








8/User's Guide 使用说明

Chapter 1 跟人相关的单词

11 / 出生birth

12 / 婴儿时期infant

13 / 学龄前preschool

14 / 青壮年young adults

15 / 中年midlife

16 / 老年时期old age

17 / 养老院nursing home

18 / 死亡death

19 / 葬礼funeral

20 / 家人family

21 / 亲戚relative

22 / 爱情love

23 / 婚姻marriage

24 / 联络connection

25 / 邀请invitation

26 / 动作movement

27 / 体形figure

28 / 性格character

29 / 情绪emotion

30 / 寒暄问候greeting

31 / 话语表达expression

32 / 理财financing

33 / 花费expenditure

34 / 外貌appearance

35 / 态度attitude

36 / 品德morality

37 / 身体外部构造external structure

38 / 身体内部构造internal structure

39 / 身心状态 physical and mental state

40 / 感受feeling

41 / 智力intelligence

42 / 环境污染与保护

environmental pollution and protection

43 / 生活用品necessity

44 / 称呼address

45 / 家畜livestock

46 / 工具tool

47 / 睡觉 sleep

48 / 化妆品makeup

49 / 头发hair

50 / 美容院beauty shop

Chapter 2 跟饮食相关的单词

52 / 海鲜seafood

53 / 肉类meat

54 / 蔬菜vegetable

55 / 水果fruit

56 / 坚果nut

57 / 甜点dessert

58 / 五谷杂粮grain

59 / 无酒精饮料 non-alcoholic beverage

60 / 含酒精饮料pick-me-up

61 / 调味品seasoning

62 / 味觉taste

63 / 餐具tableware

64 / 厨房用具kitchenware

65 / 容量单位volume unit

66 / 数字表达number

67 / 饮食习惯food habit

68 / 烹调方式cooking method

69 / 礼仪etiquette

70 / 宴会banquet

71 / 快餐fast food

72 / 咖啡店coffee shop

73 / 夜市night market

74 / 高级餐厅high-class restaurant

75 / 日式料理Japanese food

76 / 自助餐厅cafeteria

77 / 西餐厅western restaurant

78 / 中餐厅Chinese restaurant

79 / 小费tip

80 / 食物贮藏food storage

81 / 菜单menu

82 / 营养素nutrient

83 / 餐桌dining-table

Chapter 3 跟建筑相关的单词

85 / 旅馆hotel

86 / 家home

87 / 小木屋cabin

88 / 大楼building

89 / 浴室bathroom

90 / 厕所washroom

91 / 客厅living room

92 / 卧室bedroom

93 / 书房study

94 / 客房guestroom

95 / 阳台balcony

96 / 院子courtyard

97 / 地下室basement

98 / 屋顶roof

99 / 车库garage

100 / 后花园garden

101 / 建材building material

102 / 装潢decoration

103 / 环境environment

104 / 物业管理estate management

105 / 家务housework

106 / 杂物sundries

107 / 房东landlord

108 / 房客tenant

109 / 大街street

110 / 小巷alley

111 / 电器electrical appliance

112 / 单位形容unit

113 / 家具furniture

114 / 国家country

115 / 城市city

Chapter 4 与穿衣相关的单词

117 / 外衣coat

118 / 下装bottom

119 / 内衣underwear

120 / 鞋子shoes

121 / 太阳镜sunglass

122 / 颜色color

123 / 尺寸size

124 / 配饰ornament

125 / 款式和类型style and type

126 / 材质material quality

127 / 水洗water scrubbing

128 / 干洗dry cleaning

129 / 设计师designer

130 / 模特儿model

131 / 熨烫ironing

132 / 保存keep

133 / 袜子帽子sock and hat

134 / 讨价还价bargaining

135 / 退换货refunding or exchanging

136 / 现金cash

137 / 信用卡credit card

138 / 取钱draw money

139 / 月份month

140 / 天气weather

Chapter 5 与交通相关的单词

142 / 出租车taxi

143 / 公交bus

144 / 地铁subway

145 / 自行车bicycle

146 / 火车站railway station

147 / 火车train

148 / 火车月台train platform

149 / 飞机airplane

150 / 飞机内部interior of the plane

151 / 机场通关 customs clearance

152 / 轮船ship

153 / 码头dock

154 / 车子结构car structure

155 / 汽车维修car repair

156 / 堵车traffic jam

157 / 加油站petrol station

158 / 停车场parking lot

159 / 交通事故traffic accident

160 / 交警traffic police

161 / 交通标志traffic sign

162 / 方向direction

163 / 人行道sidewalk

164 / 地下通道underpass

165 / 高速公路expressway

166 / 收费站toll station

167 / 车标vehicle-logo

168 / 车型vehicle type

169 / 售票处ticket office

Chapter 6 与教育相关的单词

171 / 幼儿园kindergarten

172 / 小学primary school

173 / 中学middle school

174 / 大学university

175 / 留学study abroad

176 / 奖学金scholarship

177 / 课堂class

178 / 文具stationery

179 / 课本textbook

180 / 考试exam

181 / 宿舍dormitory

182 / 教职工faculty

183 / 图书馆library

184 / 教室classroom

185 / 操场sports ground

186 / 医务室infirmary

187 / 实验室laboratory

188 / 社团活动club activity

189 / 食堂canteen

190 / 文艺汇演art performance

191 / 书店bookshop

192 / 教育education

193 / 昆虫标本insect specimen

194 / 中文Chinese

195 / 数学mathematics

196 / 英语English

197 / 考古archaeology

198 / 物理physics

199 / 化学chemistry

200 / 地理geography

201 / 科技science and technology

202 / 哲学philosophy

203 / 鸟类bird

204 / 自然灾难natural disaster

Chapter 7 与职场相关的单词

206 / 简历resume

207 / 面试interview

208 / 训练training

209 / 辞职resignation

210 / 解雇dismiss

211 / 谈判negotiation

212 / 签约sign a contract

213 / 福利welfare

214 / 薪资salary

215 / 办公用品office supplies

216 / 计算机的使用computerization

217 / 请假ask for leave

218 / 迟到late

219 / 加班work overtime

220 / 打卡punch the clock

221 / 信件letter

222 / 包裹parcel

223 / 茶水间tea room

224 / 会议室boardroom

225 / 时间表达time

226 / 社交活动social event

227 / 企划简报summary

228 / 产品发表product launch

229 / 打印机printer

230 / 电话telephone

231 / 传真fax

232 / 公司firm

233 / 工厂factory

234 / 仓库warehouse

235 / 工地building site

236 / 询盘inquiry

237 / 报价quote

238 / 各行各业every walk of life

239 / 公司职位company position

Chapter 8 与健康相关的单词

241 / 季节season

242 / 气候climate

243 / 病症symptom

244 / 药物medicine

245 / 治疗remedy

246 / 挂号registration

247 / 急诊emergency treatment

248 / 诊断diagnose

249 / 药房pharmacy

250 / 手术operation

251 / 加护病房intensive care unit

252 / 探望病人visit patients

253 / 出院leave hospital

254 / 眼睛疾病eye disease

255 / 视力vision

256 / 癌症cancer

257 / 食物中毒food-poisoning

258 / 口腔oral cavity

259 / 牙科dental department

260 / 篮球basketball

261 / 足球soccer

262 / 棒球baseball

263 / 排球volleyball

264 / 乒乓球ping-pong

265 / 羽毛球badminton

266 / 高尔夫golf

267 / 网球tennis

268 / 其他运动项目other sports

269 / 游泳swim

270 / 爬山climb mountains

271 / 跑步run

272 / 瑜伽Yoga

273 / 健身房gymnasium

274 / 运动会sports meet

275 / 散步walk

Chapter 9 与娱乐相关的单词

277 / 植物园botanical garden

278 / 动物园zoo

279 / 公园park

280 / 游乐场pleasure ground

281 / 博物馆museum

282 / 电影院cinema

283 / 露营camping

284 / 滑雪胜地skiing resort

285 / 商城mall

286 / 逛街购物shopping

287 / 海滩度假beach vacation

288 / 夜店生活nightclub

289 / 赌场casino

290 / 马戏团circus

291 / 沙漠desert

292 / 演唱会vocal concert

293 / 摄影photography

294 / 水族馆aquarium

295 / 旅行社travel agency

296 / 圣诞节Christmas

297 / 万圣节Halloween

298 / 情人节Valentine's Day

299 / 感恩节Thanksgiving

300 / 新年New Year

301 / 愚人节April Fools' Day

302 / 音乐music

303 / 舞蹈dance

304 / 美术art

305 / 阅读read

306 / 媒体media

307 / 新闻news

308 / 游戏game

309 / 戏剧drama

310 / 看电视watch television

311 / 颁奖典礼award ceremony

312 / 宇宙universe

313 / 网络network

314 / 户外景点outdoor attractions

315 / 生日birthday

316 / 婚礼wedding

317 / 乐器instrument

Chapter 10 与国家单位相关的单词

319 / 政府government

320 / 政治politics

321 / 外交diplomacy

322 / 官员functionary

323 / 银行bank

324 / 税务tax administration

325 / 法院court

326 / 监狱prison

327 / 警察police

328 / 罪犯criminal

329 / 消防fire fighting

330 / 邮局post office

331 / 证券交易所securities exchange

332 / 军队troop

333 / 战争war

334 / 和平peace


