







Unit 1 Diction
Unit O bjectives
Part Ⅰ Levels of Words
Part Ⅱ The Meaning of Words
Part Ⅲ General and Specific Words
Part Ⅳ In-class Activities
Part Ⅴ After-class Activities
Unit 2 The Sentence (1): Types of Sentences
Unit O bjectives
Part Ⅰ Complete Sentences
Part Ⅱ Simple, Compound, Complex and Compound-Complex Sentences
Part Ⅲ Declarative, Interrogative, Imperative and Exclamatory Sentences
Part Ⅳ Loose, Periodic, and Balanced Sentences
Part Ⅴ Short and Long Sentences
Part Ⅵ In-class Activities
Part Ⅶ After-class Activities
Unit 3 The Sentence (2): Effective Sentences
Unit O bjectives
Part Ⅰ Unity
Part Ⅱ Coherence
Part Ⅲ Conciseness
Part Ⅳ Emphasis
Part Ⅴ Variety
Part Ⅵ In-class Activities
Part Ⅶ After-class Activities
Unit 4 The Sentence (3): Common Errors
Unit O bjectives
Part Ⅰ Run-on Sentence
Part Ⅱ Sentence Fragment
Part Ⅲ Faulty Parallelism
Part Ⅳ Misplaced Modifier
Part Ⅴ Dangling Modifier
Part Ⅵ Ambiguous Pronoun Reference
Part Ⅶ Faulty Shift
Part Ⅷ In-class Activities
Part Ⅸ After-class Activities
Unit 5 The Paragraph (1): The Structure of an Effective Paragraph
Unit O bjectives
Part Ⅰ Lead-in
Part Ⅱ Sample Writing: Defining the Paragraph
Part Ⅲ The Structure of a Well-organized Paragraph
Part Ⅳ In-class Activities
Part Ⅴ After-class Activities
Unit 6 The Paragraph (2): Qualities of a Good Paragraph
Unit O bjectives
Part Ⅰ Lead-in
Part Ⅱ Paragraph Unity
Part Ⅲ Paragraph Coherence
Part Ⅳ In-class Activities
Part Ⅴ After-class Activities
Unit 7 The Paragraph (3): Planning a Paragraph
Unit O bjectives
Part Ⅰ Lead-in
Part Ⅱ The Writing Process
Part Ⅲ Paragraph Planning
Part Ⅳ In-class Activities
Part Ⅴ After-class Activities
Unit 8 Developing Paragraphs by Time
Unit 9 Developing Paragraphs by Process
Unit 10 Developing Paragraphs by Example
Unit 11 Developing Paragraphs by Definition
Unit 12 Developing Paragraphs by Comparison/Contrast
Unit 13 Developing Paragraphs by Classification
Unit 14 Developing Paragraphs by Cause-Effect
Unit 15 Developing Paragraphs by Space
Unit 16 From Paragraph to Essay
Unit 17 Narration: Developing Essays by Time
Unit 18 Exposition: Developing Essays by Process
Unit 19 Exposition: Developing Essays by Example/Detail
Unit 20 Exposition: Developing Essays by Definition
Unit 21 Exposition: Developing Essays by Comparison/Contrast
Unit 22 Exposition: Developing Essays by Classification
Unit 23 Exposition: Developing Essays by Cause-Effect
Unit 24 Description: Developing Essays by Space
Unit 25 Argumentation
Appendix Ⅰ
Appendix Ⅱ
Appendix Ⅲ
Appendix Ⅳ
