who had a visual impairment, never charging them a penny. Mengjie never had even one day of formal schooling. With a pure kind heart, Mengjie is just one ordinary peasant in China who continues to bring joy and hope to many people with visual impairments as well as their families.
  李朝全,中国作协报告文学委员会委员、中国报告文学学会副会长。著有纪实文学《好的时代》《国家书房》《梦想照亮生活》《世纪知交——巴金与冰心》,曾获庄重文文学奖、中国人口文化奖。Li Chaoquan is a member of the Reportage Committee of the Chinese Writers Association and vice-chairman of the China Reportage Society. He has published documentary literature works including The Best Era, Jin Xing’an and the First Farmers’ Book House, Dream Lights up Life and Century Friendship – Ba Jin and Bing Xin. He is the winner of the Zhuang Chongwen Literature Award and the China Population Culture Award.
Preface The Dream of a Blind Man
Chapter One The Students 
The Campus 
Happy Birds
Listening to Life 
An Optimistic and Cheerful Girl 
Family at Home Classmates at School 
The Lingering Phoenix 
The Thirsty Kid 
Chapter Two The Faculty 
The Discipline Director 
The Blind Should Help Each Other 
The Blind Teacher 
The Lady Teacher with Beautiful Eyes
Chapter Three Family Support 
“Big Mu” 
“Little Mu” 
“Nan Mu” 
Chapter Four Venturing Out with a Bamboo Stick 
Falling into Darkness 
“I Want to Go to School” 
Study outside the Classroom 
Venturing Outside at 13 
The First 19-yuan Earning 
Seeking Teachers 
Missing an Opportunity to Attend School 
A Narrow Escape from the Snow 
Thrown Into the Fields 
Trading Skills 
A Caring Nanny 
Needles Thrown Everywhere 
Psychology Consultation 
Chapter Five Meeting His True Love 
Detained for a Night 
Future Brother-in-law 
A Marriage Begins
A Marriage That Shocked Two Counties 
Chapter Six Establishing the School 
A Divorce Avoided 
A Family with More Than One Blind Man 
Building a School for Individuals with Visual Impairments 
Too Diffi cult for Individuals with Visual Impairments 
“I Want to Die” 
Help from the Visually Impaired 
A Dream Comes True 
Table of Contents
Chapter Seven A Prosperous Future 
Free for Those Who Are Willing 
Psychological Counseling for Freshmen 
Mengjie, the Instructor of Every Course 
Walking a Child Out of the Shadows 
Personal Mentoring 
“I Will Run a School of My Own” 
“6 2 Teaching Method” 
A New Crisis
National Honor 
Chapter Eight “I Have a Bigger Dream”
Free for All 
Help Floods in 
Praised on State TV 
A Dream of “Century-old Prestigious School” 
