作者:彭华(Hua Peng) 著
This book presents the major research advances relating to China Danxia landforms over the past 80 years. It covers geological setting, morphologic characteristics and evolution, biology and ecology, aesthetic value and earth science value, and briefly introduces the six heritage sites, enabling readers to gain a systematic understanding of Danxia landform theories and the China Danxia World Heritage sites.
Part I
1 The Basic Questions on Danxia Landform
1.1 Introduction of Danxia
1.2 Research History of Danxia Landform in China
1.2.1 Initial Stage (1928-1949)
1.2.2 Formative Development Stage (1950-1990)
1.2.3 The Great Development Stage (1991-2008)
1.2.4 Internationalization Stage (Since 2009)
1.3 Basic Concept
1.3.1 The Early Definition
1.3.2 New Definitions and Explanations
1.4 Essential Characteristics of Danxia Landforms
1.4.1 Basic Slope Morphology
1.4.2 The Complexity of the Slope Morphology
1.5 The Taxonomic Position and Classification System
1.5.1 The Discipline Ownership
1.5.2 The Taxonomic Position and Classification System
1.6 Distribution of Danxia Landforms in China
1.7 Development Mechanism of Danxia Landforms
1.7.1 Material Basis
1.7.2 Tectonic Control
1.7.3 Exogenic Forces
1.7.4 Evolution Process
2 Identification of the Property
2.1 Introduction
2.1.1 What's China Danxia?
2.1.2 Why Is China Danxia an Appropriate Serial World Natural Heritage?
2.1.3 The Planned Sequence of China Danxia World Heritage
2.2 Identification of the Property
2.3 Value of Heritage on China Danxia
2.4 Summary to the Heritage Sites
3 Physical Geography
3.1 Geology and Geomorphology
3.2 Climate
3.3 Hydrology
3.4 Biotic Community and Ecological Environment
4 Geological Structure
4.1 Geotectonic Background
4.2 Stratigraphic Characteristics of the Heritage Sites
4.2.1 Stratigraphy
4.2.2 Lithology
4.2.3 The Effects of Stratigraphy and Lithology on the Development of Danxia Landform
4.3 Tectonics of the Heritage Sites
4.3.1 Geological Structure
4.3.2 Control of Faults and Joints on Hill Block Framework
4.3.3 Control of Terrain Occurrence on the Shape of Slope Surfaces
4.3.4 Influence of Neotectonic Movement on the Process of Landform Evolution
4.4 Paleogeography and Paleontology of the Heritage Sites
4.5 Geological History of the Heritage Sites
4.5.1 The Stage of Crustal Foundation
4.5.2 Red Bed Deposition Phase
4.5.3 Basin Uplift and Danxia Landform Formation Phase
5 Geomorphologic Features
Part II