(The Background and Theory of Biophilic Cities)第1章城市自然的影响力: 亲自然城市主义的核心价值(The Power of
Urban Nature: The Essential Benefits of Biophilic Urbanism)3
1.2增加自然疗愈力量的证据(Increasing Evidence of the Healing
Power of Nature)5
1.3了解自然在城市中作用的新技术与技能(New Technologies and
Techniques for Understanding the Role of Nature in Cities)7
1.4创造力、仁慈与长远视野(Creativity, Humanity, and Taking the
Long View)8
1.5亲自然城市的经济效益(The Economic Benefits of Biophilic Cities)9
1.6小结(Conclusions)10第2章理解亲自然城市中的自然(Understanding the Nature of Biophilic Cities)11
2.1城市是许多(其他)物种的生态系统和栖息地[Cities Are Ecosystems
and Habitat for Many (Other) Species]11
2.2城市中的自然可以通过多感官感知(Nature in Cities Is Multisensory)12
2.3城市中的自然有大有小(Nature in Cities Is Both Large and Small)13
2.4每个角落、每个窗户都能看到城市的自然景观(Nature in the City
Is Seen Around Every Corner, Through Every Window)14
2.5自然经常隐藏在城市中,但仍然可知(Nature Is Often Hidden in
Cities but Is Still Knowable)15
(Nature in the City Is Both Human Designed and Preexisting in
Wild or Semiwild Conditions)16
2.7自然主要在室外,但也可以在室内(Nature Is Mostly Outside but
Is Also Found Inside)16
2.8自然可以通过亲自然设计在城市中创建(Nature Can Be Created in
Cities through Biophilic Design)17
2.9亲自然城市的品质是什么(What Are the Qualities of a Biophilic
2.10富含自然的城市,丰富的自然(Natureful Cities, an Abundance of
2.11与自然接触(Engagement with Nature)20
2.12整合多尺度的自然系统(Integrated, Multiscaled Natural Systems)21
2.13对周围生命的人性化关怀视角: 共生共存的伦理(A Humane and
Caring View of the Life around Us; an Ethic of Coexistence)22
about the Nature around Us; Cities of Awe and Wonder)23
2.15自然不是供参观的玩物(Nature Is Not Something to Visit)24
2.16代表全球自然提供领导力的城市(Cities That Provide Leadership
on Behalf of Global Nature)25
2.17亲自然城市理念获得动力(Biophilic Cities Idea Gaining Traction)25
2.18小结(Conclusions)26第3章城市自然食谱: 自然提升城市生活的多种方式(The Urban Nature Diet:
The Many Ways That Nature Enhances Urban Life)28
3.1在自然中花费多长时间才够(How Long Is Enough Time to
Spend in Nature)30
3.2直接和间接的体验(Direct and Indirect Experiences)31
3.3多样化体验(Diversity of Experiences)32
3.4小结(Conclusions)34第4章亲自然城市与城市韧性(Biophilic Cities and Urban Resilience)35
4.1亲自然性与韧性目标之间的物质联系(Physical Connections between
Biophilic and Resilience Goals)36
4.2亲自然性与韧性目标之间的情感联系(Emotional Connections between
Biophilic and Resilience Goals)38
4.3健康与韧性: 亲自然城市的不同支持群体(Health and Resilience:
The Different Constituencies in Biophilic Cities)39
4.4城市贫困与韧性(Urban Poverty and Resilience)39
4.5小结(Conclusions)40第2篇创建亲自然城市: 不断涌现的全球实践
(Creating Biophilic Cities: Emerging Global Practice)第5章新加坡: 花园中的城市(Singapore City, Singapore: City in a Garden)45
5.1垂直花园: 如何发展绿色高层建筑城市(Vertical Gardens: How to
Grow a Green HighRise City)47
5.2花园中的医院,类似诺亚方舟的医院(Hospital in a Garden,
Hospital as an Ark)50
5.3对水的反思(Rethinking Water)52
5.4市民参与(Engaging Citizens)54
5.5城市自然的新形式(New Forms of Urban Nature)55
5.6前景与成就(Prospects and Success)56第6章美国威斯康星州的密尔沃基: 从霜城到绿色城市(Milwaukee, Wisconsin:
From Cream City to Green City)58
6.1一座前工业城市对未来的反思(A Former Industrial City Rethinking
Its Future)58
6.2一条河流的成功故事(A River Success Story)61
6.3城市生态中心的教育和参与(Education and Engagement through
Urban Ecology Centers)61
6.4水之自然(A Watery Nature)63第7章新西兰惠灵顿: 从城市公共带到蓝带(Wellington, New Zealand: From
Town Belt to Blue Belt)65
7.1活力城市惠灵顿(Wellington as a Living City)65
7.2恢复惠灵顿的鸟鸣声(Returning the Birdsong to Wellington)67
7.3一个新兴的蓝色城市主义模式(An Emerging Model of Blue
7.4一座充满亲自然特质的城市(A City with Biophilic Features
Throughout)71第8章英国伯明翰: 健康、自然与城市经济(Birmingham, United Kingdom:
Health, Nature, and Urban Economy)73
8.1亲自然和健康(Biophilic and Healthy)73
8.2走向自然资本城市(Toward Natural Capital Cities)75
8.3英国第一个亲自然城市(The First Biophilic City in the United
Kingdom)76第9章美国俄勒冈州波特兰: 水城中的绿色街道(Portland, Oregon: Green Streets
in a River City)79
9.1绿色街道(Green Streets)79
9.2河畔的亲自然性(Riverine Biophilia)81
9.3波特兰的公园(Portland Parks)82
9.4交织联盟(The Intertwine Alliance)85
9.5街区中的自然(Nature in Neighborhoods)86
9.6小结(Conclusions)86第10章美国加利福尼亚州旧金山: 海湾边的亲自然城市(San Francisco,
California: Biophilic City by the Bay)88
10.1以公园和自然闻名的城市(A City Prized for Its Parks and Nature)88
10.2在城市里种植食物(Growing Food in the City)89
10.3沿海高密度城市的树林和小径(Trees and Trails in the Dense
Coastal City)91
10.4湾区城市中的野生自然(Wild Nature in the City by the Bay)92
10.5为蝴蝶提供空间(Making Room for Butterflies)93
10.6我们去海滩吧(Vamos a la Playa)95
10.7城市里的新型公园(New Kinds of Parks in the City)96
10.8努力成为一座鸟类友好城市(Striving to Be a BirdFriendly City)97
10.9小结(Conclusions)98第11章挪威奥斯陆: 峡湾与森林之城(Oslo, Norway: A City of Fjords and
11.1紧凑与绿色(Compact and Green)101
11.2绿色期望: 阿克斯河的经验教训(Green Aspirations: Lessons
from the Akerselva)102
11.3便捷通达的城市自然路径(An Urban Trail to Get You
11.4加强与海域和海洋的联系(Strengthening Connections to Waterfront
and Sea)105
11.5奥斯陆其他维度的亲自然(Other Biophilic Dimensions to
Life in Oslo)106
11.6奥斯陆的未来亲自然方向(Future Directions in Biophilic Oslo)107第12章西班牙维多利亚加斯泰斯: 紧凑城市中的自然(VitoriaGasteiz, Spain:
Nature in the Compact City)108
12.1一座富含自然的城市(A Natureful City)108
12.2亲自然的成就(Biophilic Successes)108
12.3亲自然的挑战(Biophilic Challenges)108
12.4城市绿色基础设施(Urban Green Infrastructure)109
12.6公园系统(Parks System)111
12.7将居民与自然融为一体(Connecting Residents with Nature)111
12.8地方生物多样性保护战略(Local Strategy for Biodiversity
(A Global Survey of Innovative
Practice and Projects)第13章亲自然规划与规范(Biophilic Plans and Codes)117
13.1加拿大安大略省多伦多市的绿色屋顶法规: 向强制性的屋顶绿化转
变(Green Roof Bylaws, Toronto, Ontario, Canada: A Shift Toward
Mandatory Green Roofs)117
立志成为“世界最绿城市”(Greenest City Action Plan, Vancouver,
British Columbia, Canada: Aspiring to be the “Greenest City in
the World”)118第14章公民科学与社区参与(Citizen Science and Community Engagement)120
14.1美国纽约州纽约市的城市公园露营: 在城市天空下入眠(Camping
in Urban Parks, New York City, New York: Sleeping Under an
Urban Sky)120
14.2印度班加罗尔市的城市蜂猴项目: 为印度田园城市里的蜂猴而工作
(Urban Slender Loris Project, Bangalore, India: Working on Behalf
of the Slender Loris in the Garden City of India)121第15章亲自然建筑与设计(Biophilic Architecture and Design)122
15.1鸟类友好型城市设计(BirdFriendly Urban Design)122
15.2亲自然厂区与商务园区(Biophilic Factories, Business Parks)123
15.3绿色屋顶和绿墙(Green Rooftops and Walls)126
15.4绿色台地和绿色塔楼/竖向自然(Green Terraces and Towers/
Vertical Nature)130
15.5疗愈空间/健康与自然(Healing Spaces/Health and Nature)137
15.6多感官的亲自然设计(Multisensory Biophilic Design)140第16章修复自然并将自然重新融入城市(Restoring and Reintroducing Nature
into the City)142
16.1河流与河岸自然;蓝色城市主义(Rivers and Riparian Nature;
Blue Urbanism)142
16.2树木与城市森林(Trees and Urban Forests)149
16.3绿道、绿带和城市步道(Greenways, Greenbelts, Urban Trails)151
16.4绿色街巷/生态巷道(Green Alleys/Ecological Alleyways)155
16.5绿色基础设施和城市生态战略(Green Infrastructure and
Urban Ecological Strategies)159
16.6创新型公园和自然区(Innovative Parks and Nature Areas)165
16.7亲自然城市的水体设计(Water Design in the Biophilic City)170
16.8野生动物廊道与城市生物多样性规划(Wildlife Corridors and
Urban Biodiversity Planning)174
16.9食物与可食城市景观(Food and Edible Urban Landscapes)179第17章其他亲自然城市策略(Other Biophilic Urban Strategies)182
17.1自然与棚户区,灾后恢复(Nature and Favelas, Disaster Recovery)182
17.2自然中心(Nature Centers)184第4篇成就与未来的方向
(Successes and Future Directions)第18章全球亲自然城市兴起的经验教训(Lessons from the Worlds Emerging
Biophilic Cities)189
18.1推动城市以自然为中心的价值观(Promoting the Value of Centering
Cities around Nature)190
18.2联系韧性和亲自然性(Connect Resilience and Biophilia)191
18.3使用许多不同的工具和策略(Use Many Different Tools and
18.4让城市心情重归野趣(Rewilding Our Urban Hearts)193
18.5扩大城市自然观(Expand the View of Urban Nature)193
18.6寻找创造性的方式让公众参与(Find Creative Ways to Engage the
18.7为亲自然城市招募政治支持和领导力(Recruit Political Support
and Leadership for Biophilic Cities)197
18.8利用许多团体的支持(Utilize Support from Many Groups)198
18.9多尺度、多层次的思考(Think Multiscaled, Multifaceted)198
18.10不同尺度的工作(Working at Different Scales)199
18.11代言自然的专业力量(Bring Professions Together on Behalf of
18.12小结(Conclusions)202第19章克服既有的障碍和挑战(Overcoming the Obstacles and Challenges That
19.1人与自然的隔离(The HumanNature Divide)203
19.2发展中国家的竞争优势(Competing Priorities in the Developing
19.3规划和开发规范改革(Planning and Development Code Reform)204
19.4太过僵化的美学观、自然观和职业角色(Too Rigid Views of
Aesthetics, Nature, and Professional Roles)204
19.5实现和利用自然之益(Realizing and Capitalizing on the Benefits
of Nature)205
19.6如何支持城市中的生物多样性(How Do We Support Biodiversity
in Cities)205
19.7时间框架的分歧(TimeFrame Disagreements)206
19.8技术的双刃剑(The DoubleEdged Sword of Technology)207
19.9为亲自然城市主义融资(Financing Biophilic Urbanism)208
19.10确保“公正的亲自然性”(Ensuring a “Just Biophilia”)209
19.11思考小结(Concluding Thoughts)210第20章结论: 重新畅想未来的城市(Conclusion: Reimagining Cities of the Future)211参考文献(References)215致谢(Acknowledgments)232译者记235