


作者:胡敏 主编





  “读故事记单词”系列图书以“在故事语境中记单词”为理念,将英语学习者从枯燥的单词词条中解放出来,为单词提供趣味语境,帮助大家轻松记单词。该丛书体系完整,覆盖了从中学到GRE各个阶段的词汇。本书是大学英语分册,专攻四、六级词汇。该书词汇紧扣《大学英语课程教学要求》,并根据历年四、六级考试真题仔细甄别精挑细选,因此紧扣考点,凸显核心释义。书中收录的285篇英文故事分为基础篇和提高篇两组。故事由英美语言专家围绕四、六级核心词汇精心创作,这些故事趣味十足、可读性强,语言简洁地道。故事素材不仅来源丰富,也经过精挑细选,涉及工作、生活、娱乐、友情、爱情等,几乎涵盖了西方社会生活的方方面面。 在栏目设计上,每篇故事包含三个部分:英文故事,词汇注释及中文译文。每篇英文故事都附有同样美妙的译文,四、六级单词在英文故事和译文中以专色突出,不仅活跃了枯燥的版面,增加了本书的可读性,而且考生可以边阅读,边做笔记,使记忆效果更加深刻牢靠。而切合文章主题的配图充满童趣,点缀考生记单词时的心情。
目录?基础篇1. The Absent-minded Academic “心不在焉”的大学教师?? 22?? Mrs.Black in the Red 欠费的布莱克夫人??? 43?? ALittle Lion Tamer 小小驯狮员... 64?? YouCan’t Teach an Old Dog New Tricks 别教老狗学新招???? 85?? ForWhom the Clock Ticks 闹钟为谁而响?? 106?? WeighingUp the Anchor 把锚当什么啦???? 127?? Applyingfor a Job 申请工作....... 148?? TheBig Draw 颇具吸引力........... 169?? ABrief Encounter 不打不相识.... 1810???? ARight Way to Rob? 这样抢劫合适吗? 2011? BarberShop Music 理发店的音乐?? 2212? Barking Upthe Wrong Tree 白费力气?????? 2413? The Cold Blooded Killer 冷血杀手??? 2614???? A News Flash 简明新闻.......... 2815???? The Uninvited Guest 不速之客?????? 3016???? Smoking Is Bad for You 吸烟危害健康??? 3217???? Mad Max 疯狂的麦克斯.......... 3418???? Break Out 逃跑....................... 3619???? Santa Sam 圣诞老人山姆....... 3820???? A Well-dressed Garden 给花园穿上衣服 4021???? A Man’s Best Friend 最好的朋友??? 4222???? Hard of Hearing 耳朵有点背... 4423???? Barking Mad 疯狂到极点........ 4624???? Water Music 掺了水的音乐..... 4825???? Vote for Bill 把票投给比尔....... 5026???? A Sweet Tooth 爱吃巧克力..... 5227???? My Husband and I 我们两口子?????? 5428???? Tough Cop Meets Rough Crook 硬碰硬? 5629???? Fixing the Crack 破罐不破摔.. 5830???? The Nagging Wife 爱唠叨的妻子??? 6031???? Taking a Holiday 度假............. 6232???? A Rumble in the Jungle 丛林里的讨论声? 6433???? The Truth Will Out 真相终将大白??? 6634???? Online at Home 家中上网....... 6835???? The Unwanted Assistant 没人要的店员?? 7036???? A Tale of Two Women 两个女人的故事?? 7237???? The Star of the Show 助阵明星????? 7438???? The Efficient Cat 能干的猫...... 7639???? Age Discrimination 年龄歧视.. 7840???? The Little Emperor Meets His Match 半斤遇上八两?? 8041???? All Work and No Play 只工作不娱乐??????? 8242???? My Better Half 我的另一半...... 8443???? Full Speed Ahead 全速行驶.... 8644???? A Pleasure Cruise That Wasn’t 名不符实的快乐旅行????????? 8845???? The Dim Terrorist 眼拙的恐怖分子 9046???? A Riot of Colours 五彩缤纷..... 9247???? One Man’s Meat Is Another Man’s Poison 各有所爱 9448???? Every Cloud Has a SilverLining 黑暗中总有一线光明??????? 9649???? Rivals for the Chair 竞选对手. 9850???? ? “Anything to Declare?”? “有东西要申报吗?”????????? 10051???? ? Hope for the Homeless? 流浪动物的希望????? 10252???? ? From Rags to Riches? 从赤贫到巨富?? 10453???? ? The Computer Age? 电脑时代???? 10654???? ? Greed? 贪婪........................ 10855???? ? A Hard-working Student? 用功的学生? 11056???? ? Monkey Tricks?猴子把戏... 11257???? ? The Mystery of the Wrong Handbag? 调包之谜???? 11458???? ? Country vs.City? 城乡冲突.. 11659???? ? A Cock and Hen Story? 公鸡和母鸡的故事?? 11860???? ? Homing Pigeon?信鸽.......... 12061???? ? A Perfect Husband? 十全十美的丈夫?? 12262???? ? Baked Alaska?烘烤冰淇淋. 12463???? ? A Computer’s Best Friend? 电脑的好友???????? 12664???? ? Big Ben?了不起的本........... 12865???? ? Two Traveling Teachers? 两个旅行老师?????? 13066???? ? Hospitality Inn? 好客的旅店. 13267???? ? How a Spider Goes Deaf? 蜘蛛是这样变聋的??????? 13468???? ? The Elephant, the Giraffe and the Kangaroo? 大象、长颈鹿和袋鼠?? 13669???? ? How to Start a War? 如何发动战争?????? 13870???? ? The Disappearing Money? 钱不见了??? 14071???? ? Diamonds Are a Woman’s Best Friend? 钻石是女人的最爱????? 14272???? ? Teaching Gorillas to Talk? 教大猩猩说话????? 14473???? ? When the Cat’s Away the Mice Will Play?猫不在耗子欢? 14674???? ? Things That Go Bang in the Night? 一鸣惊人????????? 14875???? ? What a Dump!?真够脏的!. 15076???? ? It’s a Dog’s Life? 狗命关天... 15277???? ? Band-Aid?创可贴................ 15478???? ? Hollywood Farm? 好莱坞农场???? 15679???? ? Love Matter?爱恨情仇........ 15880???? ? Magic Rule?魔力法则......... 16081???? ? Everything Is Chinese? 全是中国的???? 16282???? ? Reaching for the Heights? 挑战高度???? 16483???? ? Pirate Peter?海盗彼得........ 16684???? ? The Missing Missile and the Minors? 失踪导弹与一群未成年人???????? 16885???? ? Midnight Meeting? 午夜约会 17086???? ? Thinking of You All Night Long? 整晚都在想念你??? 17287???? ? Beauty and the Oscar? 美女与奥斯卡? 17488???? ? Taking the Plunge? 冒险一试????? 17689???? ? Winter’s Warm Welcome? 冬天的热烈欢迎?? 17890???? ? The Book Critic? 书评家...... 18091???? ? Sky at Night?夜晚的天空.... 18292???? ? Watching Operas for Free? 免费看歌剧??????? 18493???? ? Origin Unknown? 起源不详. 18694???? ? The Square Watermelon? 方形西瓜???? 18895???? ? The Orient Express? 东方快车?? 19096???? ? Holiday Disaster? 灾难性度假???? 19297???? ? Passion for Power? 对权力的热衷??????? 19498???? ? Puppy Love?小狗之恋........ 19699???? ? Murphy’s Law? 墨菲法则..... 198100?? ? Troublesome Twins? 劳神的双胞胎???? 200101?? ? A Polished Speech? 精心炮制的演讲?? 202102?? ? Recyclable Roger? 爱护环境的罗杰???? 204103?? ? Never Bite off More Than You Can Chew? 贪多嚼不烂?? 206104?? ? Diana’s Presentation? 戴安娜的报告??? 208105?? ? The Priest and the Princess? 牧师与公主???? 210106?? ? A Private Life? 个人生活...... 212107?? ? Progressive Office Management? 先进的办公管理???????? 214108?? ? All for Love?一切为了爱...... 216109?? ? Best Selling Books at the Touch of a Button? 只需按键的畅销书?????? 218110?? ??? The Waiting Game? 伺机而动的策略????????? 220111?? ? Racial Issues Among Animals? 动物中的种族问题 222112?? ? Naked Protest?裸体示威.... 224113?? ? Engrossed in Reading? 专心读书???????? 226114?? ? Work Less,Spend More? 多花钱少工作????? 228115?? ? Carry On Camping? 继续管理难民营?? 230116?? ? Losing the War to Become Rich? 输掉战争才会富强?????? 232117?? ? The Phony Presidential Candidate? 假总统候选人 234118?? ? Resorting to Desperate Measures? 采取极端措施 236119?? ? Environmentally Friendly Packaging? 环保包装????? 238120?? ? Deadly Fashion? 致命时装.. 240121?? ? Skating on Thin Ice? 冒险一试??? 242122?? ? A Robot Friend? 机器人朋友...... 244123?? ? Waiting for the Queen? 等待女王????????? 246124?? ? The Grass Is Always Greener? 这山望着那山高?? 248125?? ? Space Research Rockets? 太空研究经费猛增?????? 250126?? ? One for You, One for Me ??你一个,我一个 252127?? ? Disaster Movie? 糟糕的电影...... 254128?? ? Intellectual Insecurity? 知识没有安全保障???? 256129?? ? The Generation Gap? 代沟. 258130?? ? Two-timing Girl? 不专一的女孩??? 260131?? ? Feminine Charms? 女性魅力?????? 262132?? ? Hope Shines Through the Deepest Tears? 苦尽甜来????? 264133?? ? Dieting for Love? 为爱节食.. 266134?? ? The Big Match?重要的比赛 268135?? ? From a Dog’s Point of Views? 狗的心声??????? 270136?? ? Lost in Space?迷失在太空.. 272137?? ? A Heartbreaking Accident? 令人痛心的事故? 274138?? ? From Hero to Zero? 从明星到无名小卒???????? 276139?? ? The Dirty Restaurant? 脏兮兮的餐馆?? 278140?? ? Living to Eat?不吃白不吃.... 280141?? ? A River of Rags? 运破布的河????? 282142?? ? Criminal Plans? 犯罪计划.... 284143?? ? Making the News? 制造新闻...... 286144?? ? Painting at Night? 夜间作画. 288145?? ? A Failed Suicide? 自杀未遂.. 290146?? ? Supermarket Body Language? 超市冲突?????? 292147?? ? Unbearable Summer? 难以忍受的夏天????????? 294148?? ? The Headmaster’s Pet? 校长的宠儿???? 296149?? ? Fishing at Home? 在家钓鱼. 298150?? ? A Child Knows Best? 孩子最具权威性? 300151?? ? Exam Preparation? 准备考试????? 302152?? ? Waving Goodbye? 挥手告别...... 304153?? ? King of the Mountain? 山之王????? 306154?? ? Horsepower?马力十足....... 308155?? ? The Fat Butcher? 发福的屠夫???? 310156?? ? The Jazz Player? 爵士乐手. 312157?? ? The Love Tunnel? 爱情通道 314158?? ? The Meaning of Life? 生活的意义???????? 316159?? ? A Truck of Ice-cream? 一卡车冰淇淋?? 318160?? ? Rude Ralph?粗鲁的拉尔夫. 320161?? ? Gone in 60 Seconds? 不翼而飞? 322162?? ? Late Excuses?迟到的理由. 324163?? ? Couch Potato?终日懒散的人????? 326164?? ? Little Sun?小太阳................ 328165?? ? Waxing and Waning Affections? 感情的此消彼长?? 330166?? ? Walking on Water? 水上行走?????? 332167?? ? Sheepdog Trials? 选拔牧羊犬???? 334168?? ? Winning Wolves? 胜利在望的狼? 336169?? ? The Devoted Husband? 至死不渝的丈夫????? 338170?? ? The End?暂时告一段落...... 340提高篇171?? ? Accommodating a Pregnancy? 选择生孩子?? 344172?? ? A Change of Heart? 彻底的改变? 346173?? ? A Hungry Alien? 饥饿的外星人??? 348174?? ? A Second Chance? 第二次机会? 350175?? ? My Apprentice the Ape? 我的猿徒弟??? 352176?? ? The Advent of a New Day? 新的一天的来临 354177?? ? At the Auction of an Atlas? 在地图集拍卖会上??????? 356178?? ? At the Ballet?观看芭蕾舞演出???? 358179?? ? A Soldiers’ Feast? 士兵的宴会??? 360180?? ? An Interview?一次面谈....... 362181?? ? A Blistering Blueprint for Meeting a Girl? 快速认识女孩的行动计划??? 364182?? ? Parking Lot Love? 停车场的爱情 366183?? ? Because of a Bribe? 因为贿赂???? 368184?? ? Time for a Change?? 是改变的时候吗????????? 370185?? ? A Worst Fear Came True? 噩梦变现实???????? 372186?? ? Butting in Line? 插队............ 374187?? ? A Sense of Purpose? 活着的目的???????? 376188?? ? Cheers to the Chef? 为厨师干杯!?????? 378189?? ? A Real Cliffhanger? 一个真正处在悬崖边缘的人???? 380190?? ? Some Coincidence? 某种巧合???? 382191?? ? An Exception?一次例外...... 384192?? ? A Programmer’s Concerto ?程序设计员的协奏曲?? 386193?? ? Company Conspiracy? 公司阴谋???????? 388194?? ? A Constricting Contradiction? 收缩的矛盾???? 390195?? ? My Contrary Sister? 和我唱反调的妹妹???????? 392196?? ? Get Up and Do Something? 起来做点事情??? 394197?? ? A Night in the Woods? 林中夜晚? 396198?? ? A Case Solved?案子解决了 398199?? ? The Birth of a Hacker? 黑客的诞生????? 400200?? ? Dentists Beware? 牙医小心. 402201?? ? A Life Alone?独自生活........ 404202?? ? Nine Fingers?九个手指头... 406203?? ? The Purple Disco? 紫色迪厅...... 408204?? ? A Doctoral Diversion? 博士的假象??????? 410205?? ? Swimming with Dolphins? 和海豚一起游泳??? 412206?? ? An Easter Servant ?复活节佣人? 414207?? ? A Request for Help? 请求帮助???? 416208?? ? A Worthless Endeavor? 毫无价值的努力?????? 418209?? ? Bad Planning?错误的计划... 420210?? ? A Failed Expedition? 失败的旅行 422211?? ? A Feast for Fanatics? 狂热者的盛宴??? 424212?? ? Time for a Swim? 游泳的时候到了??????? 426213?? ? After the Swim? 游泳过后.... 428214?? ? Staying the Best? 一直都是最好? 430215?? ? The Fall of the Frat Boys? 兄弟会男孩们的堕落???? 432216?? ? Another Day in the Life of a Gambler? 赌徒生命中的又一天???? 434217?? ? A Glamorous Operation? 一次充满刺激的手术?????? 436218?? ? A Grieving Groom? 伤心的新郎? 438219?? ? A Hackers Guild? 黑客协会. 440220?? ?A Haunted House? 鬼屋...... 442221?? ? Ten Million?一千万.............. 444222?? ? To Save a Fox?搭救狐狸... 446223?? ? The Deathbed of a Writer? 作家的临终时刻? 448224?? ? The President’s Speech? 总统的演说? 450225?? ? A Crime Boss’s Indignation? 犯罪高手的愤怒???????? 452226?? ? In Plain Sight? 在显眼的地方...... 454227?? ? My Opinion on What Will Happen Now(September20, 2001)? 我对时局的分析(2001年9月20日)?? 456228?? ? One More Adventure for Indiana Jones? 印第安纳·琼斯的又一次历险?????? 458229?? ? Not Now!?不是现在!........... 460230?? ? Death of a Knight? 骑士之死 462231?? ? At the Lemonade Stand? 在汽水摊上?? 464232?? ? Winning Numbers? 中奖号码?????? 466233?? ? A Malignant Soul? 恶毒的灵魂???? 468234?? ? The Closing of a Martial Arts School? 武术学校的关闭??? 470235?? ? A Queen on Board? 船上的女王? 472236?? ? Ride the Metro? 坐地铁....... 474237?? ? Down with the King!? 打倒国王!???????? 476238?? ? After Pizza?吃完比萨饼再说?????? 478239?? ? The Creature?一只动物...... 480240?? ? No Nude Nuns Please!? 不要裸体修女!???????? 482241?? ? The Ceremony?入会仪式... 484242?? ? An Outlaw Outing? 歹徒的外出?? 486243?? ? No Hope??希望渺茫?......... 488244?? ? The Last Patriot of the Island Miki? 米基岛上最后一个爱国者?? 490245?? ? Penguin=Trouble? 企鹅=麻烦????? 492246?? ? A Persistent Female Lawyer? 坚持不懈的女律师?? 494247?? ? False Piety?假装虔诚......... 496248?? ? The Lucky Plumber? 幸运的水暖工????? 498249?? ? No More Prawn?别再吃虾了????? 500250?? ? Burglary in a Premium Apartment? 高级公寓内的盗窃案 502251?? ? A Proficiency Prophet? 料事如神的预言者??? 504252?? ? To Be a Protestant? 当个新教徒 506253?? ? In Pursuit of Understanding Race? 弄清自己是谁? 508254?? ? Bang!? 砰!......................... 510255?? ? Reconciliation? 和解............ 512256?? ? A Marine Refuge? 水下避难所???? 514257?? ? Reptiles’ Rule? 爬行动物的统治? 516258?? ? My Brother Mike? 我的弟弟迈克 518259?? ? A Rivalry of Laughter? 带来笑声的比赛???????? 520260?? ? My Salvation:Rugby ?我的解救措施:橄榄球???????? 522261?? ? A Problem with Orphans? 孤儿问题???? 524262?? ? Hiding in a Shack? 藏在棚屋里??? 526263?? ? A Shepherd’s Wife? 牧羊人的妻子??????? 528264?? ? Another Fallen Building? 另一幢倒塌的建筑物??????? 530265?? ? Never Take a Risk? 千万不要冒险?????? 532266?? ? Knock,Knock?敲门,敲门.. 534267?? ? Playing Popeye? 扮演卜派.. 536268?? ? Jack and the Stalk? 杰克与茎???? 538269?? ? Stepparents?继父继母........ 540270?? ? Robin and Tuck? 罗宾与塔克????? 542271?? ? A Deeper Relationship? 更深的关系???? 544272?? ? Time for the Devil? 魔鬼到来的时候???? 546273?? ? Victims of a Musical Syndicate? 音乐联合会的牺牲品???? 548274?? ? The Life of an Oil Tanker Captain? 油船船长的生活??????? 550275?? ? Love Found Among the Masses? 从人群中找到的爱情?? 552276?? ? After the Tornado? 龙卷风过后?? 554277?? ? A Fair Fight??公平的比赛?. 556278?? ? A Trek Through the Tropics? 穿过热带地区的长途跋涉? 558279?? ? My Brother the Tyrant? 我那暴虐的哥哥?????? 560280?? ? An Uprising Halted?? 停止暴动? 562281?? ? Escape?逃跑...................... 564282?? ? Revenge Is Sweet? 复仇的感觉真好??? 566283?? ? Turnaround?彻底改变........ 568284?? ? Looks Can Be Deceiving? 不能光看外表?????? 570285?? ? Santa’s Bad Day? 圣诞老人倒霉的一天???????? 572
