
Healthy China 2015(《2015卷中国卫生和计划生育年鉴》英文版)

Healthy China 2015(《2015卷中国卫生和计划生育年鉴》英文版)






暂缺《Healthy China 2015(《2015卷中国卫生和计划生育年鉴》英文版)》作者简介
Part I Overview
Overview of National Health and Family Planning Development in 2014
Part II Literature
Chapter One Important Documents
1.General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, State President, Central Military Commission Chairman Xi Jinping Sent a Letter of Consolahon to All Medical Workers Who Helped Fight Ebola in West Africa (Excerpt)
2.Report on the Work of the Government (2014)(Excerpt)
-Delivered at the Second Session of the 12th National People's Congress by Li Keqiang, Member of the Standing Committee of the Polihcal Bureau of CPC Central Committee and Premier of the State Council
3.Member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, Vice-Premier of the State Counal Liu Yandong Addressed the National Teleconference on Family Planning Work (Excerpt)
4.Member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, Vice-Premier of the State Council Liu Yandong Addressed the Teleconference on the Comprehensive Reform of Public Hospitals at County-level (Excerpt)
5.Vice Chairmen of the NPC Standing Committee Chen Zhu Delivered the Report on the 2014 China NCDs Conference (Excerpt)
6.Vice Chairman of the National Committee of the CPPCC Qi Xuchun's Speech on the "Girls' Dream and Beijing's Dream" Seminar (Excerpt)
7.Regulations on Supervision and Management of Medical Devices
8.Opinions of the State Counal on Further Strengthening Patriotic Health Work in the New Era
9.China's National Program for Food and Nutrition (2014-2020)
10.2014 Major Task List on Deepening the Medical and Health Care System Reform
11.National Development Plan for Children in Poverty-Stricken Areas (2014-2020)
Chapter Two Department Regulations
Provisions on Handling Violations of Disaplines and Regulations in the Qualification Examinations of Physiaans
Chapter Three Speeches by NHFPC Leaders
1.Strive to Develop Health ar/d Family Planning to the Satisfaction of the People with Three Main Reform Tasks as the Center
2.Give Full Play to the Leading and Guiding Role of Publiaty to Create a Favorable Soaal Environment of Public Opinions for the Reform and Development of Health and Family Planning
3.Realize the Dream of Improving Maternal and Child Health with Concerted Efforts and Pioneering and Innovative Spirit
Part III Deepening the Reform of Medical and Health System
Part IV Professional Work in Health and Family Planning
Part V Data
