







Unit 1 Romance
Part One Before You Listen
Part Two Listen Now
Part Three Look at This大意(1)故事的三要素和故事的大意
Part Four Here's More
Unit 2 A Story of Love
Part One Before You Listen
Part Two Listen Now
Part Three Look at This大意(2)关键词与故事大意
Part Four Here's More
Unit 3 A Fresh Perspective
Part One Before You Listen
Part Two Listen Now
Part Three Look at This大意(3)故事的基本结构与故事的大意
Part Four Here's More
Unit 4 In the Battlefield
Part One Before You Listen
Part Two Listen Now
Part Three Look at This听力练习的最佳状态
Part Four Here's More
Unit 5 Human Nature
Part One Before You Listen
Part Two Listen Now
Part Three Look at This词汇(1)听力中的音近词
Part Four Here's More
Unit 6 Friends Indeed
Part One Before You Listen
Part Two Listen Now
Part Three Look at This词汇(2)依据大意猜测词义
Part Four Here's More
Unit 7 The Last Moments
Part One Before You Listen
part Two Listen Now
Part Three Look at This词汇(3)委婉语
Part Four Here's More
Unit 8 What a Surprise
Part One Before You Listen
part Two Listen Now
Part Three Look at This预测(1)利用上下文的相关细节预测故事结尾
Part Four Here'S More
Unit 9 The End of the Story
Part One Before You Listen
part Two Listen Now
Part Three Look at This语篇(1)人物描写
Part Four Here's More
Unit 10 The Perfect Pearl
Part One Before You Listen
Part Two Listen Now
Part Three Look at This语篇(2)物品描写
Part Four Here's More
Unit 11 Traveling IS Learning
Part One Before You Listen
Part Two Listen Now
Part Three Look at This推断(1)根据文章大意作出合理推测
Part Four Here's More
Unit 12 Thinking of You
Part One Before You Listen
Part Two Listen Now
Part Three Look at This推断(2)依据对角色的了解作出合理推断
Part Four Here's More
Unit 13 Wishes
Part One Before You Listen
Part Two Listen Now
Part Three Look at This预测(2)运用信号词预测讲话人的思路方向
Part Four Here's More
Unit 14 Blondes' Wits
Part One Before You Listen
Part Two Listen Now
Part Three Look at This语篇(3)幽默的点睛之句
Part Four Here's More
Appendix Ⅰ Listening SCripts
Appendix Ⅱ Key
