作者:杨燕青 编
Yang Yanqing, PhD in Economics, Fudan University.;visiting scholar, Johns Hopkins Universi~: Currently,Deputy Editor-in-Chief, China Business News;Managing Director, YICAI Research Institute;visiting senior research fellow, National Institutionfor Finance & Development; Independent Director,China Universal Asset Management Co.Experienced in journalism, academia, andmanagement, Ms. Yang is one of the co-foundersof the China Business News and has initiated manyprominent projects of YICAI. Over many yearsas a professional she has interviewed around onehundred senior figures including central bankgovernors, finance ministers, political leaders andeconomists. She has hosted high-level TV programssuch as Economists and Yanqing's High-Level Interviews,and engaged in events as a media leader, moderatorand speaker, including the World Economic Forum,IMF and World Bank annual meetings, the ChinaDevelopment Forum, Boao Forum annual meetings,and the Lujiazui Forum. She has published papersin Chinese or English in academic journals suchas Economic Research Journal. She played a key rotein transforming the YICAI Research Institute intoan economic and financial think tank, and she haspresided over, promoted, and led many researchactivities, including China Financial Risks & Stabili~Repo
A Global Perspective
China and G20
Major-Country Diplomacy with Chinese Characteristics and the Belt and Road Initiative
Governance Model
China's Actions Against Climate Change
Vision and Governance of Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank
B20 and Infrastructure Investment
Supply-side Structural Reform
Consolidate Consensus on Structural Reform and Promote World Economic Growth
China's Economic New Normal and Supply-Side Structural Reform
Monetary and Financial System
International Monetary System Reform and Special Drawing Rights
Green Finance