食品雕刻张玉本书为“十三五”职业教育 规划教材,配有二维码学习资源。教材围绕食品雕刻基础知识、食品雕刻基础技能、花卉雕刻技能、鱼虫器皿雕刻技能、禽鸟雕刻技能,对44个雕刻主题进行了细致的雕刻图解及中文示范讲解。第2版根据岗位实操需要,选择典型工作任务拍摄了有关食品雕刻基础技能、花卉雕刻技能、鱼虫雕刻技能和禽鸟雕刻技能的若干教学视频。
宴席设计与运营管理贺习耀这是一本介绍宴席设计与运营管理学科教学 发展状况的教材,作者常年在一线教学多年,对本课程有深入的了解。
盐,脂,酸,热萨明·诺斯拉特 著※ 怎样才能游刃有余地在农贸市场挑选入眼的食材?※ 如何将这些食材变成一桌营养均衡的美味饭菜?※ 怎样在一道菜中铺垫层层令人叫绝的新口味?※ 没有食谱,你会不会觉得无从下手?※ 怎样才能收获每尝一口都能让人“一激灵”的惊艳和满足?…………这是一本能够改变你思考食物和烹饪方式的科普书,作者萨明·诺斯拉特从庞杂而多元的烹饪学科中大胆提炼出四大基本元素——盐、脂、酸、热,带我们深入烹饪艺术的核心。 每次踏入厨房,都在心里预备这份清单:※ “百味之王”——盐 ※ 增加风味,实现诱人口感——脂※ 增添色泽,调和百味——酸 ※ 打造食物的质地和口感——热 再充分调动你的感官,将“品尝”这一核心原理纳入,就集齐了优质烹饪的五种必要元素。 阅读本书的体验与徜徉在烹饪指南的书页间不同,而像置身一所杰出的烹饪学校。无论你是没怎么摸过厨刀的新手,还是厨艺精湛的烹饪达人,不管置身哪间厨房,烹饪单一还是复合食材,你都将凭借这四大元素无往不胜。最终,这些知识会形成你的第二天性,助你抛开食谱,大胆即兴烹饪。
地中海烹饪本社 编From the rustic mountain cuisine of the Pyrenees that lines the stomach and warms the cockles of the heart in winter, to the light, sun-soaked spring and summer dishes of the Mediterranean South, lovers of French cuisine can revel in the pleasures of good food.In this book, a total of 11 master chefs introduce recipes of varying degrees of difficulty,from elegant appetizers and soups, via typical regional dishes, to enticing desserts. These include oyster fritters, guinea fowl with garlic, and a creme brOlee with Muscatel wine.Readers can follow step-by-step instructions on how to prepare all these delicacies.Planning the perfect menu is child's play with detailed information on the degree ofdifficulty, cooking time, and method. Immerse yourself in the refinement of French cuisine and treat yourself and your guests to delicacies from the land of the gourmet.
地中海烹饪本社 编Mozzarella, pesto, Parma ham and balsamic vinegar: Italian products and recipes still enjoy top ranking in the world, equal to no other cuisine. This is for good reason, for la cucina italiana is very healthy, tasty, and easy to master by any cook -beginner or experienced.The 11 Italian master chefs of this book have brought together a very exciting selection of regional recipes and personal creations: a delicious lasagne enhanced with arugula,spaghetti with fresh langoustines, salmon trout with orange sauce, aromatic lamb Abruzzi style, or delicious truffle dishes from the Marche region. Here, every Italian region comes into its own, with the very best that the cuisine has to offer. The detailed step-by-step instructions enable trouble-free and successful preparation of even complicated recipes:the only thing that remains is to wish you and your guests "buon appetito"!
地中海的烹饪风格本社 编Landscapes of legendary beauty and unchanged nature, crystal clear waters, with the southern sun shining overhead: this truly is paradise on earth and is found on Mediterranean islands. But what would oaradise be without the delights prepared so lovingly on the isles of Crete, Corsica, Sardinia, Malta and the Balearics? Freshly harvested fruit and vegetables, fish, seafood and meat are transformed into sun-rich delicacies using traditional family recipes, with wonderfu results to be enjoyed by guests everywhere.In this book, eleven master chefs present some of their favorite recioes, ranging from clever appetizers through main dishes that are typica of the various regions, to seductive desserts: fish soup from Bastia, Corsican cheese crenes, veal schnitzel with eggplant, or maybe a wonderful Parmesan ice cream with cookies ...?The recipes are of vanous levels of difficulty, and each one includes detailed step-by-step instructions for readers to follow, along with information on cooking times and methods making preparing a perfect menu child's play!
简单烹饪的艺术[加] 艾丽丝·沃特斯本书是写给那些想渴望学习烹饪、精进厨艺的人。全书分为上下两篇,在上篇中,艾丽丝·沃特斯如一位老友一般,将自己数十年来积累的烹饪秘诀和饮食态度向读者一一道来:怎样选择新鲜食材,怎样储备食品,如何决定菜单,各类食材的烹饪技巧以及经典食谱的烹饪原理。下篇则按照食材分类,详细讲解了充满法国南部、意大利风情的250道食谱。书中收录的烹饪要诀和所有食谱都传达着艾丽丝· 沃特斯的饮食哲学——以简单的方法烹煮新鲜应季的本地有机食材,体现食物的天然美味。