
Assembly Line Rebalancing with Non constant Task

Assembly Line Rebalancing with Non constant Task

作者:Li Yuchen





  Assembly line has been widely used in producing complex items, such as automobiles and other transportation equipment, household appliances and electronic goods. Assembly line balancing is to maximize the efficiency of the assembly line so that the optimal production rate or optimal length of the line is obtained. Since the 1950s there has been a plethora of research studies focusing on the methodologies for assembly line balancing. Methods and algorithms were developed to balance an assembly line, which is operated by human workers, in a fast and efficient fashion. However, more and more assembly lines are incorporating automation in the design of the line, and in that case the line balancing problem structure is altered. For these automated assembly lines, novel algorithms are provided in this book to efficiently solve the automated line balancing problem when the assembly line includes learning automata.Recent studies show that the task time can be improved during production due to machine learning, which gives the opportunities to rebalance the assembly line as the improvements occur and are observed. The concept of assembly line rebalancing or task reassignment is crucial for the assembly which is designed for smallvolume production because of the demand variation and rapid innovation of new products. ln this book, two forms of rebalancing are provided, forward planning and real time adjustment. The first one is to develop a planning schedule before production begins given the task time improvement is deterministic. The second one is to rebalance the line after the improvements are realized given the task time improvement is random. Algorithms address one sided and two sided assembly lines are proposed, Computation experiments are performed in order to test the performance of the novel algorithms and empirically validate the merit of improvement of production statistics.
  Li Yuchen,李雨辰,现就职于北京工业大学经济与管理学院。2010年获得北京航空航天大学学士学位(质量与可靠性工程),2012年获得美国哥伦比亚大学硕士学位(运筹学),2016年获得美国罗格斯大学博士学位(工业工程)。主要研究领域有生产优化、博弈论与工程经济学。在国内外知名期刊包括International Journal of Production Research,The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology等上发表过高水平的学术论文。
1 Introduction
1.1 Traditional flow assembly line
1.2 Automated flexible assembly line
1.3 Motivation
1.4 Notations
1.5 Assembly line balancing problem
1.6 Summary
2 Literature Review
2.1 Literature review on data structure and complexity
2.2 An overview of algorithms addressing SALBP
2.3 Literature review on dynamic prpgramming
2.4 Literature review of the branch and bound procedure inassembly line balancing
2.5 Literature review on priority-based methods
2.6 Literature review on task attributes
2.7 Summary
3 Simple Assembly LIne Balancing Problem-l with Dynamic TaskTime Attribute
3.1 Conventional BnB procedure
3.2 Line rebalancing schedule
3.3 Backward induction algorithm
3.4 Computational experiments
3.5 Casestudy
3.6 Summary
4 Simple Assembly Line Balancing Problem-2 with Non-constant Task Time Attribute
4.1 Rebalancing schedule with non-constant task time attributes
4.2 A BnB based exact solution procedure to solve SALBP2 with non-constant task time
4.3 Design of experiments
4.4 Summary
5 Priority Rules-based Algorithmic Design on Two-sided Assembly Line Balancing
5.1 The investigation of PRBMs in TALBP
5.2 Algorithmic design with BDP
5.3 Summary
6 Summary
Appendix A Benchmark Data Sets
Appendix B The Basic Flow Chart of ENCORE
Appendix C Computational Tests for Backward Inducfion Algorithm
Appendix D Case Study
Appendix E Computational Tests for ENCORE
Appendix F Design of Experiments (ENCORE)
Appendix G Performance of Elementary Rules
Appendix H Performance of Enhanced Elementary Rules
Appendix I Performance of the Composite Rules
Appendix J Performance of the Priority-based Bounded Dynamic Programing
Appendix K Design of Experiments (PR_BDP)
