







序:佛是什么? Preface: What is Buddha?...................................1 达摩二入四行论 Bodhidharma’s Treatise on theTwo Entries and Four Practices..... 1 前言 Introduction............................................... 2 第一 入道修行纲要门 Chapter 1 Outline of Entry intothe Practice of Buddhism.......... 3 第二 论主意乐差别门 Chapter 2 On the Differences Between Heaven and Hell........... 17 第三 一相平等无别门 Chapter 3 Equality without Difference......................... 22 第四 谈论空无破执门 Chapter 4 On Emptiness and the End of Attachment............... 28 第五 绝像离说悬虚门 Chapter 5 Essence of Emptiness without Delusions of Forms..... 31 第六 示喻观察形色门 Chapter 6 Observation of Shapes and Forms...................... 35 第七 反诘难问现理门 Chapter 7 Revelation of the Truth Through Challenge............ 37 第八 开示三界别相门 Chapter 8 Elucidating the Three Realms of Distinction.......... 40 第九 问答现说三宝门 Chapter 9 Catechism on the Three Treasures..................... 42 第十 定慧分释各别门 Chapter 10 Meditation and Wisdom......................... 45 第十一 诸法假相无体门 Chapter 11 The Formlessness of Dharmas in Essence......... 47 第十二 妄想建立如幻门 Chapter 12 A Delusion of Establishing Illusions........... 49 第十三 智断疑惑分齐门 Chapter 13 Ending Doubts and Delusions.................... 52 第十四 真俗二谛差别门 Chapter 14 Distinction Between the Two Kinds of Truth...... 54 第十五 五种心识分异门 Chapter 15 The Five Kinds of Consciousness................. 58 第十六 遣除病执正心门 Chapter 16 Removing Attachment and Rectifying the Heart.... 63 第十七 离念消融差别门 Chapter 17 Elimination of All Differences.................. 67 第十八 心现示义理门 Chapter 18 The Manifestation of Principles................. 69 第十九 比喻合当现法门 Chapter 19 Delusions from the Deluded Mind............... 71 第二十 道心增长引导门 Chapter 20 The Guidance from the Bodhicitta.............. 75 第二十一 规域内外别相门 Chapter 21 Within and Outside the Preceptive Confines.... 83 第二十二 心品利钝别相门 Chapter 22 Sharp vs Dull Faculties....................... 89 第二十三 一尽法界无遗门 Chapter 23 The Entire Dharma Realm....................... 93 第二十四 无我无执如空门 Chapter 24 No-self and No Attachment..................... 96 第二十五 是道非道差别门 Chapter 25 The Difference Between the Accepted Way and the Deviant Way.......................................... 103 第二十六 邪正一相同体门 Chapter 26 No Distinction Between the Correct and the Incorrect................................................ 108 第二十七 生死涅槃无二门 Chapter 27 No Distinction Between Life and Death......... 111 第二十八 大道远近分别门 Chapter 28 The Distance to the Great Way................. 117 第二十九 大道觉悟易难门 Chapter 29 Awareness of the Great Way.................... 121 第三十 上士无障无碍门 Chapter 30 No Difficulty for A True Practitioner......... 122 第三十一 正见邪见别体门 Chapter 31 The Correct vs. the Incorrect................. 125 第三十二 法界菩提差别门 Chapter 32 The Difference between the Dharma Realm and Bodhi.................................................... 127 第三十三 开示甚深境界门 Chapter 33 Elucidation................................... 129 第三十四 诸法不动寂静门 Chapter 34 All Dharmas Still............................. 132 第三十五 诸法因缘无生门 Chapter 35 No Generation of Cause and Effect............. 135 第三十六 诸法因缘假有门 Chapter 36 The Deceiving Cause and Effect................ 137 第三十七 心性广大无碍门 Chapter 37 Vast Mind..................................... 142 第三十八 有知无知差别门 Chapter 38 The Difference between Perception and Nonperception.............................................143 第三十九 明觉不觉差别门 Chapter 39 The Difference Between Enlightenment and Non-enlightenment........................................ 146 第四十 建立波罗蜜多门 Chapter 40 The Establishment of Paramitas............... 148 第四十一 心性远离结缚门 Chapter 41 The Detachment of the Mind................... 154 第四十二 体用无住离边门 Chapter 42.............................................. 157 第四十三 心德自在无碍门 Chapter 43 The Carefree Mind............................ 160 第四十四 随心诸法有无门 Chapter 44 The Mind and the Dharmas..................... 166 诸方杂举 Some More Cases......................................... 172 【附录】 达摩禅观门..................................... 237 心经颂 An Ode to the Heart Sutra........................ 238 达摩祖师◎序言 Bodhidharma Prologue..................... 239 心经诵◎本文 An Ode to the Heart Sutra [Original Scripture]........ 241 心经颂◎完毕 An Ode to the Heart Sutra◎End............. 278 达摩禅观门 Bodhidharma’s Contemplation on Zen.......... 279
