







Passage 1 Utilization of Traditional Medicine in China
Passage 2 Introduction to Medicinal Plants (Extract)
Chapter One Species of Medicinal Plants Resources
1.1 Species of Medicinal Plants Resources in China
Passage 1 Traditional Herbs of China
Passage 2 Medicinal Plants from China
1.2 Species of Medicinal Plants Resources in Other Countries
Passage 1 Introduction of Medicinal Plants Species with the Most Traditional Usage in Alamut Region
Passage 2 Medicinal Plants List Ten Common Species in North America
Chapter Two Distribution of Medicinal Plants
2.1 Distribution of Medicinal Plants Resources in the World
Passage 1 Predicting the Distributions of Egypts Medicinal Plants and Their Potential Shifts Under Future Climate Change (Part 1)
Passage 2 Predicting the Distributions of Egypts Medicinal Plants and Their Potential Shifts Under Future Climate Change (Part 2)
2.2 Natural Distribution of Medicinal Plants Resources in China
Passage 1 Colonization and Diversity of AM Fungi by Morphological Analysis on Medicinal Plants in Southeast China (Extract)
Passage 2 The Ability of Nature Reserves to Conserve Medicinal Plant Resources: A Case Study in Northeast China (Extract)
2.3 General Situation of Medicinal Plants Resources in Administrative Regions of China
Passage 1 Plant Resources of Sichuan (Part
Passage 2 Plant Resources of Sichuan (Part 2)
2.4 Regionalization of Chinese Medicinal Plants Resources
Passage 1 Regionalization of Chinese Material Medical Quality Based on Maximum Entropy Model: A Case Study of Atractylodes Lancea (Part 1)
Passage 2 Regionalization of Chinese Material Medical Quality Based on Maximum Entropy Model. A Case Study of Atractylodes Lancea (Part 2)
Chapter Three Reserves of Medicinal Plants Resources
3.1 Concept of Medicinal Plants Resources Reserves
Passage 1 Conservation of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants in Brazil (Extract)
Passage 2 Conservation Issues
3.2 Reserves of Main Medicinal Plants Resources
Passage 1 Notable Chinese Medicinal Plants
Passage 2 Predicting the Global Potential Distribution of Four Endangered Panax Species in Middle-and Low-Latitude Regions of China by the Geographic Information System for Global Medicinal Plants (Extract)
Chapter Four Resources Chemistry of Medicinal Plants
4.1 An Overview
Passage 1 Chemical Markers for the Quality Control of Herbal Medicines: An Overview (Part 1)
Passage 2 Chemical Markers for the Quality Control of Herbal Medicines: An Overview (Part 2)
4.2 Brief Introduction to Chemical Constituents of Medicinal Plants Resources
Passage 1 Evaluation of Chemical Constituents and Important Mechanism of Pharmacological Biology in Dendrobium Plants (Part 1)
Passage 2 Evaluation of Chemical Constituents and Important Mechanism of Pharmacological Biology in Dendrobium Plants (Part 2)
4.3 Main Biosynthetic Pathway and Research Examples of Chemical Constituents of Medicinal Plants Resources
Passage 1 Exploring Drug Targets in Isoprenoid Biosynthetic Pathway for Plasmodium Falciparum (Extract)
Passage 2 Traditional Uses, Chemical Constituents, and Biological Activities of Bixa Orellana L.A Review (Extract)
Chapter Five Evaluation of Medicinal Plant Resources
5.1 Quality Evaluation of Medicinal Plant Resources
Passage 1 Species Specific DNA Sequences and Their Utilization in Identification of Viola Species and Authentication of \
