
看听学3 学生用书(最新版)

看听学3 学生用书(最新版)






  《看、听、学》系列教材是由《新概念英语》作者、世界著名英语教学专家L.G.Alexander编写,专供非英语国家中、小学生学习英语使用。此教材自引进出版后,历经数十年,长盛不衰,深受广大中、小学生的喜爱,已经成为一套广受好评的经典英语教材。《看、听、学》全套教材共有学生用书四册和学生练习册四册。第一、第二册可供小学中高年级使用,第三、第四册可供初中年级使用。初中学生也可集中学习四册教材,以进一步培养良好的英语语感和纯正的语音语调。学生用书每册60个单元,每单元两课,共120课。单课为主课文,双课为句型操练,以确保主课文中的语言知识得到充分运用,达到牢固掌握的目的。学生学完四册课本,能够学会约2 000个单词,250多个句型。★ 著名英语语言专家L.G.Alexander经典之作,专为非英语国家中、小学生学习英语度身定制,问世以来,风靡世界,历久不衰★ 内容贴近学生生活,充满童趣;语言地道,浅近实用,有助于培养学生用英语交流的习惯有趣★ 图文并茂,编排新颖,能够激发学生学习兴趣★ 语音纯正,有利于学生跟读模仿,打下良好的语音基础 ★ 帮助学生了解了英语国家的风土人情
暂缺《看听学3 学生用书(最新版)》作者简介
Rev, L.
1 Not a very good morning
Rev. L.
3 Look out, boys!
Rev. L,
5 With Billy's best wishes
Rev. L.
7 New neighbours
Rev. L.
9 The Blakes move in
Rev. L.
11 Dickand Harry
Rev. L.
13 You're a nuisance!
Rev. L,
15 A safe place
17 Please be politef
19 Isn't he a lovely baby!
21 The wrong car
23 Billy's favourite subject
25 Television Day: The Flyer
27 The music lesson
29 The weight-lifter
31 Holiday photographs
33 The best garden in the neiqhbourhood
35 Television. Day: Mass production
37 Don't be so greedy!
39 The protest march
41 On strike
43 The strike is over
45 Television Day: How an artist works
47 Lots of coins, but no money!
49 Window-shopping is free
51 Sandy serves lunch
53 A nice maths lesson
55 Television Day: The search for oil
57 Copycat!
59 Absent-minded
61 Don't show off!
63 The Customs
65 Television Day: Mozart
67 Green stripes
69 Wrong number
71 The ticket machine
73 Guess what!
75 Television Day: Don't complain about arithmetic!
77 No litter!
79 Mrs Dumpling's on a diet!
81 Service with a smile!
83 Something's burning!
85 Television Day: The Lascaux Cave
87 Don't waste electricity and water!
89 A very kind waiter
91 Make up your mind!
93 Too good to be true!
95 Television Day- "General Sherman"
97 "A bank robbery"
99 Sandy reads a joke
101 The sales
103 Sandy takes some photos
105 Television Day: ... four, three,two, one, zero!
107 A lucky tramp
109 Not good enough
111 People are so forgetful!
113 Still pretty good!
115 Television Day" Captain Cook
117 Father used to be a Boy Scout
119 Who's silly? Boys or girls?
