


作者:段婕 编





Chapter 1 International Business Introduction国际商务导读
1.1 Background Introduction背景导人
1.2 Learning Objectives学习目标
1.3 Business Letters in English商务英语书信
1.4 Introduction to the Course课程介绍
1.5 Write YOur Wav to Success in International Business写作之路
1.6 Example样例
Chapter 2 The Structure of International Business Letter国际商务函电的基本结构
2.1 Introduction知识导人
2.2 The Component of International Business Letter国际商务函电的组成
2.3 Example样例
Chapter 3 The Style of International Business Letter国际商务函电的文体格式
3.1 Introduction知识导人
3.2 The Kind of Intcrnational Business Letter国际商务函电书信的文体类型
3.3 The Characteristic of Business Letter国际商务函电的文体特征
3.4 Example 1:Block Form齐头式
3.5 Example 2:Modified Block Form with Indented Style混合式
3.6 Example 3:Modified Block Form改良式
3.7 Example 4:Simplified Form简化式
3.8 Addressing Envelopes信封的写法
Chapter 4 Writing Principles and Some Rules of the Business Letter国际商务函电写作原则与要求
4.1 Introduction知识导人
4.2 Writing Principles of the Business Letter写作原则
4.3 Preapare the Writing写作前的准备
4.4 Some Rules of Business Letter写作要求
4.5 E-mail Communication电子邮件交流
Chapter 5 Establishing Business Relations建立贸易关系
5.1 Introduction知识导人
5.2 The Way of How to Establish Business Relations建立贸易关系的方式
5.3 Example 1:Self Introduction自我介绍
5.4 Example 2:Contact Customer after the Fair展销会后联系客户
5.5 Example 3:Take Part in Fairs参加展销会
5.6 Example 4:Enquiry from Customer来自客户的询盘
5.7 Example 5:Send An Invitation Letter提供邀请函
5.8 Example 6:7ake the Information from Other Colleagues来自同行的信息
5.9 Example 7:Contact Customer by B2B Web Information来自B2B顾客的网络信息
5.10 Example 8:Importer Writes to Exporter进口商给出口商
5.11 Example 9:Business Development Letter业务开发函
Chapter 6 Inquiry and Quotation询价与报价
6.1 Introduction知识导人
6.2 Inquiry and the Style of Quotation询价与报价的类型
6.3 Example 1:The Letters of General Enquiry and Replies一般询价及回复
6.4 Example 2:The Letter of Specific Inquiry and Replies具体询价及回复
6.5 Example 3:The Letters of Quotation and Replies报价及回复
Chapter 7 Firm Offer and Non.firm Offer,Counter.offer实盘和虚盘,还盘
7.I Introduction知识导人
7.2 The Basic Knowledge of Firm Offer and Non—firm Offer,Counter.offer实盘、虚盘和还盘的基础知识
7.3 Example 1:Letter of Firm Offer实盘
7.4 Example 2:Letter of Non—firm Offer虚盘
7.5 Example 3:Letter of Counter—offer还盘
Chapter 8 Orders and Acknowledgements订单与接受
8.1 Introduction知识导人
8.2 The Basic Knowledge of Orders and Acknowledgement订单与接受的基本知识
8.3 Example 1:Order of Cashmere Sweater羊毛衫订单
8.4 Example 2:Order of Canned Pork Luncheon Meat午餐肉罐头订单
8.5 Example 3:Printed Order打印订单
8.6 Example 4:Acceptance of Order接受订单
8.7 Example 5:Offering Substitute提供代用品
8.8 Example 6:Letters of Regret因不能接受订单而表示歉意的信
8.9 Example 7:Rejection for the Reason of No Supply因无货而拒绝买方订单
8.10 Example 8:Rejecting Buyer’S Delivery Terms拒绝接受买方的交货条件
8.11 Example 9:Declining the Order because of Delayed Loading无法按期装运而婉拒订单
8.12 Example 10:Confirm Acceptance Order要求确认订单
8.13 Example 11:Trim Order试验性订购
8.14 Example 12:Official Order正式订购
Chapter 9 Payment支付
9.1 Introduction知识导人
9.2 The Methods of Paymeat支付方式
9.3 Example 1:Irrevocable Letter of Credit不可撤销信用证
9.4 Example 2:Confirmed Irrevocable Letter of Credit保兑的、不可撤销信用证
9.5 Example 3:Urging Establishment of L/C催开信用证
9.6 Example 4:Amendment to Letter of Credit修改信用证
9.7 Example 5:Extention of Letter of Credit展延信用证
9.8 Example 6:Attention提示
Chapter 10 Insurance保险
10.1 Introduction知识导人
10.2 The Style of Insurance保险的种类
1O.3 Example 1:Importer Asks Exporter to Cover Insurance进口商要求出口商代办保险
10.4 Example 2:Insurance Company Asks to Cancel Breakage Risk保险公司要求取消破碎险
Chapter 11 Packing and Shipping包装与装运
11.1 Introduction知识导人
11.2 The Content of Packing and Shipping包装与装运的内容
11.3 Example 1:Packing Instruction装船指示
11.4 Example 2:Negotiation over Shipping Marks装船唛头
11.5 Example 3:Urging for Prompt Delivery催装运
11.6 Example 4:Shipping Instructions装船通知
11.7 Example 5:Booking Shipping Containers预订船运集装箱
Chapter 12 Complaints and Claims申诉与索赔
12.1 Introduction知识导人
12.2 The Content of Claims&Complaints索赔与申诉的内容
12.3 Example 1:Complaint of Wrong Goods Delivered申诉错发货物
12.4 Example 2:Complaint for Late Delivery申诉迟交货物
12.5 Example 3:Complaint for Inferior Quality对质量低劣提出的申诉
12.6 Example 4:Claim for inferior Quality对质量低劣提出的索赔
12.7 Example 5:Claim for Improper Packing不良包装引起的索赔
12.8 Example 6:Claim for Short Weight短重引起的索赔
Chapter 13 Agency代理
13.1 Introduction知识导人
13.2 The Kinds of Agency代理的类型
13.3 Example 1:Asking to be Sole Agency请求当独家代理
13.4 Example 2:Sole Agency Agreement独家代理协议
Chapter 14 Contract and Agreement合同与协议
14.1 Introduction知识导人
14.2 The Basic Knowledge of Contract合同的基础知识
14.3 Example 1:Sales Contract国际货物销售合同
14.4 Example 2:Purchasing Equipment Contract购买设备合同
14.5 Example 3:Import and Expoa Business Contract进出口买卖合同
14.6 Example 4:Consignment Agreement寄售协议
Chapter 15 Other International Trade Style其他贸易形式
15.1 Introduction知识导人
15.2 Example 1:/echnology Consuhancy Service Contract国际技术咨询服务
15.3 Example 2:Contract for Processing&Assembly and Compensation Trade对外加工装配、补偿贸易合同
15.4 Example 3:Confidentiality Agreement公司保密协议
附录1 国际商务函电常用词汇
附录2 国际商务函电常用短语
附录3 国际商务贸易类型词汇
附录4 国际商务常见八大类信函的模板
附录5 国际商务函电常见表达
附录6 合同通用条款范本(中英文)
