


作者:夏薇,朱信凯 著





Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Background
1.2 Objectives and Methodologies
1.3 Organization
Chapter 2 Food Safety as a Challenge for World Trade and Governance
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Food Safety Crises:Market Failure and Institutional Remedies
2.2.1 Food Safety Crises as Market Failure
2.2.2 Institutional Arrangements as Remedy
2.3 A Changing World:Food Crises,Health Demands,Recession and Protectionism
2.3.1 Global Food Safety Crises and Impacts
2.3.2 Consumer's Perception and Demand for Food Safety
2.3.3 Globalization,Recession and Protectionism
2.4 Food Safety as a Major Challenge for World Trade
2.5 Conclusions
Chapter 3 Economy Transition,Food Crisis and Food
Safety Regulation Reform in China
3.1 China's Transition from a Planning System to a Market System
3.1.1 China's Four Stage Transition Process
3.1.2 China's Economy Transition and Evolution of Food Safety Regulatory Institution Arrangements
3.2 Current Sanitary and Phytosanitary Conditions in China's Food Production
3.2.1 Production Environment
3.2.2 Production System
3.2.3 Inspection Technology and Equipment
3.2.4 Information Transfer and Communications
3.3 A Review of China's Food Crisis
3.4 Food Safety as a Major Challenge for China
3.4.1 Burden to Domestic Health and Economy
3.4.2 Consumer Anxiety and Social Protests
3.4.3 Resistance to Foods Exported from China
3.5 China's Food Safety Regulation System
3.5.1 Overview of China's Reform Process in Food Safety Regulation
3.5.2 China's Regulation Regime for Food Import and Export
3.6 Conclusions
Chapter 4 The Politics of Food Standards for Health Protection or/and Industrial Safety Protection
4.1 Introduction
4.2 World Pesticide Market,Regulation on MRLs and Its Impacts on Trade
4.2.1 World Demand for Pesticides
4.2.2 Worldwide Regulations on MRLs
4.2.3 The Impacts of MRLs on Trade
4.3 Analytic Framework
4.3.1 Objective Variables for Determining MRLs
4.3.2 Subjective Variables for Determining MRLs
4.4 Methodology and Data
4.5 Results and Discussion
4.5.1 Principal Component Analysis
4.5.2 Regression Results
4.6 Conclusions
Chapter 5 Weakened or Strengthened Competitive Advantage
by Raising Food Safety Standards Overseas
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Theoretical Foundation
5.2.1 Measuring the Stringency of Food Standards
5.2.2 Quantifying the Trade Effects of Food Safety Standards
5.3 Empirical Econometric Specifications
5.4 Data and Descriptive Analysis
5.4.1 Aflatoxin Regulations on Groundnuts
5.4.2 Groundnut Production
5.4.3 Groundnut Trade
5.4.4 Revealed Comparative Advantage
5.5 Empirical Results and Discussion
5.5.1 Model Comparison
5.5.2 L.ong-term and Short-term Effects
5.6 Conclusions
Chapter 6 The Impacts of Foreign SPS Measures on Food Export Product Quality and Competitive Advantage in China
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Literature Review
6.2.1 Heterogenous Firms and Export Decision Regarding SPS Requirements
6.2.2 Methodologies to Measure Exported Product Quality
6.2.3 SPS Requirements and Competitive Advantage
6.3 Empirical Model and Data
6.4 Empirical Results
6.4.1 The Influence of SPS to Q
6.4.2 The Influence of SPS to P
6.4.3 The Influence of POP to Q andP
6.5 Conclusions
Chapter 7 A Lesson for China to Protect Health and Industrial Safety under the SPS Agreement of WTO
7.1 Introduction
7.2 The General Role of the SPS Agreement on Health Protection
7.3 The Special Concern with Health Emergency in the SPS Agreement
7.4 Circumstances Surrounding the Restrictions as a Result of the Avian Influenza Outbreaks in Asia
7.4.1 World Poultry Market in 1990
7.4.2 Avian Influenza Outbreaks
7.4.3 Trade Ban and Scientific Assessment
7.4.4 US Food Safety Regulation System Regarding Poultry Import and Health Emergency
7.4.5 EU Food Safety Regulation System Regarding Poultry Import and Health Emergency
7.5 History of Trade Restrictions and Their Gradual Elimination in EU and US
7.5.1 International Standards on Poultry Trade by WTO
7.5.2 The China-US Poultry Dispute
7.5.3 The China-EU Poultry Dispute
7.6 Assessment of the US poultry Case with China in Economic Perspective
7.6.1 Short-term Impact(2003-2005)
7.6.2 Long-term Impact(2003-2010)
7.7 Assessment of the US-poultry Case with China in Legal Perspective by WTO Adjudication
7.7.1 Major Findings by WTO Panel
7.7.2 Assessment of Findings by the Panel
7.7.3 Assessment of Relevant Issues Not Addressed by the Panel
7.8 Conclusions
Chapter 8 Discussions as One Piece
8.1 Findings for the Five Questions
8.1.1 Why Is Food Safety Regulation Challenging
8.1.2 How to Quantify the Trade Impacts of Food Safety Standards
8.1.3 How Do Food Standards and Regulations Impact Trade
8.1.4 What Determines the Stringency of Food Safety Policies
8.1.5 Have Food Safety Policies Been Used as Protectionism
8.2 Implications of Findings
8.2.1 Theoretical Implications
8.2.2 Policy Implications
Chapter 9 Concluding Remarks
9.1 Summary of Findings
9.2 Contributions
9.3 Limitations
9.4 Future Researches
