作者:李俊昌,吴艳梅 编
在激光应用研究领域,标量衍射理论能够解决大量实际问题。然而,衍射计算十分繁杂,国内外研究的专著甚少,衍射计算通常成为大学生、研究生及科研人员遇到的难题。随着计算机及CCD技术的进步,基于衍射计算理论及计算机技术,数字全息逐渐形成一项具有重要前景的新兴技术,国内尚无一部专著阐述。《光学与光子学丛书:衍射计算与数字全息(下册 英文版 附光盘)》基于作者近30年在该领域的研究及国内外的研究成果,除系统总结经典衍射积分的数值计算方法外,将对空间曲面衍射场的数值计算进行专门研究,并且,将以数字全息为衍射计算理论的应用载体,较详细地对数字全息涉及的理论、技术及在全息干涉计量中的应用进行介绍。
李俊昌,Li Junchang,male,born in Kunming,Yunnan province, China on September 1 8th,1945,a professor frOm the College of Science,Kunming University of Science and Technology.He graduated from the Department of Physics.Yunnan University in 1967.1n the research field of Laser application.he has carried out scientific coopemtion with Institut National des Sciences Appliqu~e de Lyon,Ecole Centrale de Lyon,Ecole Nationale Superieure des Arts et M6ties de Paris and University du Maine and directed Ph.D students in China and France since 1984.吴艳梅,Wu Yanmei,female,born in Loudi,Hunan province, an associate professor.She graduated from Kunming University of Science and Technology,and obtained her Ph.D degree.In recent years,she has published fody― five papers,and won five teaching awards at the national Ievel.
Chapter 6 Reconstructing Wavefronts Propagated through an Optical System
6.1 General Discussion of Wavefront Reconstruction
6.1.1 CCD Detection Information Research Based on the Abbe Imaging Theory
6.1.2 Impulse Response of the Process
6.2 Digital Holography with a Zoom
6.2.1 Principle of the Zoom
6.2.2 Study of the Zoom
6.2.3 Design of the Zoom
6.3 Reconstructing an Image by Collins' Formula
6.3.1 Reconstruction Algorithm
6.3.2 Adjustable-magnification Reconstruction after Propagation across an Optical System
6.4 Using the Classical Diffraction Formula to Reconstruct the Wavefront after Propagation across an Optical System
6.4.1 Use of the Rigorous Diffraction Formula
6.4.2 Reconstruction of the Object Wave in the Object and Image Spaces
6.4.3 Digital Holographic Measurement of Matrix Elements in Optical System
Chapter 7 Basic Principles and Common Techniques of Holographic Interferometry
7.1 Single Exposure Method or Real-time Hologram Interferometry
7.1.1 Basic Principle of Single Exposure Method
7.1.2 Example of Real Time Holographic Interferometry
7.1.3 The Application of Special Carrier Phase-shifting in Real Time Holographic Testing
7.2 Double Exposure Method
7.2.1 Basic Principles of Double Exposure Method
7.2.2 Examples of Object Displacement Measurement and One Dimensional Measurement of Object Displacement
7.2.3 Testing of Three Dimensional Displacement Field with Double Exposure Method
7.3 Time Average Method
7.3.1 Basic Principle of Time Average Method
7.3.2 Example of Time Average Measurement
Chapter 8 Application of Digital Holography in Optical Testing
8.1 Creating Digital Holographic Interferogram and Its Phase Unwrapping
8.1.1 Creating Digital Holographic Interferogram and Its Representation
8.1.2 Phase Unwrapping of Interferogram
8.2 Common Techniques in Digital Holographic Testing
8.2.1 Digital Holographic Testing for Three Dimensional Profilometry
8.2.2 Digital Holographic Testing of Micro Deformation of Object
8.2.3 Time Average Method Digital Holography Vibration Analysis
8.2.4 Three-dimensional Particle Field Detection
8.3 Digital Holography Testing with Physical Optical Transformation System
8.3.1 General Discussion of Digital Holography System on Image Plane
8.3.2 Micro Digital Holography Testing of Tiny Object
8.3.3 Digital Holography Testing Example of Large-size Object
8.4 The Special Technology of Digital Holographic Interferometry
8.4.1 Digital Holographic Detecting Technology of Transient Process of Femtosecond Laser
8.4.2 Common Path Coaxial Macro-digital Holography Detection
8.4.3 Digital Holography Microscopy of Low Coherent LED Illuminating.
8.5 Digital Holography CT
8.5.1 Radon Transformation Introduction
8.5.2 Digital Holography CT Principle
8.5.3 The Detection Simulation of Digital Holographic VT
8.5.4 Application Example of Microscopy Digital Holography CT