
当代医学英语综合教程Ⅲ(医学人文 第2版 专门用途英语)

当代医学英语综合教程Ⅲ(医学人文 第2版 专门用途英语)






暂缺《当代医学英语综合教程Ⅲ(医学人文 第2版 专门用途英语)》作者简介
Chapter 1 Self-Renewal and Keepins Up to Date
Section I Audio-visual Comprehension
Is Your Doctor Keeping Up to Date?
The Future Is Ours to Win
The Story of a 79-year-old Man
Section II Theme Reading
On Self-Renewal
Section III Extension Reading
Ability, Aspirations Fine, But Persistence Is What Gets Results
Section IV Language Practice
Vocabulary Application
Sentence Completion
Passage Translation
Writing and Oral Presentation
Chapter 2 Humanism in Medical Trainincl
Section I Audio-visual Comprehension
Overworked, Overtired
Are Tired Docs Hurting Patients?
Teaching Doctors to Listen
Section II Theme Reading
Behind The White Coat
Section III Extension Reading
Are Medical Residents Worked Too Hard?
Section IV Language Practice
Vocabulary Application
Sentence Completion
Passage Translation
Writing and Oral Presentation
Chapter 3 Life and Death: End-of-Life Care
Section I Audio-visual Comprehension
End-of-Life Decisions
End-of-Life Care
The Right to Die
Section II Theme Reading
Seeking a Better Way to Die
Section III Extension Reading
Frank Talk about Care at Lifes End
Section IVi Language Practice
Vocabulary Application
Sentence Completion
Passage Translation
Writing and Oral Presentation
Chapter 4 Doctor-Patient Relationship in an Information Age
Section I Audio-visual Comprehension
Checking Out Your M.D.
Doctor & Patient Annoyances
Going Undercover
Section II Theme Reading
Whats Wrong with Doctor-Patient Relationship?
Section III Extension Reading
Treating Patients as Partners, by Way of Informed Consent
Section IV Language Practice
Vocabulary Application
Sentence Completion
Passage Translation
Writing and Oral Presentation
Chapter 5 Medical Advances and Social Progress
Section I Audio-visual Comprehension
The Pill 50 Years Later
The Pill Changes Womens Life for Better
How One Womans Cells Changed Medicine
Section II Theme Reading
The Evolving Relationship between Surgery and Medicine
Section III Extension Reading
The Pill Turns 50
Section IVI Language Practice
Vocabulary Application
Sentence Completion
Passage Translation
Writing and Oral Presentation
Chapter 6 Scientific Research and Research Ethics
Section I Audio-visual Comprehension
Fraudulent Research Exposed
Medical Research in Question
Cloning Scientist Indicted
Section II Theme Reading
The Ethical Conduct of Scientific Research
Section III Extension Reading
Global Trend: More Science, More Fraud
Section IV Language Practice
Vocabulary Application
Sentence Completion
Passage Translation
Writing and Oral Presentation
Chapter 7 Medicine, Politics and laws
Section I Audio-visual Comprehension
A Fighting Chance
Terri Schiavo s Case
Politics at the Heart of Stem Cell Matters
Section II Theme Reading
Schiavos Case May Reshape American Law
Section IIIi Extension Reading
The Real Lessons of Stem Cells
Section IV Language Practice
Vocabulary Application
Sentence Completion
Passage Translation
Writing and Oral Presentation
Chapter 8 Beinc3 A True Medical Professional
Section I Audio-visual Comprehension
