
赖世雄中级美语(上 美语从头学)

赖世雄中级美语(上 美语从头学)






  《赖世雄中级美语.上》是英语名师赖世雄教授的“美语从头学”丛书的进阶版,适合具有一定英语基础的人士,达到旅游、求学、社交通行无阻的英语水平。书中涉及题材广泛,阅读与对话珠联璧合。课文涉及科技、文化、环境等多个领域社会问题,以阅读和会话双重形式探讨同一类热点话题,兼具实用性与趣味性。随书搭配赖世雄老师和外籍老师的逐课详解与美语朗读,学习效果加倍。 \n
暂缺《赖世雄中级美语(上 美语从头学)》作者简介



Lesson 1 Rome Wasnt Built in a Day


罗马不是一天建成的 1


Lesson 2 How to Improve Your English


如何提高你的英文 7


Lesson 3 The City of Song


音乐之都 11


Lesson 4 He Who Hesitates Is Lost


迟疑者将丧失良机 17


Lesson 5 Bungee Jumping


蹦极 21


Lesson 6 Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained


不入虎穴,焉得虎子 28


Lesson 7 Doctor Death


死亡医生 31


Lesson 8 No Hearts or No Brains?


铁石心肠还是没脑筋? 41


Lesson 9 Be Thoughtful


为别人着想 46


Lesson 10 What Are Friends For?


要不然要朋友干吗? 52


Lesson 11 Power Without Pollution


只要能源,不要污染 55


Lesson 12 Stop the Noise


别吵了 62


Lesson 13 Health Comes First


健康至上 65


Lesson 14 Quit Cold Turkey


断然戒烟 71


Lesson 15 Dont Rely on Luck!


勿心存侥幸! 75


Lesson 16 Study or Flunk


用功读书或考试砸锅 82


Lesson 17 A Computer Car


电脑汽车 85


Lesson 18 Nothing Is Perfect


天下无“完”事 90


Lesson 19 Blame It on Men


都怪男人 93


Lesson 20 A Weighty Problem


“沉重”的负担 101


Lesson 21 Coffee Bathing


咖啡浴 105


Lesson 22 Whiskey or Coffee?


威士忌还是咖啡? 111


Lesson 23 Earthquake Survival Tips


地震时如何自保 115


Lesson 24 Just Like a Woman


像个女人一样 124


Lesson 25 Restaurant Dos and Donts


餐厅礼节 128


Lesson 26 The Missing Tip


失踪的小费 137


Lesson 27 Thank Your Lucky Stars


福星高照 142


Lesson 28 Going on a Diet


节食 151


Lesson 29 Just a Dream


噩梦一场 155


Lesson 30 Yes, Sir


是的, 老师 160


Lesson 31 Good Feng Shui in New York


纽约好风水 165


Lesson 32 Goldfifish, Souls and Coffee Tables


金鱼、灵魂和茶几 172


Lesson 33 A Deadly Current


死亡暗流 176


Lesson 34 A Lifesaving Kiss


救命的一吻 183


Lesson 35 A Sense of Security


安全感 187


Lesson 36 The Sex Maniac


大色狼 195


Lesson 37 Garbage Could Mean Money


垃圾即黄金 198


Lesson 38 Thats Fashion


那才叫做时髦 205


? 怀念老歌园地 ?


Seven Lonely Days七个寂寞的日子 209


Lesson 39 At the Foreign Exchange


出国结汇 215


Lesson 40 Changing Money


兑换外币 221


Lesson 41 Getting a Tan


晒黑 225


Lesson 42 Roast Beef


烤牛肉 234


Lesson 43 Hi-tech Romance


高科技恋情 238


Lesson 44 Better Off with E-mail?


电子邮件会更好? 245


Lesson 45 Tough Guys Do Dance


硬汉也跳舞 250


Lesson 46 Anything for a Kiss


为了吻不惜一切 257


Lesson 47 Fast-food Talk


快餐趣谈 262


Lesson 48 Fast Food, Slow Service


急惊风遇上慢郎中 270


Lesson 49 Stop Snoring!


别打呼了! 274


Lesson 50 Laser Cures Snoring


激光可治打鼾 285


Lesson 51 Thanksgiving


感恩节 289


Lesson 52 A Thanksgiving Get-together


感恩节团聚 297


Lesson 53 Monkeying Around


猴子吃大餐 301


Lesson 54 Variety Is the Spice of Life


变化是人生的调味料 309


Lesson 55 Life after Death


死而复生 314


Lesson 56 Baby Trouble


生儿育女的烦恼 320


Lesson 57 New Asian Generation


亚洲新生代 324


Lesson 58 Like Father, Like Son


有其父必有其子 332


Lesson 59 About Moral Values


道德价值观 337


Lesson 60 How to Attract Boys


如何吸引男孩子 343


Lesson 61 Touring by Taxi


出租车逍遥游 347


Lesson 62 Keep the Change


不用找了 359


Lesson 63 The Dying Languages


消亡的语言 363


Lesson 64 Speaking the Same Language


说同样的语言 369


Lesson 65 Italian Culture意大利文化 372


Lesson 66 Its Nap Time


现在是午睡时间 379


