
中国经典名著故事:醒世恒言故事(二 英)

中国经典名著故事:醒世恒言故事(二 英)






  《醒世恒言》是明末冯梦龙纂辑的白话短篇小说集,与《喻世明言》《醒世恒言》一起,合称"三言",是重要的中国古代白话短篇小说集之一。 San Yan refers to the three short story collections of the Ming Dynasty written by Feng Menglong: Instruction Stories to Enlighten the World, Stories Enlightening the World, and Stories to Awaken the World. The three books consist altogether of 120 pieces with each composed of 40. Rich in content, San Yan deals with almost every aspect of the social life of the time and reflects the characteristics of the era which witnessed the decline of the feudal lord class and the gradual rise of the townsfolk stratum. San Yan represents the summit of ancient short story writing in vernacular Chinese.
暂缺《中国经典名著故事:醒世恒言故事(二 英)》作者简介
Story 1
Two Magistrates Vie to Take on an Orphan Girl as Daughter-in-Law
Story 2
Three Brothers Honored by Sharing Family Property
Story 3
Oil-Peddler Wins the Beauty
Story 4
Old Gardener Meets Fairy Maidens
Story 5
Tiger Repays Human Kindness
Story 6
Divine Foxes Lose a Book
Story 7
Scholar Qian Marries a Woman through a Happy Mistake
Story 8
Prefect Qiao Arranges Marriage Arbitrarily
Story 9
Chen and His Wife Bound in Life and in Death
Story 10
‘Brothers’ Get Married
Story 11
Su Xiaomei Tests Her Groom Three Times
Story 12
Abbot Foyin Flirts with Qinniang Four Times
Story 13
Leather Boot Used as Evidence against the God Erlang’s Impostor
Story 14
Fan Tower Restaurant Witnesses the Love of Zhou Shengxian
Story 15
He Daqing Leaves Behind a Lovers’ Silk Ribbon in Eternal Regret
Story 16
Lu Wuhan Refuses to Give up the Colored Shoes
Story 17
Zhang Xiaoji Takes in His Brother-in-Law at Chenliu
Story 18
Shi Fu Meets a Friend at Tanque
Story 19
Bai Yuniang Endures Hardships Her Husband’s Success
Story 20
Zhang Tingxiu Saves His Father
Story 21
Zhang Shu’er Helps Mr. Yang to Escape
Story 22
Lu Dongbin Attempts to Kill the Yellow Dragon
Story 23
Jin Prince Hailing Dies from Indulgence in Lust
Story 24
Sui Emperor Yangdi Punished for His Life of Extravagance
Story 25
Mr. Dugu Dreams of His Journey Home
Story 26
Magistrate Xue Proves His Divinity through a Fish
Story 27
Li Yuying Appeals for Justice from Jail
Story 28
Master Wu Goes to a Tryst in the Next Boa
Story 29
Scholar Lu Scorns Dukes with Poems
Story 30
Li Mian Meets a Knight-Errant in an Inn
Story 31
Commander Zheng Renders Distinguished Service with His Divine-Arm Bow
Story 32
Scholar Huang Receives Divine Aid through His Jade-Horse Pendant
Story 33
The Ridiculous Execution of Cui Ning
Story 34
Deaths Related to a Penny
Story 35
Old Servant Xu Builds Up a Family Fortune
Story 36
Cai Ruihong Seeks Revenge
Story 37
Du Zichun Goes to Chang’an Three Times
Story 38
Taoist Li Enters Cloud Gate Cave Alone
Story 39
Magistrate Wang Burns Down Precious Lotus Monastery
Story 40
Wang Bo Becomes an Immortal
