电子商务操作员陈文培主编;陈文培,邢开东编本教材由劳动和社会保障部教材办公室、上海市职业培训指导中心依据上海1+X职业技能鉴定考核细目——电子商务操作员组织编写。本教材从强化培养操作技能,掌握一门实用技术的角度出发,较好地体现了本职业当前最新的实用知识与操作技术,对于提高从业人员基本素质,掌握电子商务操作员的核心内容与技能有直接的帮助和指导作用。本教材在编写中摒弃了传统教材注重系统性、理论性和完整性的编写方法,而是根据本职业的工作特点,从掌握实用操作技能,以能力培养为根本出发点,采用模块化的编写方式。主要内容包括:计算机基础知识、计算机操作系统(Windows 2000)、Word 2000的应用、Excel 2000的应用、互联网的应用、电子商务基础知识。在每一个模块中,着重介绍相关专业理论知识与专业操作技能,使理论与实践得到有机的结合。本教材可作为电子商务操作员职业技能培训与鉴定考核教材,也可供中等职业学校电子商务专业师生,以及相关从业人员参加电子商务操作员职业培训、岗位培训、就业培训使用。
知识资产(英)马克斯·H·博伊索特(Max H·Boisot)著;张群群,陈北译在信息经济时代,对知识资产的有效管理已成为组织获得竞争优势的关键。在这部极富创新意义的著作中,作者提供了一个简约有力的概念性分析框架——信息空间,用以考察实物资产与知识资产之间错综复杂的关系,帮助读者了解知识在组织中和组织间的流动,以及通过编码、抽象和扩散而发挥的作用,进而指出,在组织战略层次上对知识资产进行有效管理的重要意义。本书视角新颖,内容丰富,是一项综合多学科的研究成果,出版后,获得一致好评,并获得2000年度Igor Ansofg战略奖。
小型企业的电子营销终级指南Tom Antion 著Electronic marketing isn't just for big business; the Internet is a great way for small businesses to get the word out about what they sell and what they do.Unfortunately,most small businesses fail to take full advantage of the powerful and affordable Internet marketing techniques available to them.Thankfully,The Ultimate Guide to Electronic Marketing for Small Business provides the real-world tools and tactics small business owners need to sell their products locally and around the world.Full of easy-to-implement,practical ideas on reaching new customers and increasing sales,this handy guide is perfect for new entrepreneurs,small business owners,or anyone with a great business idea.Best of all,these tactics and techniques don't require a lot of technical skill,special knowledge,or a large investment of money.In fact,most of what you'll learn you can do on your own-without hir-ing an expert.With expert advice and a wealth of useful resources,The Ultimate Guide to Electronic Marketing for Small Business will show you how to:Build a money-making Web site with little investment of money or timeUse the Internet to sell more of your products and servicesEmploy affiliate marketing to bring in even more incomeEarn passive income through joint venturing with other Web sitesEvaluate your online marketing efforts for maximum effectivenessBuild a shopping cart system that automatically sells more to each of your customersUse pay-per-click search engines to guarantee top search rankings and drive business to your siteBuild a valuable database of potentialcustomers and prospects who will buy more and more from you over time.Create viral marketing campaigns to get the word out at virtually no cost to your businessAnd much moreEven if you own a traditional brick-and-mortar store,the Internet is an effective and powerful way to bring in new customers and increase sales.With the commonsense online selling strategies you'll find here,success is only a click away.作者简介:TOM ANTION is a business consultant and public speaker who helps small businesses thrive online.He is the publisher of Great Speaking,an online magazine on public speaking with 92,000 subscribers in more than eighty countries,and also operates the Great Internet Marketing Retreat Center in Virginia Beach,Virginia.
7日熟谙电子商务(英)戴夫·豪厄尔(Dave Howell)著;陈政译今天,企业正面临来自方方面面的新挑战,而电子商务的发展壮大无疑给企业提供了更加快捷方便的交流平台,使他们更容易在激烈的市场竞争中迅速制胜。在这本书中,你将会学习到,如何在新市场成熟的时候,将你的业务向互联网拓展,并适时地制定在线贸易策略。
电子商务基础教程洪国彬 范慧琳《电子商务基础教程》是高等职业教育技能型紧缺人才培养培训系列教材,根据教育部《高等职业教育计算机应用和软件专业领域技能型紧缺人才培养培训指导方案》编写而成。《电子商务基础教程》针对计算机应用和软件专业学生对电子商务基础知识的了解和掌握,以电子商务活动、运营中所涉及的技术为主线,介绍电子商务的技术和手段。全书共8章,主要内容包括电子商务活动的基本平台、电子商务网站的构建及实现技术、电子商务网站建设、典型网站建设与管理、建立FTP站点、电子商务安全与管理、电子商务网站的运作效能分析和制造业的电子商务案例分析等。《电子商务基础教程》适用于高等职业学校、高等专科学校、成人高校,本科院校举办的二级职业技术学院,也可供示范性软件职业技术学院、继续教育学院、民办高校、技能型紧缺人才培养使用,还可供电子商务从业人员等参考使用。