







Unit 1 Business
Part One Lead-in Activities
Part Two Knowledge-based Learning
Text A Fundamentals of Business
Part Three Task-based Learning
Text B A History of Business in the United States
Part Four General Learning
Text C Start a Service Business
Todays Quotes
Todays Tips
Unit 2 Management
Part One Lead-in Activities
Part Two Knowledge-based Learning
Text A The Practices of Successful Managers
Part Three Task-based Learning
Text B Reactive Management or
Predictive Management?
Part Four General Learning
Text C The Difference Between
Management & Leadership
Todays Quotes
Todays Tips
Unit 3 Companies
Part One Lead-in Activities
Part Two Knowledge-based Learning
Text A Companies
Part Three Task-based Learning
Text B Should You Go E-Commerce?
Part Four General Learning
Text C The Organizational Structure
Todays Quotes
Todays Tips
Unit 4 Products
Part One Lead-in Activities
Part Two Knowledge-based Learning
Text A What Is a Product?
Part Three Task-based Learning
Text B The View of Products by the Japanese
Part Four General Learning
Text C Frito-Lay, Fritos & Lays
Todays Quotes
Todays Tips
Unit 5 Service Industry
Part One Lead-in Activities
Part Two Knowledge-based Learning
Text A Service Operations
Part Three Task-based Learning
Text B Services: What Are They, Anyway?
Part Four General Learning
Text C Singapores Services Sector
Todays Quotes
Todays Tips
Unit 6 Advertising
Part One Lead-in Activities
Part Two Knowledge-based Learning
Text A Advertising
Part Three Task-based Learning
Text B Should Advertisement Be Banned
Part Four General Learning
Text C The Societal Role
Todays Quotes
Todays Tips
Unit 7 Career Development
Part One Lead-in Activities
Part Two Knowledge-based Learning
Text A Developing a Strategic Career Plan
Part Three Task-based Learning
Text B Career Planning Process
Part Four General Learning
Text C Story of Jerry Kan
Todays Quotes
Todays Tips
Unit 8 Communication Skills
Part One Lead-in Activities
Part Two Knowledge-based Learning
Text A Better Communication:Why and How?
Part Three Task-based Learning
Text B Case Study of Communication
Part Four General Learning
Text C Cultural Differences in
Nonverbal Messages
Todays Quotes
Todays Tips
Unit 9 Business Environment
Part One Lead-in Activities
Part Two Knowledge-based Learning
Text A Business Environment
Part Three Task-based Learning
Text B What Is Your Environment?
Part Four General Learning
Text C Cultural Awareness
Todays Quotes
Todays Tips
Unit 10 Economic Systems
Part One Lead-in Activities
Part Two Knowledge-based Learning
Text A Economic Systems
