
环球英语2 积累篇

环球英语2 积累篇

作者:(美)高明(Scott,A.Ingram),(美)Paul,Jacobs,(英)Taylor,Williamson, 等





  《英语自学速成教材:环球英语(2 积累篇)》针对具备初级英语水平的学习者,旨在进一步培养语言运用技能。《英语自学速成教材:环球英语(2 积累篇)》配备了音频文件以及App,功能强大,学习者能更高效地学习英语。同时,高科技的学习设备方便学习者随时随地学英语。
暂缺《环球英语2 积累篇》作者简介
Unit 1 When were you born?
Unit 2 What's your favorite holiday?
Unit 3 Welcome to my place
Unit 4 Where are you going on vacation?
Unit 5 How will we get to the Blues Theater?
Unit 6 Which train should I take to New York?
Unit 7 How was your trip to Argentina?
Unit 8 I want to deposit some money
Unit 9 What do you do to keep fit?
Unit 10 What special skills do you have?
Unit 11 Do yon need a hand?
Unit 12 1 didn't expect to see you here!
Unit 13 How's everything going?
Unit 14 Do you have a vacancy?
Unit 15 When will Flight CA 983 begin boarding?
Unit 16 Yon ought to control yourself
Unit 17 1 want to see the dentist, please
Unit 18 1 want to mail a letter to Paris
Unit 19 Joe, you look a bit tense
Unit 20 That's not fair
Test for Units 1-20
Unit 21 Do you have any idols?
Unit 22 How is your French coming along?
Unit 23 What's your wish for the New Year?
Unit 24 It must be Sarah's
Unit 25 What kind of music do yon like?
Unit 26 I've been doing a part-time job
Unit 27 What's on TV?
Unit 28 Do you have some time tomorrow?
Unit 29 Do you have any vacancies?
Unit 30 I'd like to check in
Unit 31 I don't know how to thank you
Unit 32 I couldn't help envying your hairstyle
Unit 33 Have you heard the news?
Unit 34 That's shocking news
Unit 35 Please forgive me
Unit 36 I'm here for an interview
Unit 37 How was your final exam?
Unit 38 Who invented the ceilphone?
Unit 39 Do you frequently surf the Internet?
Unit 40 Don't take it to heart
Test for Units 21-40
Listening Scripts
Answer Key
