Everyday Math 1B
作者:上海市世界外国语小学 著
Everyday math (每日数学)丛书依据IB课程PYP项目要求并结合国内PYP学校教学实际,按照知识点分类,每章围绕一个知识点内容进行归纳总结,每节介绍主要数学概念,提供基础练习题、拓展练习题、挑战性题目,并在每一章后附上一套本章复习题、研究性题目。结合小学生学习数学的特点,本套书力求在保证知识性的前提下,突出趣味性和开放性,激发学生的发散性思维和创造力。
上海市世界外国语小学:上海市著名小学,学校分本部、 境外部、PYP部(IB0国际文凭组织小学项目部),本书是由该校组织PYP部数学教师编写。 王小平:上海世界外国语小学创始人,曾荣获世界杰出华人、全国优秀教育工作者、上海市劳动模范等荣誉。曾长期担任小学数学教师,出版过多部教学、教辅图书,具有丰富教学经验。
Chapter 1 Numbers to 100········································································1
1—1 Compare numbers 1
1—2 The hundred chart 3
Review 7
Chapter 2 Time··························································································9
2—1 O’clock and half-past 10
2—2 12—24 hour and A.M./P.M. 13
2—3 Time in real life 17
Review 21
Chapter 3 Money·····················································································24
3—1 Getting to know the money 25
3—2 Shopping games 29
Review 32
Chapter 4 Calculation up to 100······························································36
4—1 Calculation up to 100 — Two-digit with one-digit 37
4—2 Calculation up to 100 — Two-digit with tens 41
4—3 Addition up to 100 43
4—4 Subtraction up to 100 46
4—5 Calculation of three numbers 49
Review 53
Chapter 5 Direction·················································································55
5—1 Left and right 57
5—2 Position 60
Review 63
Chapter 6 Measurement··········································································66
6—1 Meter 67
6—2 Compare and non-standard measurement 70
6—3 Standard measurement 73
Review 77
1—1 Compare numbers 1
1—2 The hundred chart 3
Review 7
Chapter 2 Time··························································································9
2—1 O’clock and half-past 10
2—2 12—24 hour and A.M./P.M. 13
2—3 Time in real life 17
Review 21
Chapter 3 Money·····················································································24
3—1 Getting to know the money 25
3—2 Shopping games 29
Review 32
Chapter 4 Calculation up to 100······························································36
4—1 Calculation up to 100 — Two-digit with one-digit 37
4—2 Calculation up to 100 — Two-digit with tens 41
4—3 Addition up to 100 43
4—4 Subtraction up to 100 46
4—5 Calculation of three numbers 49
Review 53
Chapter 5 Direction·················································································55
5—1 Left and right 57
5—2 Position 60
Review 63
Chapter 6 Measurement··········································································66
6—1 Meter 67
6—2 Compare and non-standard measurement 70
6—3 Standard measurement 73
Review 77