







Chapter 1 General Introduction
1.1 Definition of Translation
1.2 Classification of Translation
1.3 History of Translation
1.3.1 Translation in the Western World
1.3.2 Translation in China
1.4 Trend of Translation Studies
1.5 Prerequisites for Translators
1.6 Principles or Criteria of Translation
Chapter 2 Process and Methods of Translation
2.1 Process of Translation
2.1.1 Comprehension
2.1.2 Expression
2.1.3 Revision
2.2 Methods of Translation
2.2.1 Literal Translation and Free Translation
2.2.2 Foreignization and Domestication
2.2.3 Transliteration
Chapter 3 Contrastive Studies Between English and Chinese
3.1 On Lexical Level
3.2 On Sentence Level
3.2.1 Synthetic vs Analytic
3.2.2 Subject vs Topic
3.2.3 Impersonal vs Personal
3.2.4 Static vs Dynamic
3.2.5 Active vs Passive
3.2.6 Hypotactic vs Paratactie
3.2.7 Substitution vs Repetition
3.2.8 Complex vs Simplex
3.2.9 Abstract vs Concrete
3.2.10 Indirect vs Direct
3.3 On Text Level
Chapter 4 Translation Techniques
4.1 Diction
4.1.1 Word Meanings (Conceptual Meaning, Stylistic Meaning,Linguistic Meaning and Pragmatic Meaning)
4.1.2 Choice of Word Meanings
4.2 Repetition
4.2.1 Repetition in E-C Translation
4.2.2 Repetition in C-E Translation
4.3 Amplification
4.3.1 Amplification in E-C Translation
4.3.2 Amplification in C-E Translation
4.4 Omission
4.4.1 Omission in E-C Translation
4.4.2 Omission in C-E Translation
4.5 Conversion
4.5 . 1 Conversion in E-C Translation
4.5.2 Conversion in C-E Translation
4.6 Inversion
4.6.1 Inversion in E-C Translation
4.6.2 Inversion in C-E Translation
4.7 Negation
4.7.1 Negation in E-C Translation
4.7.2 Negation in C-E Translation
4.8 Change of Voices
4.8.1 Change of Voices in E-C Translation
4.8.2 Change of Voices in C-E Translation
4.9 Division
4.9.1 Division in E-C Translation
4.9.2 Division in C-E Translation
4.10 Combination
4.10.1 Combination in E-C Translation
4.10.2 Combination in C-E Translation
Chapter 5 Translation of Long Sentences
5.1 Steps in Translating Long Sentences
5.2 Methods of Translating Long Sentences
5.2.1 E-C Translation of Long Sentences
5.2.2 C-E Translation of Long Sentences
Chapter 6 Translation of Titles of Books and Articles
6.1 Translation of Titles of English Articles
6.2 Translation of Titles of Chinese Articles
6.3 Translation of Titles of English Books
6.4 Translation of Titles of Chinese Books
Chapter 7 Translation and Culture
7.1 Disparity in Western and Chinese Culture
7.2 Translation of Idioms
7.3 Translation of Chinese Dish Names
7.4 Advertising Translation
7.5 Translation of Tourism Writing
Reference Answers to Exercises
Appendix Ⅰ Table on English-Chinese Transliteration(英汉译音表)
Appendix Ⅱ Chinese Phonetic Alphabet and Wade System(汉语拼音和威妥玛式拼音法音节对照表)
