Wilhelm Rontgen The Man Who Saw a Living Skeleton 3
Marie Curie The Servant Girl Who Beat Einstein 10
Abdus Salam The Boy Who Climbed to the Top 18
Wu Chien-Shiung The Quiet Queen of Physics 27
Michael Faraday The Boy Who Secretly Read the Books He Was Binding 34
Max Planck The Boy Who Didn’t Listen to His Teacher 43
Albert Einstein How a Compass Inspired a Genius 51
Wolfgang Pauli The Boy Secretly Reading a Book Behind His School Desk 58
T.D. Lee The Student Whose Schools Kept Closing 66
John Von Neumann The Boy Who Had a Dispute with His Father 75
目 录
威廉?伦琴 看见了活人骨骼的男子 3
玛丽?居里 超越了爱因斯坦的女仆 10
阿卜杜勒?萨拉姆 登上科学高峰的男孩 18
吴健雄 文静的物理学女王 27
迈克尔?法拉第 在订书时悄悄读书的男孩 34
马克斯?普朗克 不听老师话的男孩 43
阿尔伯特?爱因斯坦 受到指南针启发的天才 51
沃尔夫冈?泡利 在课桌下偷偷看书的男孩 58
李政道 学业一再中断的学生 66
约翰?冯?诺伊曼 与父亲争论的男孩 75