







Chapte 1 How to pepae \n
efoe inteview? \n
面试前我要做哪些准备? \n
求职信 Cove lette2 \n
01 How to wite a cove lette? \n
如何写求职信 3 \n
02 Sample sentences \n
实用例句 4 \n
03 Examples of cove lettes \n
求职信范例 5 \n
推荐信 Recommendation lette15 \n
04 How to wite a ecommendation lette? \n
如何写求职推荐信16 \n
05 Sample sentences \n
实用例句17 \n
06 Examples of ecommendation lette \n
推荐信范例 18 \n
自荐信 Lette of self-ecommendation27 \n
07 How to wite a lette of self-ecommendation? \n
如何写自荐信 28 \n
08 Sample sentences \n
实用例句29 \n
09 Examples of lette of self-ecommendation \n
自荐信范例 30 \n
询问职缺书信 Lette of asking fo posts37 \n
10 How to wite a lette of asking fo posts? \n
如何写询问职缺书信38 \n
11 Sample sentences \n
实用例句39 \n
12 Examples of lette of asking fo posts \n
询问职缺书信范例40 \n
英语简历 Resume49 \n
13 Details of making a esume \n
制作英语简历的细节50 \n
14 Resume fom \n
英语简历的形式54 \n
Chapte 2 Inteview Q & A \n
面试问与答 \n
行政部 Administation depatment58 \n
15 Why do you choose ou company? \n
您为什么选择我们公司? 59 \n
16 How to cope with office politics? \n
怎样处理“办公室政治”?65 \n
17 Have you got any cetificates? \n
你拥有哪些证书?71 \n
人事部 Pesonnel depatment78 \n
18 Why do you think you ae qualified fo this position? \n
你为什么认为自己能胜任这份工作?79 \n
19 Do you have any expeience in this field? \n
你有这方面的工作经验吗?85 \n
20 I’ll ty to deal with the complaints popely \n
我会恰当处理投诉91 \n
技术部 Depatment of technology100 \n
21 Is you majo elated to the field of ou company? \n
你的专业和我们公司领域相关吗? 101 \n
22 Do you gades eflect you wok a \n
ility? \n
你的成绩可以反映出你的工作能力吗? 107 \n
23 Could you please tell me moe a \n
out you pactical expeiences? \n
再谈谈你的实际工作经历好吗? 113 \n
财务部 Financial depatment120 \n
24 Ae you familia with cetain financial softwae? \n
你会使用一些财务软件吗? 121 \n
25 Why ae you inteested in this position? \n
你为什么对这个职位感兴趣? 127 \n
26 Do you speak up if you point of view diffes fom that of you supeio? \n
如果与上级意见不同,你会将自己的观点说出来吗? 132 \n
市场部 Maketing depatment138 \n
27 We should take customes’ complaints seiously \n
我们应该认真对待客户的投诉 139 \n
28 This is the \n
est pomotion campaign i’ve eve planned \n
这是我策划过的最好的促销活动 145 \n
29 What have you leaned fom college life and past jo \n
? \n
从大学生活和过去的工作中,你学到了什么? 152 \n
产品部 Poduct depatment158 \n
30 What do you know a \n
out ou poducts? \n
你对我们的产品有何了解? 159 \n
31 We may impove the poducts in this way? \n
我们可以用这个方法改进产品? 164 \n
32 What ae you caee goals? \n
你的职业目标是什么? 170 \n
Chapte 3 Inteview skills and high \n
fequency question \n
英语面试技巧及考官高频提问大阅兵 \n
跨国公司面试的注意事项 \n
Pecautions of multinational company inteview176 \n
遇到老外面试官时的注意事项 \n
Pecautions when meeting a foeigne inteviewe179 \n
Chapte 4 Successful inteviews cases of \n
fotune 500 companies \n
世界500强企业面试成功案例研究 \n
33 Mckinsey and Company \n
麦肯锡 181 \n
34 GE \n
通用电气 183 \n
35 Royal Dutch \n
壳牌 185 \n
36 Citigoup \n
花旗集团 187 \n
37 Micosoft \n
微软 188 \n
38 P&G \n
宝洁 189 \n
39 Wal-Mat \n
沃尔玛 192 \n
40 Toyota \n
丰田汽车 194 \n
41 Foxconn \n
富士康 196 \n
42 Lufthansa \n
德国汉莎航空公司 198 \n
43 Nestle \n
雀巢 199 \n
44 HUAWEI \n
华为 200
