


作者:国家统计局住户调查办公室 编





  《中国住户调查年鉴 2015(英文版)》是将城乡住户调查资料整合、统一编辑,全面反映中国城乡居民收入和消费等情况的资料性年鉴,收录了1978年改革开放以来的城乡住户调查主要历史数据和2014年中国城乡住户调查的主要数据,以及重要历史年份各省(区、市)的主要数据和按收入等份分组、按四大经济区域分组的主要数据。《中国住户调查年鉴 2015(英文版)》中城乡居民收支数据分别按照城乡住户调查制度方法采集、汇总,编辑中未对指标口径、内容做统一的衔接修订,但对主要差别进行了说明。
Introduction to Household Surveys of China
Introduction to Household Surveys of China
Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators of Income and Expenditure for China's Household Survey
1. Income and Expenditure of Households Nationwide, 2013-2014
1.1 All Households
1-1-1 Basic Conditions of Households
1-1-2 Disposable Income of Households and Its Composition
1-1-3 Cash Disposable Income of Households and Its Composition
1-1-4 Disposable Income of Households by Income Quintile
1-1-5 Disposable Income of Households in Eastern, Central, Western and Northeastern Regions
1-1-6 Consumption Expenditure of Households
1-1-7 Composition of Consumption Expenditure of Households
1-1-8 Cash Consumption Expenditure of Households
1-1-9 Composition of Cash Consumption Expenditure of Households
1-1-10 Major Food Consumption of Households
1-1-11 Main Durable Goods Owned of Per 100 Households at Year-end
1.2 Urban Households
1-2-1 Basic Conditions of Urban Households
1-2-2 Disposable Income of Urban Households and Its Composition
1-2-3 Cash Disposable Income of Urban Households and Its Composition
1-2-4 Disposable Income of Urban Households by Income Quintile
1-2-5 Disposable Income of Urban Households in Eastern, Central, Western and Northeastern Regions
1-2-6 Consumption Expenditure of Urban Households
1-2-7 Composition of Consumption Expenditure of Urban Households
1-2-8 Cash Consumption Expenditure of Urban Households
1-2-9 Composition of Cash Consumption Expenditure of Urban Households
1-2-10 Major Food Consumption of Urban Households
1-2-11 Main Durable Goods Owned of Per 100 Urban Households at Year-end
1.3 Rural Households
1-3-1 Basic Conditions of Rural Households
1-3-2 Disposable Income of Rural Households and Its Composition
1-3-3 Cash Disposable Income of Rural Households and Its Composition
1-3-4 Disposable Income of Rural Households by Income Quintile
1-3-5 Disposable Income of Rural Households in Eastern, Central, Western and Northeastern Regions
1-3-6 Consumption Expenditure of Rural Households
1-3-7 Composition of Consumption Expenditure of Rural Households
1-3-8 Cash Consumption Expenditure of Rural Households
1-3-9 Composition of Cash Consumption Expenditure of Rural Households
1-3-10 Major Food Consumption of Rural Households
1-3-11 Main Durable Goods Owned of Per 100 Rural Households at Year-end
1-3-12 Rural Household Business Income and Expenditure from Primary Industry
2. Income and Expenditure of Households by Province, 2013-2014
2.1 All Households
2.1.1 Main Income and Consumption Expenditure of Households by Province,2013
2-1-1-1 Disposable Income of Households by Province, 2013
2-1-1-2 Composition of Disposable Income of Households by Province, 2013
2-1-1-3 Cash Disposable Income of Households by Province, 2013
2-1-1-4 Composition of Cash Disposable Income of Households by Province,2013
2-1-1-5 Consumption Expenditure of Households by Province, 2013
2-1-1-6 Composition of Consumption Expenditure of Households by Province, 2013
2-1-1-7 Cash Consumption Expenditure of Households by Province, 2013
2-1-1-8 Composition of Cash Consumption Expenditure of Households by Province,2013
2.1.2 Main Income and Consumption Expenditure of Households by Province,2014
2-1-2-1 Disposable Income of Households by Province, 2014
2-1-2-2 Composition of Disposable Income of Households by Province, 2014
2-1-2-3 Cash Disposable Income of Households by Province, 2014
2-1-2-4 Composition of Cash Disposable Income of Households by Province, 2014
2-1-2-5 Consumption Expenditure of Households by Province, 2014
2-1-2-6 Composition of Consumption Expenditure of Households by Province, 2014
2-1-2-7 Cash Consumption Expenditure of Households by Province, 2014
2-1-2-8 Composition of Cash Consumption Expenditure of Households by Province,2014
2.2 Urban Households
2.2.1 Main Income and Consumption Expenditure of Urban Households by Province, 2013
2-2-1-1 Disposable Income of Urban Households by Province, 2013
2-2-1-2 Composition of Disposable Income of Urban Households by Province,2013
2-2-1-3 Cash Disposable Income of Urban Households by Province, 2013
2-2-1-4 Composition of Cash Disposable Income of Urban Households by Province,2013
2-2-1-5 Consumption Expenditure of Urban Households by Province, 2013
2-2-1-6 Composition of Consumption Expenditure of Urban Households by Province,2013
4 Basic Statistics by Groups of Urban and Rural Household,2015-2012
5 Income and Expenditure of Urban and Rural Households by Province,2005-2012
6 Basic Statistics of Farm Household Investment in Fixed Assets in Rural Area
7 Other Statistics form Household Surveys
