
Cassava Cultivation and Processing Technology

Cassava Cultivation and Processing Technology

作者:中国农村技术开发中心 编





  《Cassava Cultivation and Processing Technology》将各有关单位的木薯新品种选育、栽培管理、病虫害防治和精深加工等成熟度高、实用性强,通过相关成果鉴定或取得专利证书,可示范、可推广的木薯产业技术成果汇编成册,并翻译为英文版,用于木薯产业的农业科学普及和技术成果推介,有利于促进技术成果转化,同时推进我国与柬埔寨、埃塞俄比亚等“一带一路”国家在木薯产业的技术交流与合作,促进我国木薯产业技术成果走出去。
暂缺《Cassava Cultivation and Processing Technology》作者简介
Chapter Ⅰ New Cassava Varieties with High Quality
South China No.5
South China No.6
South China No.7
South China No.8
South China No.9
South China No.10
South China No.11
South China No.12
South China No.13
South China No.14
Guire No.8
Guire No.9
Guimushu No.6
Guimushu No.7
Guiken 09-26
Guiken 09-11
Chapter Ⅱ Techniques for the Cultivation and Management of Cassava
Large-scale Cassava Tissue Culture Seedlings-A Rapid Propagation Technology System with High Efficiency and Low Consumption
Rapid Propagation Technology System for Cassava Shootcuttings
Storage Techniques for Cassava Shoot Segments in Winter
Overwintering Storage Techniques for Cassava Mature Stems
Safely Returning to Field Techniques for Cassava Stems
Technology for the Preparation of Nursery Substrate from Cassava Stems
High-yield Cassava Cultivation Techniques
Cultivation Technique of Band Girdling on Stem Cutting to Improve Cassava Root Yield
Cassava Highly Efficient Cultivation Techniques in Yunnan
Chapter Ⅲ Control Techniques for Cassava Diseases and Insect Pests
Control Techniques for Cassava Bacterial Wilt Disease
Control Techniques for Cassava Mosaice Disease
Occurrence and Control of Tetranychus Cinnabarinus
Occurrence and Control of Mononychellus Tanajoa
Occurrence and Control of Dorysthenes Granulosus
Occurrence and Control of Grubs
Occurrence and Control of Cotton Bollworm
Occurrence and Control of Bemisia tabaci
Chapter Ⅳ Technology for Cassava Production and Processing
Cleaner, Low-consumption Production Technology for Edible Cassava Powder
Miniature and High-quality Processing and Integrated Equipment Technology for Cassava Powder
The Clean Production Process of Cassava Starch Recovery and Utilization Technology for Starch Processing Waste, Based on Polymer Technology
Processing Technology and Integrated Equipment for Cassava-based Ethanol fuel with an Annual Output of 200 000t
Three-column Six-section Differential Pressure Distillation Energy-saving System
