凯丽-赫本为生活而设计Kelly Hoppen暂缺简介...
侘寂生活[加] 朱莉·波因特·亚当斯枯枝落叶?寂寥萧索?这就是你理解的“侘寂”吗?不,在不完美中感知美,在意想不到之处发现真正的美好,这才是侘寂对于生活的意义。它可以是与朋友分享一壶茶,可以是准备美味的食物滋养身心,也可以是森林中采来的斑斓枝束、不成套的旧银器……它们也许不那么光鲜完美,却饱含爱意。在这本内容丰富的生活方式读物中,作者将邀请读者体验日本、丹麦、美国、法国、意大利的别样侘寂时光。把侘寂之道融入日常生活,待客自然会转变为更深层的生活艺术。
建筑装饰材料Y Li ,S Ren 编Buildings should not only be functional but aestheticallypleasing. This requires the use of decorative materials both on theexterior and inside a building. Building decorativematerials reviews the range of materials available and theirpotential applications.The book begins by considering the main types of decorativematerial and the physical, mechanical and other properties theyrequire. It then discusses types and potential uses of decorativestone materials such as marble, granite, slate or gypsum. Itcontinues to discuss the ways cement and concrete can be used fordecorative effect, before considering the role of ceramics in suchareas as tiling. The following chapters review decorative glass forwindows or facades, metals and wood before assessing polymermaterials such as plastics and textiles. The final group ofchapters discuss coatings, including waterproofing materials,multi-functional materials used for such purposes as soundproofingand thermal insulation, and the use of more sustainable decorativematerials.
浙江省家庭居室装饰装修施工合同HT33/SF021-2022浙江省消费者权益保护委员会 浙江省建筑装饰行业协会暂缺简介...
室内设计汪梅 编著室内设计与环境艺术设计、装饰艺术设计等专业均属于应用工程艺术,其专业基础与技能素养比纯艺术或工程专业要求更全面、更丰富。本书是在深入研究艺术院校和理工院校室内设计与环境设计、建筑设计、装饰艺术设计等专业入学考试要求的基础上,结合作者多年教学经验向考生较为系统地介绍报考本专业应掌握的基础知识和基本技能的专业辅导书,也可作为这些专业初学者的学习参考资料。
室内设计经典Elana Frankel 著Just as fashion has the little black dress, pearls, and the Kelly bag, interior design has its own classics. These simple elements are what professional designers count on to pull a room together. From the four-poster bed to the Eames lounge chair, each creates a design statement that is straightforward and stylish. Once the province of interior designers, the classics are now readily available—through magazines, Websites, and catalogues. Authentic classics, and even some good looking knock-offs have migrated from the to-the-trade-only showrooms to retail shops. As mainstream America becomes more educated and design savvy, readers want design advice that is sensible, easy to use, and tasteful. Each chapter in this book includes a look at design classics in the areas of furniture, lighting, seating, sofas, beds, and accessories. The decor elements and featured advice are both time-honored and design-tried-and-true. And, here, time-honored doesn’t mean timeworn: the book is fresh, innovative, and knows how to use great pieces to wake up a room. Classic elements shown through close-ups, details, and images of complete room designs and sidebars will help you choose and use the pieces that are right for you. In addition, boxed text offers practical, concrete interior design information about adopting design classics to create a particular look or atmosphere. In the pages you will find simple, affordable design (classics with staying power) and interior design advice and inspiration, all in an easy-to-use format (element by element) that looks and feels fresh and up-to-date.
表现X档案2011-02邢日翰 主编这套《中国建筑表现X档案2011》收录了全国优秀建筑表现图公司的大量精品,为中国建筑表现行业架起了沟通的桥梁。
商业.办公.住宅.规划建筑技术出版社建筑图书 编暂缺简介...
走进生活殿堂倪苏宁 编著艺术设计的初学者,不公需要学习艺术设计的基础知识和基本技能,更重要的是必须掌握艺术设计的思维方法,学会怎样去观察世界、认识世界、怎样去思考、捕捉灵感,怎样去打开创造的心灵心扉。一、以艺术设计的眼光看世界二、张开想象的翅膀三、捕捉设计的灵感四、开启设计者心灵的心扉艺术设计者必须具备“ 丰富想像力的头脑。”想像是艺术设计思维的中心环节,艺术设计者必须通过想象才能运用所感知的艺术设计素材。艺术设计思维能力的强弱很大的程度上取决于设计思维的流畅度、思维的深度、思维的逻辑性等思维品质的高低,而思维品质的提高和改善必须通过卓有成效的思维训练,才能从艺术设计的必然王国走向自由王国。
室内方案经典北京吉典博图文化传播有限公司 编暂缺简介...