
职场英语口语大全 初中级日常口语英语书籍商务英语口语大全

职场英语口语大全 初中级日常口语英语书籍商务英语口语大全

作者:语阅图书 主编





  《职场英语口语大全》取材十分广泛,内容全面实用,总共包含了11个章节。这些章节共涉及了51个职场热点话题,尽可能地涵盖了职场人士会遇到的各种场景,让你在每个场合下都能够游刃有余地运用英语。本书每一个话题分五步进行学习:◆ 熟悉词汇词汇是英语交流的基石,是英语表达的有机组成部分。我们在每个话题开始之初即列出了该话题使用频率较高的词汇,帮助你记住常用词汇,同时也减轻你的记忆负担,提高学习效率。◆ 牢记句型这一部分主要包含一些与话题相关的常用地道句子,让读者朋友更切实地融入话题意境,并对其中出现的重点词、生词、短语、句型进行讲解,以使学习起来没有障碍,同时也把握住了重点,加深学习印象。◆ 模仿对话本部分包含两个情景对话,第YI个对话内容相对简单,第二个则较为深入。该部分的学习可以让读者朋友有一个仿真的场景体验,这些对话的场景都是你在职场中极为可能会遇到的,这样可以让你在各种场景中不再感觉没话说或者不敢开口,彻底摆脱语言贫乏的困窘!◆ 诵读短篇本部分包含一个英文短篇,其内容短小精悍,易于诵读,并配有地道美式发音朗读,便于你进行模仿练习,从英语中体会其魅力。通过对这些精美英文片段的学习,希望能给读者朋友带来轻松的英语学习体验,领略英语语言带来的启迪。◆ 知晓文化这一部分解读了该话题所涉及到的职场文化,内容注重其实用性,希望能帮助读者朋友们克服在职场中可能会体验到的各种疑惑和不安。
  语阅图书秉承严谨的治学态度、高度的学术责任感、脚踏实地、永不言弃的开拓精神,立志为广大莘莘学子做好外语学习的各项服务,竭力打造让读者喜欢的外语图书品牌、外语教育和语言服务平台以及国际交流平台。语阅图书团队汇集了各语种的专家学者,以及高校一线教授、讲师。目前,语阅图书品种不断丰富,畅销书也越来越多,日益被广大读者认可和口碑相传,真正践行“10年专注,只做精典”的公司出版理念,争取出版更多的书更好的书以飨读者。【目录】Chapter 1 求职应聘 The Job Interview Section 1 自我介绍,展示才华 Self-Introduction, Show Your Skills 1 我的专业技能 My Specialized Skills2 一些特殊的语言技能 Some Unique Language SkillsSection 2 优势与劣势Advantages and Disadvantages 1 优缺点 Strengths and Weaknesses2 我的专业背景 My Major BackgroundSection 3 应聘原因 Reasons for Applying for the Job 1 为何应聘这份工作 Why This Job2 为什么是心理学 Why PsychologySection 4 职业规划 Career Planning 1 长期职业目标 Long-term Career Goals2 未来的目标 Future GoalsSection 5 薪资待遇 Expected Salary and Benefits 1 关于工资范围 About Salary Range2 公司的福利待遇 The Benefits of the CompanySection 6 面试结束了 After the Interview 1 三天内给结果 Know the Decision Within Three Days2 录用 A Job OfferChapter 2 新丁报到,请多关照 The Office Newcomer Section 1 主动结识同事 Introducing Yourself to Coworkers 1 我是新员工 I’m a New Employee2 我是您的助理 I’m Your AssistantSection 2 领取办公用品 Getting Office Supplies 1 笔和便利帖 Pens and Post-its2 换台电脑 Change a ComputerSection 3 熟悉工作环境 Getting Familiar with the Work Environment 1 参观综合大楼 A Tour of the Complex2 参观办公室 Visit the OfficeSection 4 参加培训 Attending Training Courses 1 新员工培训会 The Training Session for Newcomers2 三场研讨会 Three WorkshopsChapter 3 进入工作状态Working Time Section 1 上司分配任务 Taking on a Task 1 写专题报道 Write the Feature Article2 专题的视角 The Angle of the FeatureSection 2 开展工作 Getting Started 1 开始着手项目 Start the Project2 我的计划 My PlanSection 3 团队协作力量大 Being a Team Player 1 不错的团队合作 Good Team Work2 团队协作 Team CooperationSection 4 汇报工作进度 Reporting Your Progress 1 提交周报 Submit the Weekly Reports2 周报的截止日期 The Deadline of Weekly ReportsSection 5 保证按时完成 Finishing on Time 1 能按时完成 Be Able to Finish on Time2 确保今晚按时完成 Make Sure to Finish on Time TonightChapter 4 日常事务处理Daily Affairs Section 1 日常文件整理Filing Documents 1 找文件 Look for Files2 按日期归档 File Documents Under the DateSection 2 公司内部邮件往来 Communicating with Coworkers via Email 1 发送项目说明邮件 Send an Email About the Instructions of a Project2 设置邮件主题 Give Every Email a SubjectSection 3 发函联络客户 Contacting Clients Using Business Emails 1 给保罗发封邮件 Send an Email to Paul2 与客户的沟通方式 The Way of Contacting ClientsSection 4 遇到了问题,寻求帮助 Asking for Help 1 我真的需要帮助 I Really Need Help2 你应该找安妮帮忙 You Should Ask Annie for HelpChapter 5 电话沟通无障碍Telephone Communications Section 1 接听电话,礼貌得体Answering the Phone 1 罗杰先生在吗 Is Mr. Roger There2 请维姬接电话 May I Speak to VickySection 2 转接电话 Transferring a Call 1 转接电话 Transfer a Call2 请别挂机 Please HoldSection 3 应对电话咨询 Responding to Enquiries 1 电话咨询工作 A Call to Enquire About the Position2 电话咨询新电影 A Call to Enquire About the New MovieSection 4 与客户在电话里沟通 Communicating with Customers over the Phone 1 电话确认 A Call to Confirm2 获得反馈 Obtain FeedbackSection 5 处理客户投诉 Responding to Customer’s Complaints 1 电话机坏了 The Phone Is Broken2 三明治弄错了 The Wrong SandwichChapter 6 主持会议不怯场Holding a Meeting Section 1 会议的筹备 Preparing for a Meeting 1 做PPT Make a PowerPoint2 明天的会议 Tomorrow’s MeetingSection 2 会议开始了Opening a Meeting 1 欢迎参加周会 Welcome to This Week’s Meeting2 会议开始 The Meeting BeginsSection 3 征求别人意见Asking for Suggestions 1 新产品演示 New Products Presentation2 南美市场战略 South America StrategySection 4 表达赞同或反对Agreeing and Disagreeing 1 完全不认同 Totally Disagree2 谢谢你的意见 Thanks for Your CommentSection 5 做好会议总结Drawing a Conclusion 1 记录票数 Record the Votes2 记住会议内容 Remember the Contents of the ConferenceChapter 7 业务达人,谁与争锋 Being the Best Salesman Section 1 进行市场调研 Conducting a Market Survey 1 产品市场调查 A Market Survey on the Products2 帮忙做市场调研 Help with Some Market ResearchSection 2 开展营销活动Starting a Marketing Campaign 1 推广新杂志 Promote a New Magazine2 寻找目标受众 Look for Target AudienceSection 3 争取客户订单Obtaining Purchase Orders 1 提交订购单 Submit the Purchase Order2 新订购单和报价 A New Purchase Order and PriceSection 4 需要出差 Being on a Business Trip 1 更新出差手册 Update the Business Trip Manual2 飞往旧金山参加培训 Fly to San Francisco for TrainingSection 5 升职加薪Promotion and Getting a Raise 1 谈谈加薪 Talk About the Pay Raise2 应该加薪 Deserve a RaiseSection 6 迎接年终考核The Annual Evaluation 1 考核不出意料 No Surprises for Evaluation2 年终考核 Annual ReviewChapter 8 成为谈判高手Becoming a Good Negotiator Section 1 介绍自己及公司 Presenting Yourself and Your Company 1 洽谈业务 Represent the Business2 介绍公司 Present the CompanySection 2 向对方介绍产品Introducing Your Products 1 介绍冰箱 Introduce Refrigerators2 介绍产品及服务 Introduce Products and ServicesSection 3 讨论合作的可能性Discussing Cooperation Opportunities 1 对合作感兴趣 Be Interested in Cooperation2 保险业务合作 Cooperation of Insurance BusinessSection 4 进行价格谈判Negotiating the Price 1 谈车的价格 Negotiate the Price of the Car2 保险报价 The Quote of InsuranceSection 5 协商合约细节Negotiating the Contract 1 修改合同细节 Make Some Changes of the Contract2 23%更合适 23% Is More RealisticSection 6 协商付款方式Negotiating Payment Terms 1 首付款65% Take 65% as a Down Payment2 每半年付一次款 Pay Every Six MonthsSection 7 双方签订合同Signing the Contract 1 签合同并履行 Sign the Contract and Fulfill It2 今天签合同 Sign the Contract TodayChapter 9 跟同事相处,其乐融融Getting Along with Your CoworkersSection 1 跟同事共进午餐Having Lunch with Your Coworkers1 聊午餐 About Lunch2 吃午餐闲聊 Eat Their Lunch and ChatSection 2 虚心向同事学习Learning from Your Coworkers 1 公司新标志 A New Logo of the Company2 帮助同事操作PPT Help a Coworker to Operate the PPTSection 3 及时解决矛盾与冲突Solving Contradictions and Conflicts1 我今天有点儿沮丧 I’m Kind of Frustrated Today2 请把餐具放到水池 Please Put the Dishes in the SinkChapter 10 遇到特殊状况Special Circumstances Section 1 上班迟到了Arriving Late 1 别为迟到找借口 No Excuse for Being Late2 睡过头了 OversleptSection 2 需要加班Working Overtime1 今晚要加班 Need to Work Overtime Tonight2 今晚不加班 No Overtime Work TonightSection 3 开始休假Taking a Vacation 1 计划去休假 Plan to Go on a Vacation2 批准休假 Approve the Vacation RequestSection 4 进行岗位调动Transferring Jobs 1 调往匹兹堡分公司 Move to the Branch in Pittsburgh2 愿意调职去北京 Willing to Relocate to BeijingSection 5 请辞Resigning 1 递交辞职信 Hand in the Letter of Resignation2 为了孩子辞职 Resigning for Kids
Chapter 1 求职应聘 The Job Interview Section 1 自我介绍,展示才华 Self-Introduction, Show Your Skills 1 我的专业技能 My Specialized Skills2 一些特殊的语言技能 Some Unique Language SkillsSection 2 优势与劣势Advantages and Disadvantages 1 优缺点 Strengths and Weaknesses2 我的专业背景 My Major BackgroundSection 3 应聘原因 Reasons for Applying for the Job 1 为何应聘这份工作 Why This Job2 为什么是心理学 Why PsychologySection 4 职业规划 Career Planning 1 长期职业目标 Long-term Career Goals2 未来的目标 Future GoalsSection 5 薪资待遇 Expected Salary and Benefits 1 关于工资范围 About Salary Range2 公司的福利待遇 The Benefits of the CompanySection 6 面试结束了 After the Interview 1 三天内给结果 Know the Decision Within Three Days2 录用 A Job OfferChapter 2 新丁报到,请多关照 The Office Newcomer Section 1 主动结识同事 Introducing Yourself to Coworkers 1 我是新员工 I’m a New Employee2 我是您的助理 I’m Your AssistantSection 2 领取办公用品 Getting Office Supplies 1 笔和便利帖 Pens and Post-its2 换台电脑 Change a ComputerSection 3 熟悉工作环境 Getting Familiar with the Work Environment 1 参观综合大楼 A Tour of the Complex2 参观办公室 Visit the OfficeSection 4 参加培训 Attending Training Courses 1 新员工培训会 The Training Session for Newcomers2 三场研讨会 Three WorkshopsChapter 3 进入工作状态Working Time Section 1 上司分配任务 Taking on a Task 1 写专题报道 Write the Feature Article2 专题的视角 The Angle of the FeatureSection 2 开展工作 Getting Started 1 开始着手项目 Start the Project2 我的计划 My PlanSection 3 团队协作力量大 Being a Team Player 1 不错的团队合作 Good Team Work2 团队协作 Team CooperationSection 4 汇报工作进度 Reporting Your Progress 1 提交周报 Submit the Weekly Reports2 周报的截止日期 The Deadline of Weekly ReportsSection 5 保证按时完成 Finishing on Time 1 能按时完成 Be Able to Finish on Time2 确保今晚按时完成 Make Sure to Finish on Time TonightChapter 4 日常事务处理Daily Affairs Section 1 日常文件整理Filing Documents 1 找文件 Look for Files2 按日期归档 File Documents Under the DateSection 2 公司内部邮件往来 Communicating with Coworkers via Email 1 发送项目说明邮件 Send an Email About the Instructions of a Project2 设置邮件主题 Give Every Email a SubjectSection 3 发函联络客户 Contacting Clients Using Business Emails 1 给保罗发封邮件 Send an Email to Paul2 与客户的沟通方式 The Way of Contacting ClientsSection 4 遇到了问题,寻求帮助 Asking for Help 1 我真的需要帮助 I Really Need Help2 你应该找安妮帮忙 You Should Ask Annie for HelpChapter 5 电话沟通无障碍Telephone Communications Section 1 接听电话,礼貌得体Answering the Phone 1 罗杰先生在吗 Is Mr. Roger There2 请维姬接电话 May I Speak to VickySection 2 转接电话 Transferring a Call 1 转接电话 Transfer a Call2 请别挂机 Please HoldSection 3 应对电话咨询 Responding to Enquiries 1 电话咨询工作 A Call to Enquire About the Position2 电话咨询新电影 A Call to Enquire About the New MovieSection 4 与客户在电话里沟通 Communicating with Customers over the Phone 1 电话确认 A Call to Confirm2 获得反馈 Obtain FeedbackSection 5 处理客户投诉 Responding to Customer’s Complaints 1 电话机坏了 The Phone Is Broken2 三明治弄错了 The Wrong SandwichChapter 6 主持会议不怯场Holding a Meeting Section 1 会议的筹备 Preparing for a Meeting 1 做PPT Make a PowerPoint2 明天的会议 Tomorrow’s MeetingSection 2 会议开始了Opening a Meeting 1 欢迎参加周会 Welcome to This Week’s Meeting2 会议开始 The Meeting BeginsSection 3 征求别人意见Asking for Suggestions 1 新产品演示 New Products Presentation2 南美市场战略 South America StrategySection 4 表达赞同或反对Agreeing and Disagreeing 1 完全不认同 Totally Disagree2 谢谢你的意见 Thanks for Your CommentSection 5 做好会议总结Drawing a Conclusion 1 记录票数 Record the Votes2 记住会议内容 Remember the Contents of the ConferenceChapter 7 业务达人,谁与争锋 Being the Best Salesman Section 1 进行市场调研 Conducting a Market Survey 1 产品市场调查 A Market Survey on the Products2 帮忙做市场调研 Help with Some Market ResearchSection 2 开展营销活动Starting a Marketing Campaign 1 推广新杂志 Promote a New Magazine2 寻找目标受众 Look for Target AudienceSection 3 争取客户订单Obtaining Purchase Orders 1 提交订购单 Submit the Purchase Order2 新订购单和报价 A New Purchase Order and PriceSection 4 需要出差 Being on a Business Trip 1 更新出差手册 Update the Business Trip Manual2 飞往旧金山参加培训 Fly to San Francisco for TrainingSection 5 升职加薪Promotion and Getting a Raise 1 谈谈加薪 Talk About the Pay Raise2 应该加薪 Deserve a RaiseSection 6 迎接年终考核The Annual Evaluation 1 考核不出意料 No Surprises for Evaluation2 年终考核 Annual ReviewChapter 8 成为谈判高手Becoming a Good Negotiator Section 1 介绍自己及公司 Presenting Yourself and Your Company 1 洽谈业务 Represent the Business2 介绍公司 Present the CompanySection 2 向对方介绍产品Introducing Your Products 1 介绍冰箱 Introduce Refrigerators2 介绍产品及服务 Introduce Products and ServicesSection 3 讨论合作的可能性Discussing Cooperation Opportunities 1 对合作感兴趣 Be Interested in Cooperation2 保险业务合作 Cooperation of Insurance BusinessSection 4 进行价格谈判Negotiating the Price 1 谈车的价格 Negotiate the Price of the Car2 保险报价 The Quote of InsuranceSection 5 协商合约细节Negotiating the Contract 1 修改合同细节 Make Some Changes of the Contract2 23%更合适 23% Is More RealisticSection 6 协商付款方式Negotiating Payment Terms 1 首付款65% Take 65% as a Down Payment2 每半年付一次款 Pay Every Six MonthsSection 7 双方签订合同Signing the Contract 1 签合同并履行 Sign the Contract and Fulfill It2 今天签合同 Sign the Contract TodayChapter 9 跟同事相处,其乐融融Getting Along with Your CoworkersSection 1 跟同事共进午餐Having Lunch with Your Coworkers1 聊午餐 About Lunch2 吃午餐闲聊 Eat Their Lunch and ChatSection 2 虚心向同事学习Learning from Your Coworkers 1 公司新标志 A New Logo of the Company2 帮助同事操作PPT Help a Coworker to Operate the PPTSection 3 及时解决矛盾与冲突Solving Contradictions and Conflicts1 我今天有点儿沮丧 I’m Kind of Frustrated Today2 请把餐具放到水池 Please Put the Dishes in the SinkChapter 10 遇到特殊状况Special Circumstances Section 1 上班迟到了Arriving Late 1 别为迟到找借口 No Excuse for Being Late2 睡过头了 OversleptSection 2 需要加班Working Overtime1 今晚要加班 Need to Work Overtime Tonight2 今晚不加班 No Overtime Work TonightSection 3 开始休假Taking a Vacation 1 计划去休假 Plan to Go on a Vacation2 批准休假 Approve the Vacation RequestSection 4 进行岗位调动Transferring Jobs 1 调往匹兹堡分公司 Move to the Branch in Pittsburgh2 愿意调职去北京 Willing to Relocate to BeijingSection 5 请辞Resigning 1 递交辞职信 Hand in the Letter of Resignation2 为了孩子辞职 Resigning for Kids
