
基础营养与膳食治疗(Basic Nutrition and Diet Therapy)

基础营养与膳食治疗(Basic Nutrition and Diet Therapy)

作者:[美] 斯塔奇.尼克斯(Staci Nix) 著





  黄国伟教授,博士生导师,天津医科大学公共卫生学院院长,天津医科大学公共卫生学院任教授、副院长作为客座教授工作在加拿大西安大略大学医学院, 参加多种图书编写
Part Ⅰ Introduction to Basic Principles of Nutrition Science
Chapter 1 Food, Nutrition, and Health . 3
HealtH Promotion . 3
Functions oF nutrients in Food 6
nutritional states 7
nutrient and Food Guides For HealtH Promotion . 8

Chapter 2 Carbohydrates 13
nature oF carboHydrates 13
Functions oF carboHydrates . 21
Food sources oF carboHydrates 22
diG estion oF carboHydrates . 22
recommendations For dietary carboHydrate . 23

Chapter 3 Fats . 25
tHe nature oF Fats . 25
Functions oF Fat 29
Food sources oF Fat 30
Food label inFormation 31
diGestion oF Fats . 32
recommendations For dietary Fat . 34

Chapter 4 Proteins 37
tHe nature oF Proteins . 37
Functions oF Protein 39
Food sources oF Protein 40
diGestion oF Proteins . 43
recommendations For dietary Protein . 46

Chapter 5 Digestion, Absorption, and Metabolism . 50
diGestion 50
absorPtion and transPort . 56
metabolism 60
errors in diGestion and metabolism . 61

Chapter 6 Energy Balance 63
Human enerGy system 63
enerGy balance . 64
recommendations For dietary enerGy intake 70

Chapter 7 Vitamins . 73
tHe nature oF Vitamins . 73
Vitamin a (retinol) . 75
Vitamin d (calciFerol) . 77
Vitamin e (tocoPHerol) . 80
Vitamin k 81
Vitamin c (ascorbic acid) . 83
tHiamin (Vitamin b1) . 85
riboFlaVin (Vitamin b2) . 86
niacin (Vitamin b3) . 87
Vitamin b6 89
Folate . 90
cobalamin (Vitamin b12) . 92
PantotHenic acid . 93
biotin . 94
cHoline 96
PHytocHemicals 96
recommendations For nutrient suPPlementation . 98
suP Plementation PrinciPles 99
Functional Foods . 99

Chapter 8 Minerals . 101
nature oF minerals in Human nutrition . 101
major minerals 102
trace minerals . 110
mineral suPPlementation 119

Chapter 9 Water and Electrolyte Balance . 120
body Water Functions and requirements . 120
Water balance . 123
acid-base balance 130

Part Ⅱ Nutrition throughout the Life Cycle Chapter 10 Nutrition during Pregnancy and Lactation . 135
nutritional demands oF PreGnancy . 135
dietary Guidelines For PreGnant Women in cHina 141
General concerns . 141
lactation 146

tHe baby-Friendly HosPital initiatiVe . 147
dietary Guidelines For lactatinG motHers in cHina 150

Chapter 11 Nutrition during Infancy, Childhood, and Adolescence 151
GroWtH and deVeloPment 151
nutritional requirements For GroWtH 154
nutrition requirements durinG inFancy . 155
nutrition requirements durinG cHildHood 160
nutrition requirements durinG adolescence (12 to 18 years old) . 166
dietary Guidelines For inFant in cHina 168
dietary Guidelines For cHildren and adolescent in cHina . 168

Chapter 12 Nutrition for Adults: The Early, Middle, and Later Years 169
adultHood: continuinG Human GroWtH and deVeloPment . 169
tHe aGinG Process and nutrition needs 172
dietary Guidelines For tHe elderly in cHina . 175
clinical needs oF tHe elderly 175
community resources 179
alternatiVe liVinG arranGements . 180

Part Ⅲ Community Nutrition and Health Care
Chapter 13 Community Food Supply and Health . 185
Food saFety and HealtH Promotion 185
Food tecHnoloGy . 188
Food-borne disease 193

Chapter 14 Food Habits and Cultural Patterns . 203
social, PsycHoloGic, and economic inFluences on Food Habits 203
cultural deVeloPment oF Food Habits 204

Chapter 15 Weight Management . 218
obesity and WeiGHt control . 219
a sound WeiGHt-manaGement ProGram 229
Food misinFormation and Fads . 233
underWeiGHt . 235

Chapter 16 Nutrition and Physical Fitness . 240
PHysical actiVity recommendations and beneFits 240
dietary needs durinG exercise . 249
atHletic PerFormance 251

Part Ⅳ Clinical Nutrition
Chapter 17 Nutrition Care 257
tHe tHeraPeutic Process 257
PHases oF tHe care Process . 259

diet-druG interactions 267

Chapter 18 Gastrointestinal and Accessory Organ Problems . 270
tHe uPPer Gastrointestinal tract 270
loWer Gastrointestinal tract 276
Food intolerances and allerGies . 282
Gastrointestinal accessory orGans 285

Chapter 19 Coronary Heart Disease and Hypertension . 289
coronary Heart disease 289
essential HyPertension 300
education and PreVention 305

Chapter 20 Diabetes Mellitus . 307
tHe nature oF diabetes . 307
tHe metabolic Pattern oF diabetes . 311
General manaGement oF diabetes . 316
medical nutrition tHeraPy For indiViduals WitH diabetes . 319

Chapter 21 Kidney Disease . 328
basic structure and Function oF tHe kidney 328
disease Process and dietary considerations . 330
nePHron diseases 331
kidney Failure 333
kidney stone disease . 340

Chapter 22 Surgery and Nutrition Support . 344
nutrition needs oF General surGery Patients 344
General dietary manaGement . 348
sPecial nutrition needs aFter Gastrointestinal surGery 356
sPecial nutrition needs For Patients WitH burns . 359

Chapter 23 Nutrition Support in Cancer and HIV . 362
Process oF cancer deVeloPment 362
nutrition comPlications oF cancer treatment . 364
medical nutrition tHeraPy in tHe Patient WitH cancer 365
cancer PreVention 370
acs recommendations For community action . 372
ProGression oF Human immunodeFiciency Virus . 373
medical manaGement oF tHe Patient WitH HiV/aids . 376
medical nutrition tHeraPy . 379

