丛书围绕中国特色社会主义新时代主题,以鲜活、丰富的素材,讲述中国人奋发图强报效祖国,实现人生价值和追逐“中国梦”的故事,对外展现中国人的精神风貌和文化价值观,让世界多维度了解中国人,理解中国的发展变化,为向世界更好展示中国提供一个窗口、一个视角。尤其是在当下,中国面临来自外部的压力时,对外出版中国人自强不息的奋斗故事更加具有特别的意义。丛书*辑包括9个分册,包括《天梯之上:乡村老师李桂林和陆建芬夫妇》《梦想照亮生活:盲人穆孟杰和他的特教学校》《阳光大姐:家政服务的故事》《国家书房:金兴安和*家农家书屋》《星系我心:著名航天工程技术专家孙家栋》《袁隆平的世界》《种子钟扬:一个新时代奋斗者的人生答卷》《心有大我至诚报国:黄大年》《传奇学人林毅夫》,各分册以英文出版。本书从林毅夫的成长经历、求学生涯、学术成就等多方面,讲述林毅夫从军校学生到企管硕士,从北大学生到诺贝尔奖得主关门弟子,从海归经济学博士到充满农民情结的经济学家,再到世行首席经济学家的传奇人生。林毅夫获颁改革先锋奖章。他的经历是中国发展模式和制度优势的“奥秘”的重要见证和诠释,也是中国走进世界舞台中央的生动注脚。In Justin Yifu Lin’s legendary life, there have been several important turning points, each of which has not only changed the course of his life dramatically, but also enriched his knowledge and broadened his minds and professional horizons. Lin dropped out of university to study at a military college in Taiwan 40 years before. Just as everything in his life seemed to be as perfect as it could be, he took a huge risk swimming across the Taiwan Strait to the mainland. Afterwards he studied at Peking University, the University of Chicago, and Yale University. After coming back to China as an overseas returnee, he spent decades with a swimming athlete’s tenacity working on the Three Rural Issues and promoting the New Countryside Movement in China. In 2008, at the age of 56, Lin became Senior Vice President and Chief Economist of the World Bank and continued to put into practice his dream of “serving the wellbeing of people all over the world”.
刘世英,《总裁读书会》电视访谈节目创始人、CEO,财经传记作家,长期致力于财经人物和企业案例研究,著有《谁认识马云》《杨伟光的央视岁月》《我在央视当台长》等作品。Liu Shiying, founder and CEO of the TV interview programme WinnerBook Club and a biographer of influential thinkers in economics and finance, has long been dedicated to case studies on successful entrepreneurs and enterprises. His works include Who Knows Jack Ma, Yang Weiguang’s Years at CCTV, and When I am the Director of CCTV – Yang Weiguang in His Own Words.
Preface A Legendary Chinese Economist Who Belongs to the World
Chapter One A Risky “Jump” from Smaller Self to Bigger Self
A Top Student Who Dropped out of School to Join the Army
Missing of the Star Offi cer
Name Changed: From Lin Zhengyi to Lin Yifu
Chapter Two Further Studies in Mainland China and in the United States
A Student of “Unknown Origin” Enrolled by Peking University
The Last Doctoral Student of Theodore W. Schultz
Chapter Three An Intelligent Economist and His Immeasurable Contributions in Agricultural Economics
His Heart Is Tied to China’s Farmers
The Localized Study of Economic Issues
Chapter Four Marching Forward at Peking University
Establishment of CCER
The Notable Debates in Langrun Garden
A Great Teacher
Chapter Five Justin Yifu Lin: One of China’s Most Influential Economic Advisors
An Economic Advisor to China’s Top Leadership
A Dedicated Explorer of China’s Agricultural Economics
An Academic Star Devoted to Diagnosing China’s Economy
Chapter Six An Optimistic and Wise Explorer of China’s Future
“Optimism Is My Habitual Attitude”
“Exploration is My Constant Mission”
Lin’s Incisive Diagnosis of China’s Economic Development
Chapter Seven New Career at the World Bank
The First Chinese on the Marshall Lectures
A “Historic Decision” Made by the World Bank
First Step into the World Bank: A Busy Vice President
New Measures in Response to the Financial Crisis
Challenges for China’s Economy
Composure towards Crises and Disasters
Nobel Prize: Chinese Economists’ Aspiration
Chapter Eight “How I Long for Reunion!”
Chen Yunying, His Soul Mate of Life
Long Journey Home
The Initiator for Cross-strait Interactions