







危重病篇(Critical Care) 病例一: ST段抬高型心肌梗死伴糖尿病酮症酸中毒和高钾血症(STEMI with DKA and hyperkalemia)(1) 病例二: 严重脑出血(Extensive intracerebral hemorrhage)(7) 病例三: 你见过这么大的气道异物吗?(Have you seen this size of foreign body in upper airway?)(9) 病例四: 高血压危象,肺水肿和心房扑动2:1房室传导(Hypertensive emergency with acute pulmonary edema and atrial flutter with 2:1 conduction)(11) 病例五: 乳突炎引起的硬脑膜下脓肿(Subdural empyema due to mastoiditis)(16) 心肺脑复苏篇(Cardiopulmonary Cerebral Resuscitation) 病例六: 心脏骤停(Cardiac arrest)(18) 病例七: 海洛因中毒致心脏骤停(Cardiac arrest due to heroin overdose)(23) 心血管疾病篇(Cardiovascular Emergencies) 病例八: 早期ST段抬高型心肌梗死患者的动态ECG(Dynamic ECG evolution from STEMI)     (25) 病例九: 导管介入治疗中心的ST段抬高型心肌梗死患者的急诊处理(STEMI management in a PCI center)(28) 病例十: 非导管介入治疗中心的ST段抬高型心肌梗死患者的急诊处理(STEMI management in a nonPCI hospital)(31) 病例十一: 胸痛突然恶化(Sudden worsening of chest pain)(34) 病例十二: 典型心绞痛症状和病史,但是ECG……(Typical angina and history, but ECG...)     (37) 病例十三: 无痛性心肌梗死(Painless myocardial infarction)(39) 病例十四: STEMI,但近期心脏核素负荷试验阴性(STEMI with recent negative stress test)     (41) 病例十五: 快速心房颤动的急诊流程(Emergency management of atrial fibrillation with rapid ventricular response)(43) 病例十六: 预激性快速心房颤动的处理(Atrial fibrillation with rapid ventricular response in a patient with WPW)(47) 病例十七: 心源性晕厥:AVB伴室性停搏25秒(Cardiac syncope:AVB with asystole for 25 seconds)(50) 病例十八: 不稳定三度房室传导阻滞(Unstable third degree AVB)(52) 病例十九: 严重一度房室传导阻滞的处理(Management of Severe first degree AVB)     (56) 病例二十: 升主动脉动脉瘤(Ascending aortic aneurysm)(58) 病例二十一: 腹主动脉动脉瘤(Abdominal arterial aneurysm, AAA)(60) 病例二十二: 腹主动脉瘤破裂(Abdominal arterial aneurysm rupture)62) 病例二十三: 主动脉夹层动脉瘤(Aortic dissection aneurysm)(64) 病例二十四: 急性坏死性胆囊炎伴AAA(AAA in a patient with acute necrotizing cholelicystitis)(66) 病例二十五: 心包积液(Pericardial effusion)(69) 病例二十六: 呼吸道感染后心包积液(Pericardial effusion following upper respiratory infection)(71) 病例二十七: 急性左下肢动脉栓塞伴肺炎及肺动脉栓塞(Acute arterial ischemia with pneumonia and pulmonary embolism)(75) 病例二十八: 下腔静脉及双下肢静脉血栓形成的新疗法(Inferior vein and limb deep vein thrombosis)(79) 病例二十九: 血压为什么测不出来?(Why is blood pressure not measurable?)(84) 病例三十: 单极植入式心电图记录仪(Implantable loop recorder)(87) [HJ] 呼吸系统疾病篇(Respiratory Emergencies) 病例三十一: 肺栓塞(Pulmonary embolism)(88) 病例三十二: 服华法林的COPD和DVT患者的咳血(Warfarininduced coagulopathy in a patient with COPD and DVT)(91) 病例三十三: 非结核堪萨斯分枝杆菌感染(Nontuberculous mycobacterium kasassi infection)     (94) 病例三十四: 慢性咳嗽咳痰呼吸困难(Respiratory distress with chronic productive cough)     (96) 病例三十五: 自发性气胸与套管针胸导管(Trocar catheter in a patient with spontaneous pneumothorax)(98) 病例三十六: 自发性气胸与Wayne胸导管(Wayne catheter in a patient with spontaneous pneumothorax)(100) 神经系统疾病篇(Neurological Emergencies) 病例三十七: t-PA治疗脑卒中的典型病例及流程(A typical stroke patient who received t-PA)(103) 病例三十八: 急性缺血性脑卒中(Acute ischemic stroke)(108) 病例三十九: 左踝手术后左臂运动障碍伴低氧血症(Unable to move left arm with hypoxia following left ankle operation)(112) 病例四十: 脑囊虫病导致的脑卒中(Stroke due to neurocysticercosis)(116) 病例四十一: 脊髓造影一天后出现脑水肿(Brain edema following myelogram)(118) 病例四十二: 急性左侧椎动脉狭窄(Acute vertebral artery stenosis)(120) 病例四十三: 颈胸腰脊髓硬膜外感染伴颈髓硬膜外脓肿(C/T/L-epidural infection with cervical epidural abscess)(122) 感染性疾病篇(Infectious Disease Emergencies) 病例四十四: 结肠癌穿孔,脓气胸,严重脓毒症(Pyopneumothorax and severe sepsis from colonic cancer perforation)  (127) 病例四十五: 早产儿,腹胀(Abdominal distention in a premature newborn baby)(132) 病例四十六: 急诊膀胱超声与医源性泌尿道感染(Emergent ultrasound and iatrogenic UTI)     (135) 病例四十七: 气肿性肾盂肾炎(Emphysematous Pyelonephritis)(137) 病例四十八: 脚上水泡(Foot blister)(138) 病例四十九: 急性骨髓炎(Acute Osteomyelitis)(140) 病例五十: 腭和舌扁桃体炎伴舌咽部梗阻(Palatine and lingual tonsillitis with airway obstruction)(144) 消化系统疾病篇(Gastrointestinal Emergencies) 病例五十一: 胰腺感染性坏死(Infected pancreatic necrosis)(147) 病例五十二: ERCP后胰腺炎(PostERCP pancreatitis)(150) 病例五十三: 两例小儿食管异物(Different esophageal foreign bodies in 2 children)     (152) 病例五十四: 误食纽扣电池的急诊处理(Emergent management of button battery ingestion)     (154) 肾脏疾病篇(Nephrology Emergencies) 病例五十五: 输尿管囊肿伴输尿管及肾盂积水(Ureterocele with hydrouteronephrosis)     (158) 病例五十六: 如何清除膀胱内血块?(How to remove blood clots from urinary bladder?)     (160) 病例五十七: 自发性肾内出血伴肾旁血肿(Spontaneous renal hemorrhage with perinephric hematoma)(162) 血液和肿瘤疾病篇(Hematology/Oncology Emergencies) 病例五十八: 特发性血小板减少性紫癜(Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura)(165) 病例五十九: 低分化非小细胞肺癌伴脑转移(Low differentiate non-small cell lung cancer with brain metastasis)     (168) 病例六十: 多发性骨髓瘤(Multiple myoloma)(170) 病例六十一: 菊池病(Kikuchi disease)(175) 儿科疾病篇(Pediatric Emergencies) 病例六十二: 良性急性儿童型肌炎(Benign acute childhood myositis)(177) 中毒性疾病篇(Toxicology Emergencies) 病例六十三: 阿片成瘾及马里兰州医疗信息交换系统(Opiate addition and Chesapeake Regional Information System for Our Patients)(178) 病例六十四: 海蜇蜇伤的现场处理(Jellyfish sting)(180) 病例六十五: 严重酒精中毒的合并症(Complications due to alcohol intoxication)     (182) 病例六十六: 静脉吸毒者的“棉花热”(‘Cotton fever’in a patient with IV drug abuse)     (185) 妇产科疾病篇(Obstetrics/Gynecology Emergencies) ………………………… 其他篇(Miscellaneous) 一、 2013年中美医生生活方式比较(Comparison of life styles of American and Chinese physicians in 2013)(267) 二、 美国急诊科临床实践内容规范(Practice scopes of emergency medicine physicians)     (269) 三、 美国院前急诊医疗体系简介(An introduction of prehospital emergency medical system in USA)(271) 四、 2013年医学理念的颠覆和改变(New changes that may change your practice in 2013)     (273) 五、 美国住院医师培训简介(Residency training programs in USA)(275) 六、 解决中国医疗信任危机的根本方法:将“信任危机”的恶性循环转换成“标准化医疗”的良性循环(The radical resolution of trust crisis in healthcare in China: transferring ‘trust crisis’ into ‘trust healthcare’)(279)
