







Unit 1
Part I Listening Comprehension
Video 1 How Young Blood Might Help Reverse Aging
Video 2 Cancer Genomics and Precision Medicine in the 21 st Century
Listening 1 The Prevention of Cancer
Listening 2 Using Risk Models for Breast Cancer Prevention
Part II Reading Comprehension
Text A Nutrition in Public Health: An Unfinished Story
Text B Lessons Learned in Controlling the Burden of Malnutrition
Part III Oral Practice
Practice 1 Clinical Inquiry--Department of Cardiology
Practice 2 International Conference--Beginning and Ending a Speech
Practice 3 Oral English for Culture and on So Occasions--Conference Enrollment
Unit 2
Part I Listening Comprehension
Video 1 How to Prevent Alzheimer Disease?
Video 2 Speech at the 8th International Conference on Head and Neck Cancer
Listening 1 Learn to Raise Questions (1)
Listening 2 Learn to Raise Questions (2)
Part II Reading Comprehension
Text A Comparison between Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Western Medicine in the Treatment of Diabetes
Text B Evaluating Risk of Babesia Infection in the United States, Using CMS and CDC Data Mikhail Menis
Part III Oral Practice
Practice 1 Clinical Inquiry--Department of Gastroenterology
Practice 2 International Conference---Raising and Answering a Question
Practice 3 Oral English for Culture and on So Occasions--Airport Pick-up and Hotel Accommodation
Unit 3
Part I Listening Comprehension
Video 1 The Wireless Future of Medicine
Video 2 One More Reason to Get a Good Night's Sleep
Listening 1 The Potential of Regenerative Medicine
Listening 2 Learn to Raise Questions (3)
Part II Reading Comprehension
Text A Diabetes and Deafness--Is It Sufficient to Screen for the Mitochondrial 3243A>G Mutation Alone?
Text B Prevalence of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) and Its Outcomes in Jammu Region
Part III Oral Practice
Practice 1 Clinical Inquiry--Department of Respiratory System
Practice 2 International Conference---Discussion and Showing Comments
Practice 3 Oral English for Culture and on So Occasions--Chinese Scenic Spots and Historical Sites
Unit 4
Part I Listening Comprehension
Video 1 The Presentation on Influenza Vaccines
Video 2 Introduction to Trials and Analyses of Some Common Diseases
Listening 1 Study. Stop-Smoking Aid Ups Cardiovascular Risks
Listening 2 Study Links Everyday Chemicals to Obesity
Part II Reading Comprehension
Text A Address at the WHO Congress on Traditional Medicine
Text B Address at Opening Ceremony of 9th Global Conference on Health Promotion
Part III Oral Practice
Practice 1 Clinical Inquiry--Case Report on Gastric Carcinoma
Practice 2 International Conference--Opening Remarks and Introducing Lecturers
Practice 3 Oral English for Culture and on So Occasions--Basic Understanding of a City
Unit 5
Part I Listening comprehension
Video 1 A Clinical Research about the Influence of Protandim on Cancer
Video 2 Yoav Medan: Ultrasonic Surgery-Noninvasive Healing
Listening 1 Accelerate Expansion of Antiretroviral Therapy to All People Living with HIV: WHO
Listening 2 Kidney Calculus
Part II Reading Comprehension
Text A The Prevention of Infection-Associated Cancers
Text B Considerations for Clinical Evaluation of Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) Vaccine Candidates in RSV-naive Infants
Part III Oral Practice
Practice 1 Clinical Inquiry--Department of Pediatrics
Practice 2 International Conference--Introducing a Conference and Making Requests to the Audience
Practice 3 Oral English for Culture and on So Occasions--Traditional Chinese Art Occasion: Traditional Chinese Art
Unit 6
Part I Listening Comprehension
Video 1 Beyond Inclusion--Women and Clinical Trials
Video 2 The Problem with Race-Based Medicine
Listening 1 Mechanism of Painkillers
Listening 2 Side-effect of Drugs on Females
Part II Reading Comprehension
Text A Case No. 154: 32-year-old Computer Software Engineer with Nodular Mass in the Liver (1)
Text B Case No. 154: 32-year-old Computer Software Engineer with Nodular Mass in the Liver (2)
Part III Oral Practice
Practice 1 Clinical Inquiry--Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics
Practice 2 International Conference--Announcing a Break and Closing Ceremony
Practice 3 Oral English for Culture and on So Occasions--Wine Culture and Dining Etiquette
Unit 7
Part I Listening Comprehension
Video 1 Cancer Cure
Video 2 Medical Inventions
Listening 1 To Cure Alzheimer's
Listening 2 Long-term Delivery of Monoclonal Antibodies with Potent Neutralizing Activity against, a Broad Range of HIV Isolates
IPart II Reading Comprehension
Text A More than 100 Million Americans Have Diabetes or Prediabetes--Lifestyle Changes Can Prevent Full-blown Disease
Text B So Sciences and Malnutrition
IPart III Oral Practice
Practice 1 Clinical Inquiry--Department of Urology
Practice 2 International Conference---Soliciting Comments and Limiting Time
Practice 3 Oral English for Culture and on So Occasions--Tea Culture
Unit 8
Part I Listening Comprehension
Video 1 Speech at the Sixty-eighth World Health Assembly
Video 2 How Does Nervous System Work?
Listening 1 Surgery's Past, Present and Robotic Future
Listening 2 Color-coded Surgery
Part II Reading Comprehension
Text A Diesel Oil Vapor Inhalation. Risk Factor for Heart Attack
Text B Heart Rate Variability Applied to Short-Term Cardiovascular Event Risk Assessment
Part III Oral Practice
Practice 1 Clinical Inquiry--Operating Room
Practice 2 International Conference---Acceptant Speech and Congratulations
Practice 3 Oral English for Culture and on So Occasions--Buddhism
