







Unit 1 Summarize of Mould Technology模具技术概述1 1.1Role and Type of Mould模具的作用及类型1 1.1.1Mould Role in Industrial Production模具在工业生产中的作用1 1.1.2Mould and the Type of Mould模具及模具的类型2 1.2Processing Technology of Mould模具加工工艺3 1.2.1Technical Requirements of Mould模具的技术要求3 1.2.2Mould Manufacturing Process模具制造工艺过程3 1.2.3Mould Manufacturing Characteristics模具的制造特点4 1.2.4The Compiling of Mould Manufacturing Process Planning 模具制造工艺规程的编制5 1.3Process Method and Equipment of Mould模具制造方法及设备7 1.3.1Manufacturing Method of Mould模具的制造方法7 1.3.2Conventional Machining Method and Equipment of Mould 模具的常规机械加工及其设备10 1.3.3Special Processing and Equipment of Mould模具特种加工及其设备22 1.3.4New Technique and New Process of Mould模具新技术、新工艺26 1.4Reading Passages阅读短文33 Unit 2 Stamping Mould冲压模具41 2.1Stamping Mould Structure冲压模具结构41 2.1.1Summarize about Stamping冲压概述41 2.1.2Steel Stamping Die钢制冲压模具44 2.1.3Other Stamping Dies其他冲压模具81 2.1.4Fine Blanking Die精冲模具94 2.2Stamping Equipment冲压设备100 2.2.1Plate Shearing Machine剪板机100 2.2.2General Crank Press通用曲柄压力机100 2.2.3Hydraulic Press液压机102 2.2.4Other Presses其他压力机103 2.3Reading Passages阅读短文105 Unit 3 Plastic Forming Mould塑料成型模具111 3.1Mould Structure模具结构111 3.1.1Plastic Mould and Plastic Forming Technology 塑料模具与塑料成型工艺111 3.1.2Injection Mould注射模114 3.1.3Design of Other Plastic Forming Mould其他塑料成型模具设计129 3.2Plastic Forming Equipment塑料成型设备136 3.2.1Extruder挤出机136 3.2.2Injection Moulding Machine注射机136 3.2.3Calender压延机138 3.2.4Plastic Hydraulic Machine塑料液压机140 3.3Reading Passages阅读短文141 Unit 4 Thermotechnical Mould热工模具146 4.1Foundry Mould铸造模具146 4.1.1Sand Casting砂型铸造146 4.1.2Permanent Mould Casting金属型铸造148 4.1.3Investment Casting熔模铸造150 4.1.4Centrifugal Casting离心铸造151 4.1.5Pressure Casting压力铸造151 4.1.6Other Casting其他铸造152 4.2Casting Equipment铸造设备154 4.2.1Cold Casting Machine冷铸设备154 4.2.2Hot Casting Machine热铸设备155 4.3Forging Die锻压模具155 4.3.1Billet Cutting Forging Die钢坯切割锻压模具155 4.3.2Die Forging模锻159 4.4Forging Equipment锻压设备166 4.4.1Forging Hammer锻锤167 4.4.2Forging Press锻造压力机169 4.5Reading Passages阅读短文170 Unit 5 Operation of Mould Fitter and Frequentlyused Mechanical Equipments for Machining Mould 模具钳工工作及模具加工常用机械装置174 5.1Operation of Mould Fitter模具钳工工作174 5.1.1Lineation划线174 5.1.2Sawing锯割175 5.1.3Filing锉削176 5.1.4Scraping刮削176 5.1.5Carving錾削177 5.1.6Hammering锤击177 5.2Common Mechanical Parts of Mould模具通用机械零部件178 5.2.1Fasteners and Joints紧固件及连接件178 5.2.2Spring弹簧183 5.2.3Operating Part操作件183 5.3Machining Tools of Mould模具加工工具184 5.3.1Common Tools of Mould Fitter模具钳工通用工具184 5.3.2Dedicated Tools of Mould Fitter模具钳工专用工具186 5.4Common Equipments of Mould Fitter模具钳工常用设备187 5.4.1Common Machining Equipments of Mould Fitter 模具钳工常用加工设备187 5.4.2Lifting and Assembling Equipments起重及装配用设备187 5.5Frequentlyused Measuring Tools for Machining Mould 模具加工常用量具188 5.5.1Caliper Type卡尺类189 5.5.2Micrometer Type千分尺类189 5.5.3Dial Indicator Type百分表类189 5.5.4Measuring Instrument Type量仪类190 5.5.5Gauge Type量规类190 Unit 6 Business English about Mould模具商务英语192 6.1Correspondence函电192 6.1.1The Correspondence of Establishing Business Relations(1) 建立贸易关系的函电(1)192 6.1.2The Correspondence of Establishing Business Relations(2) 建立贸易关系的函电(2)193 6.1.3Claim Correspondence索赔函193 6.2Contract合同194 6.2.1Short Form Purchase Contract简式购货合同194 6.2.2Sales Contract销售合同195 References参考文献198 Vocabulary with Figure Index词汇及图形索引199
