







  映秀有两个春天,一个在迎春的枝头,一个在人们的心坎。2011年1月31日,两个春天同时降临,使这块土地成为吉祥福地。 《和春天一起来到映秀》讲述了援建工作者克服重重困难抢时间、赶进度,为5·12汶川特大地震抗震救灾、灾后重建等重大历史事件留下清晰真实的记录。 On May 12, 2008, at 2:28pm, the Wenchuan Earthquake struck the area and caused unprecedented damage to the entire region by turning the town of Yingxiu into rubble. The city of Dongguan was destined to shape the history of Yingxiu. One town in the north-west mountainous areas of Sichuan, and another in the southern vast grasslands of Guangdong were brought together to create a shared destiny for their peoples in a touching story of sincere, brotherly love.
  郭严隶,字岩丽。内蒙巴林左旗人。毕业于首都师范大学中文系。现居成都,为四川省巴金文学院签约作家、广东省东莞文学院签约作家、中国作家协会会员。1990年在《青年文学》发表短篇小说处女作《红草莓?蓝草莓》,此后在全国多种期刊、报纸发表小说、散文、诗歌、报告文学等作品百万余字。现主要作品计有长篇小说《浮途》《十步莲花》《锁沙》《畏果》;中短篇小说集《红草莓?蓝草莓》《羊场》;散文集《春天的禅意》等。 Guo Yanli was a graduate of Beijing Normal University with a degree in Chinese Literature. She is a member of the China Writers Association, as well as a contracted writer at the Ba Jinwen Institute (Sichuan province) and at the Dongguan Academy of Arts (Guangdong province). Guo Yanli is a prolific writer whose publications vary from novels to prose, poetry, and media reports in national newspapers; she is also the author of the widely acclaimed novel Trapped in the Sand.


Foreword 5

Springtime in Yingxiu 11

CHAPTER 1 The Origins of Yingxiu 17

CHAPTER 2 The Rainbows of Yingxiu 28

CHAPTER 3 The Smile of Yingxiu 37

CHAPTER 4 The Sunshine over Yingxiu 48

CHAPTER 5 The Key to Yingxiu 59

CHAPTER 6 The Son of Yingxiu 73

CHAPTER 7 The Tears of Yingxiu 94

CHAPTER 8 The Bright Moon of Yingxiu 105

CHAPTER 9 The Blush of Yingxiu 129

CHAPTER 10 The Long Poem of Yingxiu 147

CHAPTER 11 The Fairy Tale of Yingxiu 166

CHAPTER 12 The Language of Yingxiu 197

CHAPTER 13 The Slogan of Yingxiu 203

CHAPTER 14 The Trends of Yingxiu 212

CHAPTER 15 The Idyll of Yingxiu 218

CHAPTER 16 The World of Yingxiu 240

CHAPTER 17 The Distant Town of Yingxiu 256

Translator’s Footnotes 281


