作者:李丽平,Zhang,Bin,Yuan,Qingdan 著
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Background
1.2 LiteratureReview
1.3 SignificanceofResearch
1.4 Scope
1.5 Methodology
1.6 Structure
Chapter 2 Research on the Theory of Environment and Trade Agreement
2.1 Environment and Trade Theo
2.2 Empirical Research on the Correlation between Trade and Environment
2.3 Trade, Environment and the Governance System
Chapter 3 Analysis of the Development and Rationale for Environmental Provisions in FTAs
3.1 Development ofEnvironmental Provisions in FTAs
3.2 Status ofEnvironmental Provisions ofFTAs in Major Economies
3.3 Analysis of Rationale for the Establishment of Environmental Provisions of FTAs
Chapter 4 Content Analysis of Environmental Provisions in FTAs
4.1 Main EnvironmentaIProvisions in FTAs
4.2 Case Study ofEnvironmental Chapter in FTAs
Chapter 5 Environmental Cooperation Provisions in FTAs
5.1 GeneralAnalysis on Environmental Cooperation in FTAs
5.2 Evolvement ofECPs in FTAs
5.3 Main Motivations to Include ECP in FTAs
5.4 Types ofEnvironmental Cooperation
5.5 Institutionaland FinanciaIArrangements for Environmental Cooperation
5.6 Specific Areas ofEnvironmental Cooperation
Chapter 6 Environmental Dispute Settlement under FTAs
6.1 Dispute Settlements Between States: an Overview
6.2 Environmental Disputes under FTAs..
6.3 Dispute Settlement Mechanisms for Environmental Disputes under FTAs
6.4 Case Study ofEnvironmental Dispute Settlement under FTAs
6.5 Choice ofForum and Application ofLaw
Chapter 7 Environmental Impact Assessment of FTAs
7.1 Overview and Characteristics ofEIA of FTAs
7.2 Significance ofconducting EIA of FTAs
7.3 Development Process ofEIA ofFTAs
7.4 Major Methodologies for EIA ofFTAs
7.5 Case Studies-EnvironmentaIAssessment of KORUS FTA
Chapter 8 Analysis of the Environmental Provisions in FTAs of China
8.1 Current Situation ofthe Development ofFTAs in China
8.2 Environmental Provisions in the FTAs ofChina
8.3 Case Studies
8.4 Comparison and analysis ofEnvironmental Provisions in FTAs involving China.
Chapter 9 The Development of Environmental Provisions in FTAs and Recommendations.
9.1 The Future Trend ofEnvironmental Provisions in FTAs
9.2 Recommendations
1.1 Background
1.2 LiteratureReview
1.3 SignificanceofResearch
1.4 Scope
1.5 Methodology
1.6 Structure
Chapter 2 Research on the Theory of Environment and Trade Agreement
2.1 Environment and Trade Theo
2.2 Empirical Research on the Correlation between Trade and Environment
2.3 Trade, Environment and the Governance System
Chapter 3 Analysis of the Development and Rationale for Environmental Provisions in FTAs
3.1 Development ofEnvironmental Provisions in FTAs
3.2 Status ofEnvironmental Provisions ofFTAs in Major Economies
3.3 Analysis of Rationale for the Establishment of Environmental Provisions of FTAs
Chapter 4 Content Analysis of Environmental Provisions in FTAs
4.1 Main EnvironmentaIProvisions in FTAs
4.2 Case Study ofEnvironmental Chapter in FTAs
Chapter 5 Environmental Cooperation Provisions in FTAs
5.1 GeneralAnalysis on Environmental Cooperation in FTAs
5.2 Evolvement ofECPs in FTAs
5.3 Main Motivations to Include ECP in FTAs
5.4 Types ofEnvironmental Cooperation
5.5 Institutionaland FinanciaIArrangements for Environmental Cooperation
5.6 Specific Areas ofEnvironmental Cooperation
Chapter 6 Environmental Dispute Settlement under FTAs
6.1 Dispute Settlements Between States: an Overview
6.2 Environmental Disputes under FTAs..
6.3 Dispute Settlement Mechanisms for Environmental Disputes under FTAs
6.4 Case Study ofEnvironmental Dispute Settlement under FTAs
6.5 Choice ofForum and Application ofLaw
Chapter 7 Environmental Impact Assessment of FTAs
7.1 Overview and Characteristics ofEIA of FTAs
7.2 Significance ofconducting EIA of FTAs
7.3 Development Process ofEIA ofFTAs
7.4 Major Methodologies for EIA ofFTAs
7.5 Case Studies-EnvironmentaIAssessment of KORUS FTA
Chapter 8 Analysis of the Environmental Provisions in FTAs of China
8.1 Current Situation ofthe Development ofFTAs in China
8.2 Environmental Provisions in the FTAs ofChina
8.3 Case Studies
8.4 Comparison and analysis ofEnvironmental Provisions in FTAs involving China.
Chapter 9 The Development of Environmental Provisions in FTAs and Recommendations.
9.1 The Future Trend ofEnvironmental Provisions in FTAs
9.2 Recommendations