







第一部分 议论文 001 Chinese Way of Sending Children to School Every Day “中国式”接送孩子                                                 002 On Nearsightedness Among School Children 论学生的近视问题                                                 003 Should You Help the Old When He/She Falls down on the Street? 老人摔倒在马路上时你会扶起他们吗?                                 004 Making Friends Online 网络交友                                                           005 On Preservation of Historic Buildings 关于古建筑保护                                                  006 The Moonlight Clan 月光族                                                           007 Advertisements in Our Life 生活中的广告                                                     008 The Disadvantages of Being a “Night Owl” 做夜猫子的坏处                                                   009 Conflicts in Our Daily Life 生活中的冲突                                                    010 The Benefits of Losing Weight 减肥的好处                                                       011 On Facelifts 论整容                                                           012 Food Safety Problems 食品安全问题                                                      013 Should We Cancel the Spring Festival Gala? 我们应该取消春晚吗?                                          014 Do “Lucky Numbers” Really Bring Good Luck? “幸运数字”真能带来好运吗?                                     015 Higher Use of Intravenous Drip in China 输液在中国很普遍                                                 016 On Salt Shortage 论盐荒                                                           017 On Saving 论节约                                                             018 On Pressure from Parents 论来自于父母的压力                                                 019 Snow and Our Life 雪和我们的生活                                                    020 Should English Words Be Included in Chinese Contemporary Dictionaries? 汉语词典是否应当收录英语词汇?                                   021 Plans for the Summer Holiday 暑假计划                                                           022 The Magic Power of Polite Words 礼貌用语的神奇力量                                               023 On the Anxiety before the Exams 论考前焦虑                                                       024 The Advantages and Disadvantages of Nuclear Power 核能的优缺点                                                    025 Cities or Countryside 城市或乡村                                                        026 Actions Speak Louder than Words 豪言不如行动                                                    027 People Should Take the Mental Education of the Youth Seriously 人们应重视青少年的心理教育                                      028 Questioning is a Bridge to Learning 质疑是求知的桥梁                                                 Contents 029 Early Education 早期教育                                                        030 Why Do They Drop Out of School? 他们为什么辍学?                                                 031 On Pocket Money 论零花钱                                                         032 The Importance of Early Rising 早起的重要性                                                   033 The Harm of Fake Commodities 假货的危害                                                        034 Keeping Pets 饲养宠物                                                        035 On Opportunities 论机遇                                                           036 On White Pollution 论白色污染                                                        037 Love and Learning 恋爱与学习                                                       038 Is It Smart to Pay for Good Grades? 用金钱鼓励孩子学习明智吗?                                      039 My Views on the Development of Private Car Ownership 我对私家车发展情况的看法                                          040 On Recreation 论娱乐                                                           041 Practice Makes Perfect 熟能生巧                                                         042 Will E-books Replace Paper-books 电子书是否会取代纸质书?                                       043 Studying Abroad 论出国留学                                                       044 On Bravery 论勇气                                                          045 On Courtesy 论礼貌                                                          046 On Culture 论文化                                                          047 We Should Take Care of the Animals 我们应关爱动物                                                 048 On Change 论变化                                                           049 Living within Your Means 量力而行                                                         050 Should We Keep the Spirits of Doing Boldly What Is Righteous? 我们应该发扬见义勇为的精神吗?                                   051 On AIDS 论艾滋病                                                        052 How to Deal with Boredom 怎样对付无聊感                                                 053 On Friendship 论友谊                                                           054 Mental Health is Part of the Most Valuable Wealth Students Can Ever Have 心理健康是学生最宝贵的财富之一                                055 Pursuing Happiness 追求幸福                                                         056 Opinions on Scribbling on Public Buildings 对公共建筑物涂鸦的看法                                         057 Shopping Online 网上购物                                                      058 Working Individually or Working in a Team 独立工作还是与人合作                                             059 On the Group Dancing Competition 论集体舞比赛                                                    060 On Higher Parking Fees 论停车费上涨                                                     第二部分 记叙文 061 The Post-90s Generation 90后                                                             062 A Lesson from My Father 父亲的教诲                                                       063 My Spring Vacation 春游                                                             064 A Memory of My Childhood 儿时的回忆                                                       065 A Good Lesson 教训                                                            066 Waiting on Mid-autumn Festival 中秋节的等待                                                   067 The Spring Sports Meet 春季运动会                                                    068 One Thing I’m Proud of 令我骄傲的一件事                                                069 A Car Accident 一场交通事故                                                     070 My Ways of Learning English 我学习英语的方法                                                 071 An English Speech Contest 英语演讲比赛                                                     072 An Unforgettable Field Survival Program 令人难忘的野外生存训练                                           073 Returning Library Books 还书                                                             074 A Visit to No. 4 High School in Beijing 参观北京四中                                                   075 Boating 划船                                                             076 A Lost Bag 丢失的包                                                         077 Weekend Activities 周末活动                                                        078 My First Piano Performance 第一次钢琴表演                                                   079 Donation for the Explosion Stricken Victim 为爆炸灾区捐赠                                                   080 A Geography Group 地理小组                                                         081 The Person Who Was Out of Luck 倒霉的人                                                         082 The Most Unforgettable Person I Ever Knew 最难以忘怀的人                                                   083 An Unforgettable Day 难忘的一天                                                       084 An Early Morning Walk 清晨散步                                                       085 Helping Father Stop Smoking 帮助爸爸戒烟                                                    086 A Trip to the Great Wall 长城游记                                                       087 Watching the Football Match at Night 晚上观看足球比赛                                                 088 My Childhood 我的童年                                                        089 The Fire 火灾                                                             090 Mirrors Are Funny 有趣的镜子                                                       091 My Life in Senior Grade Three 我的高三生活                                                    092 A Visit to the Hospital 探病                                                           093 Laughter in the Nursing Home 敬老院里的笑声                                                094 Exploring Space 探索太空                                                       095 Pressure at School 学习的压力                                                     第三部分 应用文 096 Submission to Campus Broadcast: Improve Parking in Our School 校园广播投稿:改善我校的停车状况                                 097 A Letter to My Teacher 给老师的一封信                                                   098 A Newspaper Report: Looking for Time Twins 新闻报道:寻找同年同月同日生的人                               099 A Notice —— Innovations on Campus 通知——校园创意                                               100 A Letter of Invitation 邀请信                                                           101 Asking for Sick Leave 病假条                                                        102 To Make an English E-friend 交英语网友                                                       103 Introducing Yourself 自我介绍                                                         104 A Letter to a Foreign E-friend 给外国网友的一封信                                               105 A Farewell Speech 欢送会致辞                                                       106 An Announcement of a Party 晚会通知                                                         107 A Poster for an English-speaking Contest 英语演讲比赛的海报                                               108 A Letter for College Admission 入学申请书                                                       109 World Food Crisis 世界粮食危机                                                   110 Waste Sorting 垃圾分类                                                       111 A Letter Refusing an Invitation 拒绝邀请的信函                                                   112 Lecture Notice 演讲通知                                                         113 To Build a Harmonious Society 建设和谐社会                                                   114 A Letter to the International Trade Exposition 致信国际贸易博览会自荐志愿者                                     115 A Letter of Replying an Advertisement 广告应聘                                                         116 A Letter of Thanks 感谢信                                                           117 A Letter to School English Corner 给学校英语角的一封信                                           118 A Letter to a Newspaper Editor 给报社编辑的一封信                                               119 A Speech 演讲稿                                                           120 A Diary : Clearing the Snow 日记一则:扫雪                                                  121 Study Pact 学习公约                                                       122 A Letter of Apology 道歉信                                                         123 Congratulations 贺词                                                             124 An Application Letter 申请函                                                           125 A Letter Requesting an Application Form 致信索取申请表                                                   126 A Diary of Learning How to Swim 游泳日记一则                                                   127 A Bulletin for a Fete and a Dance 游园会和舞会公告                                                 128 Our Activities after Class 学校课外活动                                                    129 An Application Letter 一封求职信                                                       130 A Letter to a Homestay Host 给寄宿家庭主人的一封信                                           131 The Introduction to a Hotel 旅馆介绍                                                       132 A Complaint about Cellphone Quality 手机质量投诉信                                                   133 A Letter to a New Classmate: How to Integrate into the Group 给新同学的一封信:怎样融入集体                                   134 Self-recommendation to a Camp 夏令营自荐信                                                     135 A New Column Named English Writing 新栏目:英文写作                                               136 An Introduction 介绍(客人)                                                     第四部分 说明文 137 Chinese Newly Rich Shows Off Their Wealth 中国新式富人炫耀他们的财富                                     138 New Development for Central and Western China 中国中西部的开发                                               139 The First Female President in South Korea 韩国历史上的首位女总统                                         140 How to Build up Your Vocabulary 如何扩大词汇量                                                   141 Remembering Steve Jobs 怀念斯蒂文·乔布斯                                             142 The Change of Communication Means 通讯方式的变化                                                 143 An Introduction to a Cyber School 网络学校的介绍                                                   144 Survey on the Students’ Health 学生健康状况调查                                               145 The Voice of China 《中国好声音》                                                 146 Western Table Manners 西方餐桌礼仪                                                  147 Jeremy Lin: A Basketball Genius 林书豪:一个篮球天才                                           148 Our Routine Life 我们的日常生活                                                 149 How to Land on Your Feet When Speaking in Public 如何在演讲时不紧张                                             150 Water 水                                                               151 My Study Tour 我的游学经历                                                     152 How Shall We Keep a Healthy Diet? 我们应该如何保持健康饮食?                                       153 What to learn in Senior High School 在高中能学到什么?                                              154 Disneyland 迪斯尼乐园                                                       155 Protect Our City’s Image 保护我们的城市面容                                             156 Changes in the Ownership of Private Cars 私家车拥有量的变化                                               157 Ten Years Later, I Will ... 十年后的我                                                     158 Earth Hour 地球一小时                                                       159 How to Build Your Confidence? 如何建立自信?                                                   160 A Guidebook to Taiwan 台湾旅游指南                                                     161 Students’ Use of Computers 学生对电脑的使用                                               162 Recreational Activities 娱乐活动                                                         163 Healthy Food 健康食品                                                         164 Follow Traffic Rules 遵守交通规则                                                   165 Mid- Autumn Festival 中秋节                                                           166 Computer Virus 计算机病毒                                                       167 Junk Mail 垃圾邮件                                                         168 How to Break a Bad Habit? 如何改变坏习惯?                                                  169 An Introduction to the Spring Festival, to Foreigners 向外国朋友介绍中国的春节                                         170 The Greenhouse Effect 温室效应                                                       171 The Traffic in Beijing 北京的交通                                                       172 Skills of Communication 沟通的技巧                                                       173 Harms of Drink Driving 酒驾的危害                                                     174 The Badminton Prince: Lin Dan 羽毛球王子——林丹                                              175 My Career Plan 我的职业计划                                                     176 The Effect of Movies 电影的影响力                                                     177 Military Training 军训                                                           178 Christmas 圣诞节    
