
新东方 这些道理没有人告诉过你:英语面试121问

新东方 这些道理没有人告诉过你:英语面试121问






  本书为专门针对英语面试的指导书。通过讲解英语面试必备常识,总结英语面试必考问题,并从考官的角度出发点拨答题思路,帮助读者突破英语面试难关。分享考官多年经验 外企面试官总结多年经验,传授英语面试必备常识,概括必考话题,指点答题思路。精选实战必考话题 精选121个英语面试问题,涵盖13类必考话题,补充270多个相关问题,帮助应聘者有备而答,灵活应变。囊括优秀回答范例 所有问题都有详尽的中英对照回答范例,可根据个人情况适当修改,背诵演练,掌握应答诀窍。指点如何提问考官 特别设计72个问题,供应聘者向考官提问,化被动为主动,为面试画上完美句号。全程模拟各类面试 书末给出常见行业的4个全程模拟面试范例,帮助应聘者全面掌握面试流程。提供免费MP3录音 提供可下载的MP3录音,由外籍专业人士朗读,帮助应聘者练就流利的面试英语。【作者简介】有元美津世(Arimoto Mitsuyo)大学毕业后,曾在日本企业及美资企业任职。后赴美,取得MBA学位。在美国工作期间,曾多年担任企业招聘面试官,面试经验相当丰富。著作有《英语履历表》《电子商务英语》《商务英文e-mail范例集》《英文商业书信用例集》《360度全方位发展》《原来如此!美国创新赚钱产业》等,并有多篇文章散见于商业报刊。【目录】Part 1 英语面试必备常识 Unit 1 面试前的准备3准备面试的重点3收集招聘公司的信息4收集面试官的信息5了解面试的种类5 Unit 2 面试注意事项12着装12守时14到前台时14仪态14专业形象16答题技巧16态度积极17听不懂、听错或说错话时18话不要太多19准备问题20关于薪资21 Unit 3 面试时的英语22Unit 4 面试结束之前24Unit 4 面试结束之后26 Part 2 英语面试121问 Unit 1 关于应聘者自身的一般性问题371 Tell me about yourself.请做自我介绍。 372 What are some of your strengths? 你认为自己有哪些优点?383 What are some of your weaknesses? 你认为自己有哪些缺点? 404 How do you think a friend or professor who knows youwell would describe you?你认为了解你的朋友或老师会怎样评价你? 43 Unit 2 关于应聘者个性、特质、观念的问题461 Are you aggressive? 你认为自己有干劲吗? 462 Are you competitive? 你是个竞争欲强的人吗? 483 Are you creative? 你觉得自己富有创意吗? 494 Are you an innovative person? 你是个勇于创新的人吗? 505 Are you a self-starter? 你是个有主见的人吗? 516 Can you act on your own initiative? 你会主动做事吗? 527 What motivates you? 是什么激励着你工作? 538 Are you a team player? 你是个善于团队合作的人吗? 549 Do you prefer working as a member of a team or wouldyou rather work alone? 你喜欢在团队中工作, 还是喜欢自己一个人做事? 5510 How do you get along with other people? 你与其他人相处融洽吗? 5711 Do you like to work with people? 你喜欢与人接触的工作吗? 5812 Do you consider yourself a natural leader? 你认为自己是天生的领导者吗?5913 What is success to you? What about failure? 对你而言,什么是成功?什么是失败? 6114 How do you measure your own success? 你如何衡量自己的成功? 6215 What has been your biggest disappointment (on thejob)? (在工作中)最令你感到沮丧的事是什么? 63 Unit 3关于学业和学校生活的问题(针对刚毕业的应聘者) 671 Why did you choose to attend ABC University? 你为什么选择就读ABC大学? 672 Why did you choose your major? 你为什么选择这个专业? 683 Do you feel you made the right choice? 你认为自己的选择正确吗? 704 Which college classes did you like the best? Why? 上大学时你最喜欢什么课?为什么? 715 Which college classes did you like the least? Why? 上大学时你最讨厌什么课?为什么? 726 How did you do in school? 你在校时成绩如何? 737 Do your grades reflect your work ability? 学习成绩可以反映你的工作能力吗? 758 What were your extracurricular activities in school? 你在学校参加过哪些课外活动?769 Have you ever done any volunteer work? What kinds? 你参加过志愿活动吗?参加过哪类活动? 7710 How has your education prepared you for this job? 你如何将所学知识应用在工作中?7911 Do you have any actual work experience? 你有实际工作经验吗? 8012 Were you financially responsible for any portion ofyour college education? 你自己负担了大学的部分学费吗?8113 Do you have any plans for further education? 你有继续深造的计划吗? 82 Unit 4 关于应聘者能力和成绩的问题841 Can you name three accomplishments you are mostproud of? 你能举出三项最令你自豪的成绩吗? 842 What do you think you do best? 你认为你的专长是什么? 873 Are you able to work alone without directsupervision? 你可以在没有上司监督的情况下独立工作吗? 894 Are you able to work on several assignments at once? 你可以同时进行多项工作吗? 905 Do you get bored doing the same work over and overagain? 你会厌烦重复做同样的工作吗?916 Can you work under pressure? 你能在压力下工作吗? 927 What are two of the biggest problems you haveencountered at your job and how did you overcome them? 到目前为止,你在工作中遇到的最大的问题是什么?请列举两项,并说明你是如何解决的。 93 Unit 5 关于应聘者职业经历的问题961 Why are you leaving your present job? 你为什么要辞掉现在的工作? 962 What did you enjoy most about your last job? 在上一份工作中,你最喜欢哪方面? 993 What did you enjoy least about your last job? 在上一份工作中,你最不喜欢哪方面? 1004 What have you learned from your past jobs? 从过去的工作中,你学到了什么?1025 What do you think of your boss? 你认为你的上司如何? 1036 What was your last employer’s opinion of you? 上一个雇主对你的评价如何? 1047 Did you increase sales or profits in your last job? 在上一份工作中,你为公司提高销量或者增加利润了吗? 1068 Describe a typical day in your job. 请描述你工作中有代表性的一天。1079 Describe the best job you ever had. 请描述一下你所做过的最好的一份工作。 10810 What is the most boring job you’ve ever had? Howdid you do at it? 你曾做过的最无聊的工作是什么?你是怎么对待的? 10911 May we contact your present employer? 我们可以和你现在的雇主联系吗?110 Unit 6 关于应聘职位的问题1121 Why are you interested in this job? 你为什么对这份工作感兴趣? 1122 What can you offer us? 你能为本公司做出什么贡献? 1143 How long would it take you to make a contribution toour company? 如果进入本公司,你要花多长时间才能有所贡献? 1164 Why should we hire you? 我们为什么应该雇用你? 1175 Please give me your definition of an office manager. 请给出你对办公室主任的定义。119 6 What qualifications do you have that relate to theposition? 你拥有哪些与这个职位相关的资质? 1207 Do you feel you are ready to take on greaterresponsibilities? 你认为你已经准备好就任比以前责任更重大的职位了吗?122 8 What do you like and dislike about the job we arediscussing? 我们现在讨论的这个职位,你喜欢哪些方面,不喜欢哪些方面? 1239 What do you think it takes to be successful in thisposition? 你认为要做好这份工作,什么是不可或缺的? 12510 What do you look for in the job? 你想从这份工作中得到什么? 12611 If we make an offer, how long do you plan to staywith the company? 假如我们提供给你这份工作,你计划在本公司待多久? 12712 Wouldn’t you be better off in another company? 你不认为在其他公司工作会比较好吗? 12913 How do you feel about working for a small company? 你怎样看待在小公司工作? 13014 Are you willing to start as a trainee? 你愿意以实习生的身份开始工作吗? 13115 If we offer you a position and you accept it, howsoon can you begin? 如果我们给你这个工作机会,而且你也愿意接受的话,你最快什么时候可以开始上班? 132 Unit 7 关于招聘公司及其所属行业的问题1331 What do you know about our company? 你对本公司了解多少? 1332 Why are you interested in our company? 你为什么对本公司有兴趣? 1353 Who do you think are our three major competitors? Dothey have any advantages over our company? 你认为本公司最主要的三个竞争对手是谁?他们有胜过本公司的优势吗? 1364 What type of strategic partnerships do you think aresuitable for our company? 你认为什么样的战略合作伙伴适合本公司? 1375 You are aware of our product. Imagine I am acustomer. Sell our product to me now. 你是知道本公司的产品的,假如我是顾客,现在向我推销一下。 1386 What important trends do you see in our industry? 在我们所处的行业中,你看到了什么重要的趋势? 1407 What is the worst thing you have heard about ourfirm? 你听到的与本公司有关的最负面的事是什么? 141 Unit 8 关于应聘者职业规划的问题1421 What is your ideal job? 你心目中理想的工作是什么? 1422 What are your career goals? 你的职业目标是什么? 1433 Where do you want to be in five years? Ten years? 你五年内的目标是什么?十年内呢? 1454 What do you want to do with your life? 你想要什么样的人生? 1475 If you could start your career again, what would youdo differently? 如果可以重新开始你的职业生涯,你会有什么改变? 148 Unit 9 关于应聘者工作态度的问题 1491 How do you feel about working overtime? 你如何看待加班? 1492 Are you willing to travel? 你愿意出差吗? 1503 Would you be willing to relocate? 你愿意配合公司调动工作地点吗?1524 In what kind of work environment are you most comfortable? 你在什么样的工作环境下感觉最好? 1545 How do you cope with tension? 你如何处理紧张的关系? 1556 Do you speak up if your point of view differs fromthat of your superiors? 如果你和上司意见不一致,你会提出来吗?156 7 Do you feel the only way to get a job done right isto do it yourself? 你认为做好工作的唯一方法就是亲自做吗? 1588 How do you handle criticism? 你如何对待批评? 1599 How do you react to criticism by superiors if youbelieve it is unwarranted? 当你认为上司对你的批评不当时,你会如何处理? 15910 Will you be able to cope with a change in workenvironment after working 10 years in your last job? 在之前的公司工作了十年之久,你能适应工作环境的变化吗? 16111 Do you mind working for someone younger thanyourself? 你介意在比你年轻的人手下工作吗? 16212 How would you feel about working for a femaleexecutive? 你对在女性主管手下工作有何看法? 16313 If you encountered this situation, how would youhandle it? 如果遇到这样的情况,你会怎么处理? 16414 Tell me how you handled an ethical dilemma. 遇到利益与道德的两难问题时,你是怎么解决的? 16615 What was the most difficult decision you ever hadto make? 你曾经做过的最困难的决定是什么? 16716 What are some of the things that bother you? 什么事会使你困扰? 168 Unit 10 关于应聘者管理能力的问题1701 What supervisory or leadership roles have you had? 你曾经担任过什么管理者或领导者的角色? 1702 Have you ever been in a position to hire employees? 你曾经担任过招聘员工的职务吗?1723 What do your subordinates think of you? 你的下属对你的评价如何? 1734 What sort of manager are you? 你是一个什么样的管理者? 1745 What makes a good manager? 怎样才算是一位好的管理者? 1766 What type of performance problems have youencountered in people who report to you, and how did you motivate them toimprove? 在下属的工作表现方面,你曾经遇到过什么问题?后来你又是如何激励他们进行改善的? 1777 Did you ever fire anyone? If so, what were thereasons and how did you handle it? 你曾经开除过别人吗?如果有,原因是什么?你又是如何处理的? 1788 What do you see as the most difficult task in beinga manager? 作为管理者,你认为最困难的工作是什么? 1799 What is your biggest weakness as a manager? 作为管理者,你认为自己最大的缺点是什么? 18010 Have you ever been responsible for theprofit-and-loss statements? 你曾经担任过负担公司损益的职责吗? 181 Unit 11 比较私人化的问题1831 What interests do you have outside work? 工作之余,你有什么兴趣爱好?1832 What was the last book you read? 你最近读过的一本书是什么? 185 Unit 12 比较难回答的问题 1871 Why didn’t you continue your formal education? 你为什么中途停止接受正规教育?1872 Why is there a long gap in your employment history? 为何你的工作经历中有一段很长的空白期? 1883 Why have you had so many jobs in three years/forshort periods of time? 为什么你在三年内/短期内换了那么多份工作? 1894 How long have you been looking for another job? 你找工作找了多久了? 1925 Had you thought of leaving your present positionbefore? If yes, what do you think held you there? 你曾经考虑过辞掉现在的工作吗?如果有,为何迟迟没有行动? 1936 Do you think your lack of a degree/experience willaffect your ability to perform the job? 你认为没有学位/工作经验会对你的工作造成影响吗? 1947 Aren’t you overqualified for this job? 你不认为做这份工作大材小用吗?1958 Your application shows you have been with onecompany a long time without any appreciable increase in rank or salary. Tell meabout this. 从你的简历来看,你曾经长期待在一家公司,但没有得到多少晋升或加薪,能否请你说明一下情况? 1979 Have you ever been fired? 你曾经被解雇过吗? 19810 I’m not sure you’re suitable for the job. 我不确定你是否能够胜任这项工作。 19911 Are you applying for any other jobs? 你还在应聘别的工作吗? 20112 You said earlier that you were still working forABC Corporation. How have you managed to attend this interview while stillemployed? 刚才你说目前还就职于ABC公司,你是如何在工作中抽出时间来参加这场面试的?202 13 How would you sell me this pen (or cup, chair,etc.)? 你如何向我推销这支钢笔(或这个杯子、 这把椅子等)? 203 Unit 13 关于薪资的问题2051 What are your salary expectations? 你期望的薪资是多少? 2052 What is your current salary? 你目前的薪资是多少? 2083 Why aren’t you earning more at your age? 你为什么不在这个年纪多赚一点?210 Unit 14 可向面试官提出的问题 212关于应聘的职位 212关于招聘公司 216针对面试官本身所提出的问题217关于录取的问题 218 Part 3 模拟面试范例Unit 1 有工作经验者应聘外企行政助理220Unit 2 应届毕业生应聘外资证券公司226Unit 3 软件工程师应聘高科技公司技术主管231Unit 4 无行业经验者应聘酒店客服人员237
  有元美津世(Arimoto Mitsuyo)大学毕业后,曾在日本企业及美资企业任职。后赴美,取得MBA学位。在美国工作期间,曾多年担任企业招聘面试官,面试经验相当丰富。著作有《英语履历表》《电子商务英语》《商务英文e-mail范例集》《英文商业书信用例集》《360度全方位发展》《原来如此!美国创新赚钱产业》等,并有多篇文章散见于商业报刊。【目录】Part 1 英语面试必备常识 Unit 1 面试前的准备3准备面试的重点3收集招聘公司的信息4收集面试官的信息5了解面试的种类5 Unit 2 面试注意事项12着装12守时14到前台时14仪态14专业形象16答题技巧16态度积极17听不懂、听错或说错话时18话不要太多19准备问题20关于薪资21 Unit 3 面试时的英语22Unit 4 面试结束之前24Unit 4 面试结束之后26 Part 2 英语面试121问 Unit 1 关于应聘者自身的一般性问题371 Tell me about yourself.请做自我介绍。 372 What are some of your strengths? 你认为自己有哪些优点?383 What are some of your weaknesses? 你认为自己有哪些缺点? 404 How do you think a friend or professor who knows youwell would describe you?你认为了解你的朋友或老师会怎样评价你? 43 Unit 2 关于应聘者个性、特质、观念的问题461 Are you aggressive? 你认为自己有干劲吗? 462 Are you competitive? 你是个竞争欲强的人吗? 483 Are you creative? 你觉得自己富有创意吗? 494 Are you an innovative person? 你是个勇于创新的人吗? 505 Are you a self-starter? 你是个有主见的人吗? 516 Can you act on your own initiative? 你会主动做事吗? 527 What motivates you? 是什么激励着你工作? 538 Are you a team player? 你是个善于团队合作的人吗? 549 Do you prefer working as a member of a team or wouldyou rather work alone? 你喜欢在团队中工作, 还是喜欢自己一个人做事? 5510 How do you get along with other people? 你与其他人相处融洽吗? 5711 Do you like to work with people? 你喜欢与人接触的工作吗? 5812 Do you consider yourself a natural leader? 你认为自己是天生的领导者吗?5913 What is success to you? What about failure? 对你而言,什么是成功?什么是失败? 6114 How do you measure your own success? 你如何衡量自己的成功? 6215 What has been your biggest disappointment (on thejob)? (在工作中)最令你感到沮丧的事是什么? 63 Unit 3关于学业和学校生活的问题(针对刚毕业的应聘者) 671 Why did you choose to attend ABC University? 你为什么选择就读ABC大学? 672 Why did you choose your major? 你为什么选择这个专业? 683 Do you feel you made the right choice? 你认为自己的选择正确吗? 704 Which college classes did you like the best? Why? 上大学时你最喜欢什么课?为什么? 715 Which college classes did you like the least? Why? 上大学时你最讨厌什么课?为什么? 726 How did you do in school? 你在校时成绩如何? 737 Do your grades reflect your work ability? 学习成绩可以反映你的工作能力吗? 758 What were your extracurricular activities in school? 你在学校参加过哪些课外活动?769 Have you ever done any volunteer work? What kinds? 你参加过志愿活动吗?参加过哪类活动? 7710 How has your education prepared you for this job? 你如何将所学知识应用在工作中?7911 Do you have any actual work experience? 你有实际工作经验吗? 8012 Were you financially responsible for any portion ofyour college education? 你自己负担了大学的部分学费吗?8113 Do you have any plans for further education? 你有继续深造的计划吗? 82 Unit 4 关于应聘者能力和成绩的问题841 Can you name three accomplishments you are mostproud of? 你能举出三项最令你自豪的成绩吗? 842 What do you think you do best? 你认为你的专长是什么? 873 Are you able to work alone without directsupervision? 你可以在没有上司监督的情况下独立工作吗? 894 Are you able to work on several assignments at once? 你可以同时进行多项工作吗? 905 Do you get bored doing the same work over and overagain? 你会厌烦重复做同样的工作吗?916 Can you work under pressure? 你能在压力下工作吗? 927 What are two of the biggest problems you haveencountered at your job and how did you overcome them? 到目前为止,你在工作中遇到的最大的问题是什么?请列举两项,并说明你是如何解决的。 93 Unit 5 关于应聘者职业经历的问题961 Why are you leaving your present job? 你为什么要辞掉现在的工作? 962 What did you enjoy most about your last job? 在上一份工作中,你最喜欢哪方面? 993 What did you enjoy least about your last job? 在上一份工作中,你最不喜欢哪方面? 1004 What have you learned from your past jobs? 从过去的工作中,你学到了什么?1025 What do you think of your boss? 你认为你的上司如何? 1036 What was your last employer’s opinion of you? 上一个雇主对你的评价如何? 1047 Did you increase sales or profits in your last job? 在上一份工作中,你为公司提高销量或者增加利润了吗? 1068 Describe a typical day in your job. 请描述你工作中有代表性的一天。1079 Describe the best job you ever had. 请描述一下你所做过的最好的一份工作。 10810 What is the most boring job you’ve ever had? Howdid you do at it? 你曾做过的最无聊的工作是什么?你是怎么对待的? 10911 May we contact your present employer? 我们可以和你现在的雇主联系吗?110 Unit 6 关于应聘职位的问题1121 Why are you interested in this job? 你为什么对这份工作感兴趣? 1122 What can you offer us? 你能为本公司做出什么贡献? 1143 How long would it take you to make a contribution toour company? 如果进入本公司,你要花多长时间才能有所贡献? 1164 Why should we hire you? 我们为什么应该雇用你? 1175 Please give me your definition of an office manager. 请给出你对办公室主任的定义。119 6 What qualifications do you have that relate to theposition? 你拥有哪些与这个职位相关的资质? 1207 Do you feel you are ready to take on greaterresponsibilities? 你认为你已经准备好就任比以前责任更重大的职位了吗?122 8 What do you like and dislike about the job we arediscussing? 我们现在讨论的这个职位,你喜欢哪些方面,不喜欢哪些方面? 1239 What do you think it takes to be successful in thisposition? 你认为要做好这份工作,什么是不可或缺的? 12510 What do you look for in the job? 你想从这份工作中得到什么? 12611 If we make an offer, how long do you plan to staywith the company? 假如我们提供给你这份工作,你计划在本公司待多久? 12712 Wouldn’t you be better off in another company? 你不认为在其他公司工作会比较好吗? 12913 How do you feel about working for a small company? 你怎样看待在小公司工作? 13014 Are you willing to start as a trainee? 你愿意以实习生的身份开始工作吗? 13115 If we offer you a position and you accept it, howsoon can you begin? 如果我们给你这个工作机会,而且你也愿意接受的话,你最快什么时候可以开始上班? 132 Unit 7 关于招聘公司及其所属行业的问题1331 What do you know about our company? 你对本公司了解多少? 1332 Why are you interested in our company? 你为什么对本公司有兴趣? 1353 Who do you think are our three major competitors? Dothey have any advantages over our company? 你认为本公司最主要的三个竞争对手是谁?他们有胜过本公司的优势吗? 1364 What type of strategic partnerships do you think aresuitable for our company? 你认为什么样的战略合作伙伴适合本公司? 1375 You are aware of our product. Imagine I am acustomer. Sell our product to me now. 你是知道本公司的产品的,假如我是顾客,现在向我推销一下。 1386 What important trends do you see in our industry? 在我们所处的行业中,你看到了什么重要的趋势? 1407 What is the worst thing you have heard about ourfirm? 你听到的与本公司有关的最负面的事是什么? 141 Unit 8 关于应聘者职业规划的问题1421 What is your ideal job? 你心目中理想的工作是什么? 1422 What are your career goals? 你的职业目标是什么? 1433 Where do you want to be in five years? Ten years? 你五年内的目标是什么?十年内呢? 1454 What do you want to do with your life? 你想要什么样的人生? 1475 If you could start your career again, what would youdo differently? 如果可以重新开始你的职业生涯,你会有什么改变? 148 Unit 9 关于应聘者工作态度的问题 1491 How do you feel about working overtime? 你如何看待加班? 1492 Are you willing to travel? 你愿意出差吗? 1503 Would you be willing to relocate? 你愿意配合公司调动工作地点吗?1524 In what kind of work environment are you most comfortable? 你在什么样的工作环境下感觉最好? 1545 How do you cope with tension? 你如何处理紧张的关系? 1556 Do you speak up if your point of view differs fromthat of your superiors? 如果你和上司意见不一致,你会提出来吗?156 7 Do you feel the only way to get a job done right isto do it yourself? 你认为做好工作的唯一方法就是亲自做吗? 1588 How do you handle criticism? 你如何对待批评? 1599 How do you react to criticism by superiors if youbelieve it is unwarranted? 当你认为上司对你的批评不当时,你会如何处理? 15910 Will you be able to cope with a change in workenvironment after working 10 years in your last job? 在之前的公司工作了十年之久,你能适应工作环境的变化吗? 16111 Do you mind working for someone younger thanyourself? 你介意在比你年轻的人手下工作吗? 16212 How would you feel about working for a femaleexecutive? 你对在女性主管手下工作有何看法? 16313 If you encountered this situation, how would youhandle it? 如果遇到这样的情况,你会怎么处理? 16414 Tell me how you handled an ethical dilemma. 遇到利益与道德的两难问题时,你是怎么解决的? 16615 What was the most difficult decision you ever hadto make? 你曾经做过的最困难的决定是什么? 16716 What are some of the things that bother you? 什么事会使你困扰? 168 Unit 10 关于应聘者管理能力的问题1701 What supervisory or leadership roles have you had? 你曾经担任过什么管理者或领导者的角色? 1702 Have you ever been in a position to hire employees? 你曾经担任过招聘员工的职务吗?1723 What do your subordinates think of you? 你的下属对你的评价如何? 1734 What sort of manager are you? 你是一个什么样的管理者? 1745 What makes a good manager? 怎样才算是一位好的管理者? 1766 What type of performance problems have youencountered in people who report to you, and how did you motivate them toimprove? 在下属的工作表现方面,你曾经遇到过什么问题?后来你又是如何激励他们进行改善的? 1777 Did you ever fire anyone? If so, what were thereasons and how did you handle it? 你曾经开除过别人吗?如果有,原因是什么?你又是如何处理的? 1788 What do you see as the most difficult task in beinga manager? 作为管理者,你认为最困难的工作是什么? 1799 What is your biggest weakness as a manager? 作为管理者,你认为自己最大的缺点是什么? 18010 Have you ever been responsible for theprofit-and-loss statements? 你曾经担任过负担公司损益的职责吗? 181 Unit 11 比较私人化的问题1831 What interests do you have outside work? 工作之余,你有什么兴趣爱好?1832 What was the last book you read? 你最近读过的一本书是什么? 185 Unit 12 比较难回答的问题 1871 Why didn’t you continue your formal education? 你为什么中途停止接受正规教育?1872 Why is there a long gap in your employment history? 为何你的工作经历中有一段很长的空白期? 1883 Why have you had so many jobs in three years/forshort periods of time? 为什么你在三年内/短期内换了那么多份工作? 1894 How long have you been looking for another job? 你找工作找了多久了? 1925 Had you thought of leaving your present positionbefore? If yes, what do you think held you there? 你曾经考虑过辞掉现在的工作吗?如果有,为何迟迟没有行动? 1936 Do you think your lack of a degree/experience willaffect your ability to perform the job? 你认为没有学位/工作经验会对你的工作造成影响吗? 1947 Aren’t you overqualified for this job? 你不认为做这份工作大材小用吗?1958 Your application shows you have been with onecompany a long time without any appreciable increase in rank or salary. Tell meabout this. 从你的简历来看,你曾经长期待在一家公司,但没有得到多少晋升或加薪,能否请你说明一下情况? 1979 Have you ever been fired? 你曾经被解雇过吗? 19810 I’m not sure you’re suitable for the job. 我不确定你是否能够胜任这项工作。 19911 Are you applying for any other jobs? 你还在应聘别的工作吗? 20112 You said earlier that you were still working forABC Corporation. How have you managed to attend this interview while stillemployed? 刚才你说目前还就职于ABC公司,你是如何在工作中抽出时间来参加这场面试的?202 13 How would you sell me this pen (or cup, chair,etc.)? 你如何向我推销这支钢笔(或这个杯子、 这把椅子等)? 203 Unit 13 关于薪资的问题2051 What are your salary expectations? 你期望的薪资是多少? 2052 What is your current salary? 你目前的薪资是多少? 2083 Why aren’t you earning more at your age? 你为什么不在这个年纪多赚一点?210 Unit 14 可向面试官提出的问题 212关于应聘的职位 212关于招聘公司 216针对面试官本身所提出的问题217关于录取的问题 218 Part 3 模拟面试范例Unit 1 有工作经验者应聘外企行政助理220Unit 2 应届毕业生应聘外资证券公司226Unit 3 软件工程师应聘高科技公司技术主管231Unit 4 无行业经验者应聘酒店客服人员237
Part 1 英语面试必备常识 Unit 1 面试前的准备3准备面试的重点3收集招聘公司的信息4收集面试官的信息5了解面试的种类5 Unit 2 面试注意事项12着装12守时14到前台时14仪态14专业形象16答题技巧16态度积极17听不懂、听错或说错话时18话不要太多19准备问题20关于薪资21 Unit 3 面试时的英语22Unit 4 面试结束之前24Unit 4 面试结束之后26 Part 2 英语面试121问 Unit 1 关于应聘者自身的一般性问题371 Tell me about yourself.请做自我介绍。 372 What are some of your strengths 你认为自己有哪些优点 383 What are some of your weaknesses 你认为自己有哪些缺点 404 How do you think a friend or professor who knows youwell would describe you你认为了解你的朋友或老师会怎样评价你 43 Unit 2 关于应聘者个性、特质、观念的问题 461 Are you aggressive 你认为自己有干劲吗 462 Are you competitive 你是个竞争欲强的人吗 483 Are you creative 你觉得自己富有创意吗 494 Are you an innovative person 你是个勇于创新的人吗 505 Are you a self-starter 你是个有主见的人吗 516 Can you act on your own initiative 你会主动做事吗 527 What motivates you 是什么激励着你工作 538 Are you a team player 你是个善于团队合作的人吗 549 Do you prefer working as a member of a team or wouldyou rather work alone 你喜欢在团队中工作, 还是喜欢自己一个人做事 5510 How do you get along with other people 你与其他人相处融洽吗 5711 Do you like to work with people 你喜欢与人接触的工作吗 5812 Do you consider yourself a natural leader 你认为自己是天生的领导者吗5913 What is success to you What about failure 对你而言,什么是成功什么是失败 6114 How do you measure your own success 你如何衡量自己的成功 6215 What has been your biggest disappointment (on thejob) (在工作中)最令你感到沮丧的事是什么 63 Unit 3关于学业和学校生活的问题(针对刚毕业的应聘者) 671 Why did you choose to attend ABC University 你为什么选择就读ABC大学 672 Why did you choose your major 你为什么选择这个专业 683 Do you feel you made the right choice 你认为自己的选择正确吗 704 Which college classes did you like the best Why 上大学时你最喜欢什么课为什么 715 Which college classes did you like the least Why 上大学时你最讨厌什么课为什么 726 How did you do in school 你在校时成绩如何 737 Do your grades reflect your work ability 学习成绩可以反映你的工作能力吗 758 What were your extracurricular activities in school 你在学校参加过哪些课外活动769 Have you ever done any volunteer work What kinds 你参加过志愿活动吗参加过哪类活动 7710 How has your education prepared you for this job 你如何将所学知识应用在工作中7911 Do you have any actual work experience 你有实际工作经验吗 8012 Were you financially responsible for any portion ofyour college education 你自己负担了大学的部分学费吗8113 Do you have any plans for further education 你有继续深造的计划吗 82 Unit 4 关于应聘者能力和成绩的问题 841 Can you name three accomplishments you are mostproud of 你能举出三项最令你自豪的成绩吗 842 What do you think you do best 你认为你的专长是什么 873 Are you able to work alone without directsupervision 你可以在没有上司监督的情况下独立工作吗 894 Are you able to work on several assignments at once 你可以同时进行多项工作吗 905 Do you get bored doing the same work over and overagain 你会厌烦重复做同样的工作吗916 Can you work under pressure 你能在压力下工作吗 927 What are two of the biggest problems you haveencountered at your job and how did you overcome them 到目前为止,你在工作中遇到的最大的问题是什么请列举两项,并说明你是如何解决的。 93 Unit 5 关于应聘者职业经历的问题 961 Why are you leaving your present job 你为什么要辞掉现在的工作 962 What did you enjoy most about your last job 在上一份工作中,你最喜欢哪方面 993 What did you enjoy least about your last job 在上一份工作中,你最不喜欢哪方面 1004 What have you learned from your past jobs 从过去的工作中,你学到了什么1025 What do you think of your boss 你认为你的上司如何 1036 What was your last employer’s opinion of you 上一个雇主对你的评价如何 1047 Did you increase sales or profits in your last job 在上一份工作中,你为公司提高销量或者增加利润了吗 1068 Describe a typical day in your job. 请描述你工作中有代表性的一天。1079 Describe the best job you ever had. 请描述一下你所做过的最好的一份工作。 10810 What is the most boring job you’ve ever had Howdid you do at it 你曾做过的最无聊的工作是什么你是怎么对待的 10911 May we contact your present employer 我们可以和你现在的雇主联系吗110 Unit 6 关于应聘职位的问题 1121 Why are you interested in this job 你为什么对这份工作感兴趣 1122 What can you offer us 你能为本公司做出什么贡献 1143 How long would it take you to make a contribution toour company 如果进入本公司,你要花多长时间才能有所贡献 1164 Why should we hire you 我们为什么应该雇用你 1175 Please give me your definition of an office manager. 请给出你对办公室主任的定义。119 6 What qualifications do you have that relate to theposition 你拥有哪些与这个职位相关的资质 1207 Do you feel you are ready to take on greaterresponsibilities 你认为你已经准备好就任比以前责任更重大的职位了吗122 8 What do you like and dislike about the job we arediscussing 我们现在讨论的这个职位,你喜欢哪些方面,不喜欢哪些方面 1239 What do you think it takes to be successful in thisposition 你认为要做好这份工作,什么是不可或缺的 12510 What do you look for in the job 你想从这份工作中得到什么 12611 If we make an offer, how long do you plan to staywith the company 假如我们提供给你这份工作,你计划在本公司待多久 12712 Wouldn’t you be better off in another company 你不认为在其他公司工作会比较好吗 12913 How do you feel about working for a small company 你怎样看待在小公司工作 13014 Are you willing to start as a trainee 你愿意以实习生的身份开始工作吗 13115 If we offer you a position and you accept it, howsoon can you begin 如果我们给你这个工作机会,而且你也愿意接受的话,你最快什么时候可以开始上班 132 Unit 7 关于招聘公司及其所属行业的问题 1331 What do you know about our company 你对本公司了解多少 1332 Why are you interested in our company 你为什么对本公司有兴趣 1353 Who do you think are our three major competitors Dothey have any advantages over our company 你认为本公司最主要的三个竞争对手是谁他们有胜过本公司的优势吗 1364 What type of strategic partnerships do you think aresuitable for our company 你认为什么样的战略合作伙伴适合本公司 1375 You are aware of our product. Imagine I am acustomer. Sell our product to me now. 你是知道本公司的产品的,假如我是顾客,现在向我推销一下。 1386 What important trends do you see in our industry 在我们所处的行业中,你看到了什么重要的趋势 1407 What is the worst thing you have heard about ourfirm 你听到的与本公司有关的最负面的事是什么 141 Unit 8 关于应聘者职业规划的问题 1421 What is your ideal job 你心目中理想的工作是什么 1422 What are your career goals 你的职业目标是什么 1433 Where do you want to be in five years Ten years 你五年内的目标是什么十年内呢 1454 What do you want to do with your life 你想要什么样的人生 1475 If you could start your career again, what would youdo differently 如果可以重新开始你的职业生涯,你会有什么改变 148 Unit 9 关于应聘者工作态度的问题 1491 How do you feel about working overtime 你如何看待加班 1492 Are you willing to travel 你愿意出差吗 1503 Would you be willing to relocate 你愿意配合公司调动工作地点吗1524 In what kind of work environment are you most comfortable 你在什么样的工作环境下感觉最好 1545 How do you cope with tension 你如何处理紧张的关系 1556 Do you speak up if your point of view differs fromthat of your superiors 如果你和上司意见不一致,你会提出来吗156 7 Do you feel the only way to get a job done right isto do it yourself 你认为做好工作的唯一方法就是亲自做吗 1588 How do you handle criticism 你如何对待批评 1599 How do you react to criticism by superiors if youbelieve it is unwarranted 当你认为上司对你的批评不当时,你会如何处理 15910 Will you be able to cope with a change in workenvironment after working 10 years in your last job 在之前的公司工作了十年之久,你能适应工作环境的变化吗 16111 Do you mind working for someone younger thanyourself 你介意在比你年轻的人手下工作吗 16212 How would you feel about working for a femaleexecutive 你对在女性主管手下工作有何看法 16313 If you encountered this situation, how would youhandle it 如果遇到这样的情况,你会怎么处理 16414 Tell me how you handled an ethical dilemma. 遇到利益与道德的两难问题时,你是怎么解决的 16615 What was the most difficult decision you ever hadto make 你曾经做过的最困难的决定是什么 16716 What are some of the things that bother you 什么事会使你困扰 168 Unit 10 关于应聘者管理能力的问题 1701 What supervisory or leadership roles have you had 你曾经担任过什么管理者或领导者的角色 1702 Have you ever been in a position to hire employees 你曾经担任过招聘员工的职务吗1723 What do your subordinates think of you 你的下属对你的评价如何 1734 What sort of manager are you 你是一个什么样的管理者 1745 What makes a good manager 怎样才算是一位好的管理者 1766 What type of performance problems have youencountered in people who report to you, and how did you motivate them toimprove 在下属的工作表现方面,你曾经遇到过什么问题后来你又是如何激励他们进行改善的 1777 Did you ever fire anyone If so, what were thereasons and how did you handle it 你曾经开除过别人吗如果有,原因是什么你又是如何处理的 1788 What do you see as the most difficult task in beinga manager 作为管理者,你认为最困难的工作是什么 1799 What is your biggest weakness as a manager 作为管理者,你认为自己最大的缺点是什么 18010 Have you ever been responsible for theprofit-and-loss statements 你曾经担任过负担公司损益的职责吗 181 Unit 11 比较私人化的问题 1831 What interests do you have outside work 工作之余,你有什么兴趣爱好1832 What was the last book you read 你最近读过的一本书是什么 185 Unit 12 比较难回答的问题 1871 Why didn’t you continue your formal education 你为什么中途停止接受正规教育1872 Why is there a long gap in your employment history 为何你的工作经历中有一段很长的空白期 1883 Why have you had so many jobs in three years/forshort periods of time 为什么你在三年内/短期内换了那么多份工作 1894 How long have you been looking for another job 你找工作找了多久了 1925 Had you thought of leaving your present positionbefore If yes, what do you think held you there 你曾经考虑过辞掉现在的工作吗如果有,为何迟迟没有行动 1936 Do you think your lack of a degree/experience willaffect your ability to perform the job 你认为没有学位/工作经验会对你的工作造成影响吗 1947 Aren’t you overqualified for this job 你不认为做这份工作大材小用吗1958 Your application shows you have been with onecompany a long time without any appreciable increase in rank or salary. Tell meabout this. 从你的简历来看,你曾经长期待在一家公司,但没有得到多少晋升或加薪,能否请你说明一下情况 1979 Have you ever been fired 你曾经被解雇过吗 19810 I’m not sure you’re suitable for the job. 我不确定你是否能够胜任这项工作。 19911 Are you applying for any other jobs 你还在应聘别的工作吗 20112 You said earlier that you were still working forABC Corporation. How have you managed to attend this interview while stillemployed 刚才你说目前还就职于ABC公司,你是如何在工作中抽出时间来参加这场面试的202 13 How would you sell me this pen (or cup, chair,etc.) 你如何向我推销这支钢笔(或这个杯子、 这把椅子等) 203 Unit 13 关于薪资的问题 2051 What are your salary expectations 你期望的薪资是多少 2052 What is your current salary 你目前的薪资是多少 2083 Why aren’t you earning more at your age 你为什么不在这个年纪多赚一点210 Unit 14 可向面试官提出的问题 212  关于应聘的职位 212  关于招聘公司 216  针对面试官本身所提出的问题217  关于录取的问题 218 Part 3 模拟面试范例 Unit 1 有工作经验者应聘外企行政助理220Unit 2 应届毕业生应聘外资证券公司226Unit 3 软件工程师应聘高科技公司技术主管231Unit 4 无行业经验者应聘酒店客服人员237
