DL/T 5400-2016 水工建筑物滑动模板施工技术规范(英文版)
作者:中国电力出版社 编
This Specification is prepared to standardize the constructionof slipform for hydropower and water resources projects, and toensure construction safety and quality.This Specification is applicable to the construction of slipformfor hydropower and water resources projects.New technologies, processes, materials and advanced equipmentshall be used for the design and construction of slipform.In addition to this Specification, other current National Standardsand Industrial Standards shall also be complied with.
本规范由中国电力企业联合会负责管理,由电力行业水电施工标准化技术委员会负责具体技术内容的解释。执行过程中如有意见或建议,请寄送至中国电力企业联合会标准化管理中心(地址:北京市白广路二条一号,邮编:100761)。本规范主编单位:中国水利水电第三工程局有限公司本规范参编单位:中国水利水电第十工程局有限公司本规范主要起草人员:王鹏禹 罗永红 陈 茂 周 林 林德槐 邓文朴 高顺卿 王 永 李 海 姜纪学 田 艳 王敏哲 侯 彬 陈上品 满新利 吴方明本规范主要审查人员:许松林 梅锦煜 汪 毅 楚跃先 郭光文 余 英 孙来成 郑桂斌 林 鹏 孙志禹 张建华 罗维成 席 浩 吴高见 向 建 张祖义 沈益源 和孙文 朱明星 吕芝林 康明华
1 General provisions
2 Terms
3 Basicrequirements
4 Design ofsliding fromwork
4.1 General requirements
4.2 Shaft, silo (tower) and pier wall
4.3 Concrete slab
4.4 Overflow surface
4.5 Inclined shaft
4.6 Tunnel invert
4.7 Channel
4.8 Shifted form with sliding frame
5 Construction of sliding fromwork
5.1 General requirements
5.2 Shaft, silo (tower) and pier wall
5.3 Concrete slab
5.4 Overflow surface
5.5 Inclined shaft
5.6 Tunnel invert
5.7 Channel
5.8 Shifted form with sliding frame
6 Construction safety and quality control
6.1 Constructionsafety
6.2 Quality control
Appendix A Criteria of design loads for slipform
Appendix B Calculation ofallowable bearing capacity
and number ofjack rods
Appendix C Penetration (resistance) test in concrete setting
Explanation of wording in this specification
List of quoted standards