







  马亮,黑龙江人,毕业于北京首都经济贸易大学,北京农学院学院园林学院旅游管理系系主任,中国生态协会生态旅游分会专家委员。出版教材有《观光农业导游基础》、《市场营销学》 、《旅游经济学》等。
Unit 1 Tourism Development 1Text A China’s Travel and Tourism Market Takes Off 1Words and Expressions 7Key Concepts 10Notes 11Exercises 11Text B Tour Operators Gaze into their Crystal Balls 14Words and Expressions 18Key Concepts 20Notes 20Exercises 21Case Study The Future of the Travel Industry Unquestionably is a Connected One 24Unit 2 Outbound Tourism 26Text A Developments in China’s Outbound Tourism in Recent Years 26Words and Expressions 30Key Concepts 32Notes 32Exercises 34Text B Chinese Tourism: The Good, the Bad and the Backlash 37Words and Expressions 41Key Concepts 42Notes 43Exercises 44Case Study Young Hands Drive Surge in Overseas Travel 48Unit 3 Food Culture 50Text A Chinese Food Cultural Profile 50Words and Expressions 54Key Concepts 56Notes 57Exercises 58Text B An Introduction to French Cuisine and Dining Etiquette 61Words and Expressions 67Key Concepts 69Notes 69Exercises 70Case Study French Cuisine: Foodies Fight to Protect the Term ‘Restaurant’ 73Unit 4 Lodging Industry 75Text A An Overview of the Hotel Industry 75Words and Expressions 79Key Concepts 81Notes 82Exercises 83Text B Four Better and Cheaper Alternatives to Hotels 86Words and Expressions 91Key Concepts 93Notes 93Exercises 93Case Study How Online Review Sites Are Affecting Your Hotel 97Unit 5 Transportation in Tourism 100Text A China, a High-Speed Railway Kingdom 100Words and Expressions 104Key Concepts 106Notes 106Exercises 107Text B Some Tips for Self-driving Tour in China 110Words and Expressions 115Key Concepts 117Notes 118Exercises 118Case Study ACC Attended “Forum on Patterns & Trends of China Self-Driving Tourism” 121Unit 6 Development and Protection of Tourism Resources 122Text A A Case Study of Tourism in the UK National Parks 122Words and Expressions 126Key Concepts 127Notes 128Exercises 129Text B Sustainable Tourism, Responsible Tourism and Humane Tourism 131Words and Expressions 136Key Concepts 137Notes 138Exercises 138Case Study Problems with Sustainable Tourism in the Third World 142Unit 7 Ecotourism 143Text A Ecotourism in India 143Words and Expressions 147Key Concepts 148Notes 148Exercises 149Text B Human Impacts on Antarctica and Threats to the Environment 152Words and Expressions 155Key Concepts 156Notes 157Exercises 158Case Study Amazon’s Biodiversity: Clearing up Doubts as to the Benefits of Ecotourism 161Unit 8 Tourism Shopping 164Text A Top Shopping Areas in Hong Kong 164Words and Expressions 167Key Concepts 168Notes 169Exercises 172Text B Shopping Habits of Chinese People 175Words and Expressions 178Key Concepts 180Notes 180Exercises 182Case Study How to Claim Sales Tax Back When Leaving the United States 185Unit 9 Entertainment in Tourism 187Text A Entertainment Tourism 187Words and Expressions 191Key Concepts 193Notes 193Exercises 195Text B 198Film Tourism in New Zealand 198Words and Expressions 202Key Concepts 204Notes 204Exercises 205Case Study Agritainment (农家乐) Booms South West China Villages 208?Unit 10 Tourism Marketing 210Text A Event Manager—The Best Job in the World? 210Words and Expressions 214Key Concepts 216Notes 216Exercises 217Text B New York City Tourism: A Model for Success 220Words and Expressions 225Key Concepts 226Notes 226Exercises 228Case Study District Boosts Sports, Culture 231Unit 11 Tourism Human Resources Management 232Text A Hotel Human Resources’ Five Greatest Challenges 232Words and Expressions 236Key Concepts 237Notes 237Exercises 238Text B Human Resources Planning for Tourism in Protected Areas 242Words and Expressions 246Key Concepts 247Notes 248Exercises 248Case Study Who Would You Trust? 252Unit 12 Legal Issues in Tourism 255Text A Legal Advice for Americans Traveling Abroad 255Words and Expressions 259Key Concepts 261Notes 261Exercises 263Text B Travel with Credit Cards 265Words and Expressions 269Key Concepts 271Notes 271Exercises 273Case Study Travel Assistance: How to Prepare for an Unexpected Legal Crisis 275参考文献 278
