金融建模 以Excel为工具(英文版)

作者:[美] 弗兰克·休·科格三世 著
《金融建模:以Excel为工具(英文版)》基于作者弗兰克·休米·科格三世(Frank Hugh Koger III)所教的同名课程。在书中,作者将建模理论与金融实践相结合,系统、全面地阐释了如何通过Excel工具,建立模型,分析金融问题的方法。具体内容包括投资组合管理、期权、债券、固定收益证券,以及资产定价和风险管理等。书中开篇详细介绍了Excel操作方法及基本的金融知识,使不具备背景知识和Excel技术的读者也能够快速入门。 《金融建模:以Excel为工具(英文版)》适合作为高年级本科生、研究生以及MBA教材,也是金融从业人员理想的参考书。
弗兰克·休米·科格三世(Frank Hugh Koger III),北京大学汇丰商学院教学副教授,特许金融分析师(CFA), 南加利福尼亚大学MBA,杜兰大学金融学博士,研究领域为公司金融与政治、投资学。曾在美国杜兰大学、德国波鸿鲁尔大学及南方科技大学任教,获得北京大学汇丰商学院及北大深圳研究生院杰出教学奖。曾任Filtration集团总经理,德国Hoechst Celanese全球市场开发经理。
I Basics of Excel Functionality
Chapter 1: Array Functions; Goal Seek; Data Tables
Chapter 2: Boolean Functions; Excel’s PV Function
Chapter 3: Regressions in Excel; Matrix Functions
Chapter 4: Excel’s Amortization Functions; VLOOKUP
Chapter 5: Scatter Plot; Polynomial Regressions
Chapter 6: Excel’s Solver; Excel’s IRR Function
II Absolute Valuation and Portfolio Management
Chapter 7: Pro-forma Accounting Statements; Firm Value
Chapter 8: Value at Risk; Portfolio Theory Introduction
Chapter 9: Portfolio Theory; Market Model; Events
III Options
Chapter 10: Option Payoffs and Premia
Chapter 11: Black-Scholes-Merton Model Applications
Chapter 12: Replicating Portfolios Involving Options
Chapter 13: Revisiting Option Replicating Portfolios
Chapter 14: Binomial Pricing Model; Monte Carlo
Chapter 15: Path Dependent Options; Real Options
IV Bonds
Chapter 16: Price-yield Curve & Approximations; Spot Rates;
Pricing Between Coupon Dates
Chapter 17: Bond Immunization Portfolio
Appendix Chapter A: Review of Financial Basics
Appendix Chapter B: Financial Accounting Statements
Appendix Chapter C: Earnings Multiplier Model
Appendix Chapter D: Rate and Yield Metrics
References and Selected Readings
Chapter 1: Array Functions; Goal Seek; Data Tables
Chapter 2: Boolean Functions; Excel’s PV Function
Chapter 3: Regressions in Excel; Matrix Functions
Chapter 4: Excel’s Amortization Functions; VLOOKUP
Chapter 5: Scatter Plot; Polynomial Regressions
Chapter 6: Excel’s Solver; Excel’s IRR Function
II Absolute Valuation and Portfolio Management
Chapter 7: Pro-forma Accounting Statements; Firm Value
Chapter 8: Value at Risk; Portfolio Theory Introduction
Chapter 9: Portfolio Theory; Market Model; Events
III Options
Chapter 10: Option Payoffs and Premia
Chapter 11: Black-Scholes-Merton Model Applications
Chapter 12: Replicating Portfolios Involving Options
Chapter 13: Revisiting Option Replicating Portfolios
Chapter 14: Binomial Pricing Model; Monte Carlo
Chapter 15: Path Dependent Options; Real Options
IV Bonds
Chapter 16: Price-yield Curve & Approximations; Spot Rates;
Pricing Between Coupon Dates
Chapter 17: Bond Immunization Portfolio
Appendix Chapter A: Review of Financial Basics
Appendix Chapter B: Financial Accounting Statements
Appendix Chapter C: Earnings Multiplier Model
Appendix Chapter D: Rate and Yield Metrics
References and Selected Readings