
Healthy China 2014(《2014卷中国卫生和计划生育年鉴》英文版)

Healthy China 2014(《2014卷中国卫生和计划生育年鉴》英文版)






  《Healthy China 2014(《2014卷中国卫生和计划生育年鉴》英文版)》是一部反映中国卫生计生事业发展情况和居民健康状况的资料性年刊。《Healthy China 2014(《2014卷中国卫生和计划生育年鉴》英文版)》收录了全国及31个省、自治区、直辖市卫生计生事业发展情况和目前居民健康水平的统计数据,以及历史重要年份的全国统计数据。
暂缺《Healthy China 2014(《2014卷中国卫生和计划生育年鉴》英文版)》作者简介
Part I Overview
Overview of the National Health and Family Planning Developmentin 2013
Part II Literature
Chapter One Important Documents
1.Decision of the CCCPC on Some Major Issues Concerning Comprehensively Deeperung the Reform (Excerpt)
2.Report on the Work of the Govemment (2013) (Excerpt)
-Delivered at the First Session of the 12th Nahonal People's Congress by Wen Jiabao, Member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of CPC Central Comnuttee and Premier of the State Council
3.Speech Delivered by Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, President of People's Republic of China and Chairman of CPC Central Military Commission, when Meeting with Representatives of Model Teams and Individuals in China/s Overseas Medical Aid (Excerpt)
4.Letter Written by Li Keqiang, Member of the Standing Comnuttee of the Political Bureau of CPC Central Committee and Premier of the State Council, to HIV/AIDS Prevention and Treatment Workers and AIDS Patients in Beijing You'an Hospital (Excerpt)
5.Opinions Issued by the CPC Central Committee and the State Counal on Adjusting and Improving the Fertility Policy
6.Some Opiruons of the State Council on Promoting the Development of Health Service Industry
7.Opinions of the General Office of the State Counal on Solidifying and Improving the National Essential Mediane System and the New Operation Mechanism at Grassroots Level
8.Guiding Opinion of the General Office of the State Council on Establishing the Disease Emergency Aid System
9.Notice of the General Office of the State Counal on Issuing the Provisions on the Main Functions, Intemal Bodies and Staffing of the National Health and Family Planning Commission
10.Nohce of the General Office of the State Counal on Issuing the Major Work Arrangements for Deepening the Reform of Medical and Health Care System in 2013
11.The General Office of the State Counal Relayed the Notice of the NHFPC and Some Other Departments on the Guiding Opinion on Earnestly Implementing the Intemational Health Regulations (2005) to Speedily Promote Construction of Public Health Emergency Response Ability
Chapter Two Department Regulations
1.Good Supply Practice for Pharmaceutical Products
2.The Administrative Measures for Diagnosis and Identification of Occupational Diseases
3.The Administrative Measures for Prevention and Treatment of Tuberculosis
Chapter Three Speeches by NHFPC Leaders
Part III Deepening the Reform of Medical and Health System
Part IV Professional Work in Health and Family Planning
Part V Data
