
Based on the authors rich teaching and practical experience, this textbook is an accumulated effort to in-troduce the basic knowledge of cold or room temperature stamping die design systematically and comprehen-sively. For the most representative blanking die, the stamping die design process, structure type selection, de-sign steps and the main process calculation are described in details, and then the characteristics of the bending die, drawing die and flanging die are explained further. In addition, common cold stamping die design data and standard parts for inspection were included in order to facilitate student curriculum design and to engineering personnel for reference.This textbook is written for international students and domestic undergraduates majoring in mechanical engineering. The accompanying multimedia CAI courseware is made to assist teaching.
暂缺《COLD ST AMPING DIE DESIGN冷冲压模具设计(英文版)》作者简介
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Concept and application of cold stamping die
1.2 History and situation of cold stamping die
1.3 Classification of cold stamping die
Chapter 2 Blanking Die Design
2.1 Foundation of blanking die design
2.1.1 Technological characteristics of the blanking workpiece
2.1.2 Analysis of the blanking process
2.1.3 Technological calculation of the blanking workpiece
2.1.4 Related calculation in the blanking die design
2.2 Typical structure of blanking die
2.2.1 Basic type and construction of blanking die
2.2.2 Construction of main parts of the cold stamping die
2.2.3 Complex blanking die
Chapter 3 Bending Die Design
3.1 Foundation of bending die design
3.1.1 Technological characteristics of the bending workpiece
3.1.2 Analysis of bending process and deformation
3.1.3 Technological calculation of the bending workpiece
3.1.4 Related calculation in the bending die design
3.2 Typical structure of bending die
3.2.1 Typical structure of the bending die
3.2.2 Process steps for complex bending workpiece
3.2.3 Structure design keys of bending die design
Chapter 4 Drawing Die Design
4.1 Foundation of drawing die design
4.1.1 Characteristics of the drawing workpiece
4.1.2 Analysis of drawing process and deformation
4.1.3 Technological calculation of the drawing workpiece
4.1.4 Related calculation in the drawing die design
4.2 Typical structure of drawing die
Chapter 5 FlangingDieDesign.
5.1 Foundation of flanging die design
5.1.1 Technological characteristics of the flanging workpiece
5.1.2 Analysis of flanging process and deformation
5.1.3 Technological calculation of the flanging workpiece
5.1.4 Related calculation in the flanging die design
5.2 Typical structure of flanging die
Chapter 6 Design Process of Cold Stamping Die
6.1 General steps of cold stamping die design
6.1.1 Obtain workpiece information and analyze the characteristic of stamping
6.1.2 Determine the technologic scheme and the stamping die structure
6.1.3 Carry out necessary technologic calculation
6.1.4 Designtheoveralldie
6.1.5 Design the structure of the main parts
6.1.6 Selectstampingpress
6.1.7 Draw the assembly drawing of the die
6.1.8 Draw the drawings of nonstandard part
6.1.9 Compiledesignreport
6.2 A design example of cold stamping die
6.2.1 Technoiogic analysis of the workpiece
6.2.2 Determine the technologic scheme
6.2.3 Necessary calculation in the design process
6.2.4 Overalldesign of the dierame and press
6.3 3 D design example of cold stamping die
6.3.1 Design part of cold stamping
6.3.2 Design technology structural parts of cold stamping die
6.3.3 Design auxiliary structural parts of cold stamping die
6.3.4 Assembly of cold stamping die
6.3.5 Cross-sectional view of cold stamping die assembly
6.3.6 Decompose the cold stamping die and achieve the animation of assembly
6.3.7 Achieve the animation of working process
Chapter 7 Common Standards and Specifications in Cold Stamping Die Design
7.1 Cold stamping process basic information
7.2 Commonly used tolerances, fits, geometric tolerances and surface roughness
7.3 Clearance in cold stamping die design
7.4 Standard parts in cold stamping die
Re fe rences
1.1 Concept and application of cold stamping die
1.2 History and situation of cold stamping die
1.3 Classification of cold stamping die
Chapter 2 Blanking Die Design
2.1 Foundation of blanking die design
2.1.1 Technological characteristics of the blanking workpiece
2.1.2 Analysis of the blanking process
2.1.3 Technological calculation of the blanking workpiece
2.1.4 Related calculation in the blanking die design
2.2 Typical structure of blanking die
2.2.1 Basic type and construction of blanking die
2.2.2 Construction of main parts of the cold stamping die
2.2.3 Complex blanking die
Chapter 3 Bending Die Design
3.1 Foundation of bending die design
3.1.1 Technological characteristics of the bending workpiece
3.1.2 Analysis of bending process and deformation
3.1.3 Technological calculation of the bending workpiece
3.1.4 Related calculation in the bending die design
3.2 Typical structure of bending die
3.2.1 Typical structure of the bending die
3.2.2 Process steps for complex bending workpiece
3.2.3 Structure design keys of bending die design
Chapter 4 Drawing Die Design
4.1 Foundation of drawing die design
4.1.1 Characteristics of the drawing workpiece
4.1.2 Analysis of drawing process and deformation
4.1.3 Technological calculation of the drawing workpiece
4.1.4 Related calculation in the drawing die design
4.2 Typical structure of drawing die
Chapter 5 FlangingDieDesign.
5.1 Foundation of flanging die design
5.1.1 Technological characteristics of the flanging workpiece
5.1.2 Analysis of flanging process and deformation
5.1.3 Technological calculation of the flanging workpiece
5.1.4 Related calculation in the flanging die design
5.2 Typical structure of flanging die
Chapter 6 Design Process of Cold Stamping Die
6.1 General steps of cold stamping die design
6.1.1 Obtain workpiece information and analyze the characteristic of stamping
6.1.2 Determine the technologic scheme and the stamping die structure
6.1.3 Carry out necessary technologic calculation
6.1.4 Designtheoveralldie
6.1.5 Design the structure of the main parts
6.1.6 Selectstampingpress
6.1.7 Draw the assembly drawing of the die
6.1.8 Draw the drawings of nonstandard part
6.1.9 Compiledesignreport
6.2 A design example of cold stamping die
6.2.1 Technoiogic analysis of the workpiece
6.2.2 Determine the technologic scheme
6.2.3 Necessary calculation in the design process
6.2.4 Overalldesign of the dierame and press
6.3 3 D design example of cold stamping die
6.3.1 Design part of cold stamping
6.3.2 Design technology structural parts of cold stamping die
6.3.3 Design auxiliary structural parts of cold stamping die
6.3.4 Assembly of cold stamping die
6.3.5 Cross-sectional view of cold stamping die assembly
6.3.6 Decompose the cold stamping die and achieve the animation of assembly
6.3.7 Achieve the animation of working process
Chapter 7 Common Standards and Specifications in Cold Stamping Die Design
7.1 Cold stamping process basic information
7.2 Commonly used tolerances, fits, geometric tolerances and surface roughness
7.3 Clearance in cold stamping die design
7.4 Standard parts in cold stamping die
Re fe rences